Fan, issue 2, July 1945
Page 30
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30 Her resentment gave way to the same dreamy look he'd seen in her eyes earlier in the evening. "The name of it," she went on softly, "was Love Finds A Way. the hero rescued her from the villain, and they fell in love, but her father was an old tyrant, so they eloped, but their plane got wrecked, and they were swept up on a barren island---" "Yes, yes, go on---" "And it's continued next week," she ended lamely. "Darn it, I can hardly wait"-- sarcastically. "And you mean that's what you want? That sort of thing? But I can't be the hero in your drama, there's nothing to rescue you from!" Myra turned her back to him, pouting. "And there are no more barren islands." She turned back to face him, eagerly, and her pout was gone. "But there are! My cousin Rodney saw one only yesterday, when he was flying in from Australia." She went on with a rush of words, as though fearful he would stop her vefore she could get it all out. "He strayed a few degrees off the beam, and was trying to find his way back when he spotted it, and descended to look it over. He described it to me, and it sounds heavenly! A tiny place, away from the world, all sunshiny, with groves of trees and glorious beaches and---" "And of course Rodney's got to report it," Ric interrupted cruelly, "and it sounds like a swell place for a Government survey station." In her excitement Myra was unperturbed. "But not before we have one wonderful week there, da-a-arling! We'll leave on the night of my birthday, and not tell anyone. It'll be a combination birthday gift and elopement. And then Ric, I promise, immediately after we're back I'll file my Declaration paper." Ric was aghast. "But Myra, the whole idea's too -- too awful to contemplate! A barren island hundreds of miles from anything -- why, we'd be all alone! And you've never been on an island before in your life!" "But that's the idea, silly!" she laughed. "Myra, you can't mean it. Besides -- there might be savages there!" "O no, you can't scare me. There aren't any more savages, da-a-arling!" "Damn it, Myra, sometimes I don't knwo what to make of you. Coming up with an idea like this. Besides," he added in sudden remembrance, "I promised Vanmartin I'd attend the Air Derby. He has
30 Her resentment gave way to the same dreamy look he'd seen in her eyes earlier in the evening. "The name of it," she went on softly, "was Love Finds A Way. the hero rescued her from the villain, and they fell in love, but her father was an old tyrant, so they eloped, but their plane got wrecked, and they were swept up on a barren island---" "Yes, yes, go on---" "And it's continued next week," she ended lamely. "Darn it, I can hardly wait"-- sarcastically. "And you mean that's what you want? That sort of thing? But I can't be the hero in your drama, there's nothing to rescue you from!" Myra turned her back to him, pouting. "And there are no more barren islands." She turned back to face him, eagerly, and her pout was gone. "But there are! My cousin Rodney saw one only yesterday, when he was flying in from Australia." She went on with a rush of words, as though fearful he would stop her vefore she could get it all out. "He strayed a few degrees off the beam, and was trying to find his way back when he spotted it, and descended to look it over. He described it to me, and it sounds heavenly! A tiny place, away from the world, all sunshiny, with groves of trees and glorious beaches and---" "And of course Rodney's got to report it," Ric interrupted cruelly, "and it sounds like a swell place for a Government survey station." In her excitement Myra was unperturbed. "But not before we have one wonderful week there, da-a-arling! We'll leave on the night of my birthday, and not tell anyone. It'll be a combination birthday gift and elopement. And then Ric, I promise, immediately after we're back I'll file my Declaration paper." Ric was aghast. "But Myra, the whole idea's too -- too awful to contemplate! A barren island hundreds of miles from anything -- why, we'd be all alone! And you've never been on an island before in your life!" "But that's the idea, silly!" she laughed. "Myra, you can't mean it. Besides -- there might be savages there!" "O no, you can't scare me. There aren't any more savages, da-a-arling!" "Damn it, Myra, sometimes I don't knwo what to make of you. Coming up with an idea like this. Besides," he added in sudden remembrance, "I promised Vanmartin I'd attend the Air Derby. He has
Hevelin Fanzines