Comet, v. 1, issue 1, January-February 1940
Page 14
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THE FAN PUBS LE ZOMBIE: Price 3 for 10c; Issued- biweeky; Address- Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois; Le Zombie is the best small publication there is to be had. It contains humor, and how! Some of the many features are: Personels, The Amature Press, the Meem Pictures, Peer Pong's Almanae, and many interesting departments, things taken from your letters. Edited by fantasy's famous fan, Bob Tucker. Rating - 90 comets. THE SCIENTIFAN: Price - 15c; issued- monthly; Address- 1836 - 39th Ave. Oakland, Calif. The largest fan pub out. And every inch crammed full of the best material possible. The second issue will be the best one out, and it's really good. Cover by Julian S. Krupa, and an excellent story (feature length), Horror's Cellar by Harry Warner, Jr. The best article to date by Doc Lowndes. Yogi in another screwy theory. And a special supplement, MERCURY, free to all subscribers. Cover by Tom Wright. FUTURISTIKARS, MEET THE AUTHORS, LETTERS, a POLL, and dozens of other features. Not so good mimeo. J.J. Fortier edits it. 90 comets. AD ASTRA: Price- 10c; Issued- bimonthly; Address- 3156 Cambridge Avenue; Chicago, Illinois. Features special planographed covers by professional artists, and there good. Has articles by such luminaries as E.E. Smith, John W. Campbell, Jr., and many others. Try it. Edited by Mark Reinsberg. 85 comets. FANTASCIENCE FIGEST: Price- 15c; Issued- sometimes; Address- 333 E. Belgrade Street; Philadelphia, Pa. Excellent mimeographing. Features fiction, excellent articles, humor, poetry, and swell departments. It's good. Editor: Robert A. Madle. 85 comets. NOVA: Oops! How did that get in here? NEW FANDOM: How can I rate what I haven't got? How about it, Sam? FANTASY FICTIONEER: This is missing, too. Accidental, I suppose. FANFARE: Price- 10c; Issued- Bimonthly? Address- 125 West Sixth St. South Boston, Massachusetts. A Fantasy Fanorama was good. The rest pretty good. This mag needs more material. Francis Pare's edits it. Laff Page also good. 75 comets. HORIZENS: Price- 2 for 15c; Issued- quarterly; Address- same as SPACEWAYS. Good cover. Horizens is edited by Warner. 80 comets. ...................................... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These reviews are very incomplete because I was unable to obtain in time some of the pubs. Such good ones as THE VOICE OF IMAGINATION, FUTURIA FANTASIA, COSMIC TALES, and many others. They will appear in the next issue. Sorry. [Illustration of a astronomical observatory.]
THE FAN PUBS LE ZOMBIE: Price 3 for 10c; Issued- biweeky; Address- Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois; Le Zombie is the best small publication there is to be had. It contains humor, and how! Some of the many features are: Personels, The Amature Press, the Meem Pictures, Peer Pong's Almanae, and many interesting departments, things taken from your letters. Edited by fantasy's famous fan, Bob Tucker. Rating - 90 comets. THE SCIENTIFAN: Price - 15c; issued- monthly; Address- 1836 - 39th Ave. Oakland, Calif. The largest fan pub out. And every inch crammed full of the best material possible. The second issue will be the best one out, and it's really good. Cover by Julian S. Krupa, and an excellent story (feature length), Horror's Cellar by Harry Warner, Jr. The best article to date by Doc Lowndes. Yogi in another screwy theory. And a special supplement, MERCURY, free to all subscribers. Cover by Tom Wright. FUTURISTIKARS, MEET THE AUTHORS, LETTERS, a POLL, and dozens of other features. Not so good mimeo. J.J. Fortier edits it. 90 comets. AD ASTRA: Price- 10c; Issued- bimonthly; Address- 3156 Cambridge Avenue; Chicago, Illinois. Features special planographed covers by professional artists, and there good. Has articles by such luminaries as E.E. Smith, John W. Campbell, Jr., and many others. Try it. Edited by Mark Reinsberg. 85 comets. FANTASCIENCE FIGEST: Price- 15c; Issued- sometimes; Address- 333 E. Belgrade Street; Philadelphia, Pa. Excellent mimeographing. Features fiction, excellent articles, humor, poetry, and swell departments. It's good. Editor: Robert A. Madle. 85 comets. NOVA: Oops! How did that get in here? NEW FANDOM: How can I rate what I haven't got? How about it, Sam? FANTASY FICTIONEER: This is missing, too. Accidental, I suppose. FANFARE: Price- 10c; Issued- Bimonthly? Address- 125 West Sixth St. South Boston, Massachusetts. A Fantasy Fanorama was good. The rest pretty good. This mag needs more material. Francis Pare's edits it. Laff Page also good. 75 comets. HORIZENS: Price- 2 for 15c; Issued- quarterly; Address- same as SPACEWAYS. Good cover. Horizens is edited by Warner. 80 comets. ...................................... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These reviews are very incomplete because I was unable to obtain in time some of the pubs. Such good ones as THE VOICE OF IMAGINATION, FUTURIA FANTASIA, COSMIC TALES, and many others. They will appear in the next issue. Sorry. [Illustration of a astronomical observatory.]
Hevelin Fanzines