Fan, issue 2, July 1945
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PREFACE With this booklet, a Shottlebop Special, the professional fantasy career of Henry Hasse closes "till further notice." Henry Hasse graduated from fan standing in November 1933 when he appeared, -in collaboration with A. Fedor, in Wonder Stories, with a popular story, "The End of Tyme". This was followed by a sequel, "The Return of Tyme", in Aug. 1934. The later prophesied a stf mag of 1940 named Future Fiction, featuring a story, "The Core". Nineteen forty produced the magazine, but the story was not forthcoming. It was not until 1942 that the prophecy was fulfilled when, due to a slip in time, "The Core" came out two years late. In Aug. 1936, Hasse was featured on the cover of Amazing with one of the better microcosmic stories, with a new twist --"He Who Shrank". March '37 found him acolyting Lovecraft with "The Guardian of the Book" in Weird Tales. Hasse appearances became more frequent. Weird Tales, Astonishing, Super Science, Planet. He collaborated with Bradbury and De Pina. In fanmags he contributed to Futuria Fantasia, Catalyst and others. In this volume, the very last science fiction and fantasy stories he has any intention of writing for some time to come, are presented four works of professional quality, not rejects but stories slanted at defunct-for-the-duration stfzines. "Prelude in Flame", from which the booklet derives its name, is a gripping weird mystery which will provide you with some shudders. One of Hasse's better works. "Parabola" you will find a straight stf story; the future, with an interplanetary setting. Murder in space, and cosmic-justice. "Conquest", the short-short of this selection, is odd; definitely odd. A little gem. Fantaisistes should enjoy it. Last but not least, the longest story of the lot, "And They Lived Happily----", closes the cycle, as Hasse returns to his original medium with a happy, humorous tale of the future. Edition has been illustrated by Alva Rogers, of Acolyte and Vom distinction. Your publishers are glad to present this booklet to fandom. --Wally & Jim-E Daugherty
PREFACE With this booklet, a Shottlebop Special, the professional fantasy career of Henry Hasse closes "till further notice." Henry Hasse graduated from fan standing in November 1933 when he appeared, -in collaboration with A. Fedor, in Wonder Stories, with a popular story, "The End of Tyme". This was followed by a sequel, "The Return of Tyme", in Aug. 1934. The later prophesied a stf mag of 1940 named Future Fiction, featuring a story, "The Core". Nineteen forty produced the magazine, but the story was not forthcoming. It was not until 1942 that the prophecy was fulfilled when, due to a slip in time, "The Core" came out two years late. In Aug. 1936, Hasse was featured on the cover of Amazing with one of the better microcosmic stories, with a new twist --"He Who Shrank". March '37 found him acolyting Lovecraft with "The Guardian of the Book" in Weird Tales. Hasse appearances became more frequent. Weird Tales, Astonishing, Super Science, Planet. He collaborated with Bradbury and De Pina. In fanmags he contributed to Futuria Fantasia, Catalyst and others. In this volume, the very last science fiction and fantasy stories he has any intention of writing for some time to come, are presented four works of professional quality, not rejects but stories slanted at defunct-for-the-duration stfzines. "Prelude in Flame", from which the booklet derives its name, is a gripping weird mystery which will provide you with some shudders. One of Hasse's better works. "Parabola" you will find a straight stf story; the future, with an interplanetary setting. Murder in space, and cosmic-justice. "Conquest", the short-short of this selection, is odd; definitely odd. A little gem. Fantaisistes should enjoy it. Last but not least, the longest story of the lot, "And They Lived Happily----", closes the cycle, as Hasse returns to his original medium with a happy, humorous tale of the future. Edition has been illustrated by Alva Rogers, of Acolyte and Vom distinction. Your publishers are glad to present this booklet to fandom. --Wally & Jim-E Daugherty
Hevelin Fanzines