Fan, issue 2, July 1945
Page 35
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35 arm and they walked over to the launch. Ric breathed a sigh of relief, and again he was thankful that it was a cloudy night. Of course Myra would discover the deception very shortly, but once the launch was in the air it would make no difference. Herman had Ric's explicit orders, and even Myra couldn't countermand them. Fornier had assured him that none but Ric's own voice could do that. Ric saw them climb in. He waited a breathless moment. Then he heard the humming power of the beam, saw his launch rise slowly from the roof and dart away to the south. He walked to the edge of the roof and watched until the tiny rear lights were swallowed up in the darkness. Well, that was that. The die was cast. Ric lit a cigarette and smoked it musingly. He'd have to explain to Myra's father, of course, but he would understand. He would even appreciate the humor of it. He liked Ric. Ric was suddenly aware of someone standing by his side. "Hello, Ric, I'm sorry I'm a little late," said Myra. "But have you seen Francine? I sent her out just a little while ago to see if you were coming." THE cigarette dropped from Ric's fingers and made a little shower of sparks. He stared as though he'd seen a ghost, but in the darkness Myra didn't notice it. She continued, in a curiously changed voice that Ric could hardly hear: "Ric, I -- I'm not going. I've changed my mind. I know I've treated you terribly, but I promise I won't be like that ever again. I'll do anything you want. I'm even going to file my Declaration paper first thing in the morning. . . ." She looked away. "I saw the last part of Love Finds A Way on the 'rad last night," she said. "Well?" "Oh, Ric, it was awful. I never expected that. The hardships they went through on that island! And to make it worse there was a misunderstanding, and they quarreled, and she tried to swim out and drown herself, and -- and of course they were rescued finally and everything turned out all right in the end, but -- it just wasn't worth it." "And that's what changed your mind." She nodded, a bit sheepishly. "Lord, the eternal feminine!" Ric muttered to himself. And men are still trying to figure them out." "What did you say, Ric?" "I just said I'm glad the way this turned out."
35 arm and they walked over to the launch. Ric breathed a sigh of relief, and again he was thankful that it was a cloudy night. Of course Myra would discover the deception very shortly, but once the launch was in the air it would make no difference. Herman had Ric's explicit orders, and even Myra couldn't countermand them. Fornier had assured him that none but Ric's own voice could do that. Ric saw them climb in. He waited a breathless moment. Then he heard the humming power of the beam, saw his launch rise slowly from the roof and dart away to the south. He walked to the edge of the roof and watched until the tiny rear lights were swallowed up in the darkness. Well, that was that. The die was cast. Ric lit a cigarette and smoked it musingly. He'd have to explain to Myra's father, of course, but he would understand. He would even appreciate the humor of it. He liked Ric. Ric was suddenly aware of someone standing by his side. "Hello, Ric, I'm sorry I'm a little late," said Myra. "But have you seen Francine? I sent her out just a little while ago to see if you were coming." THE cigarette dropped from Ric's fingers and made a little shower of sparks. He stared as though he'd seen a ghost, but in the darkness Myra didn't notice it. She continued, in a curiously changed voice that Ric could hardly hear: "Ric, I -- I'm not going. I've changed my mind. I know I've treated you terribly, but I promise I won't be like that ever again. I'll do anything you want. I'm even going to file my Declaration paper first thing in the morning. . . ." She looked away. "I saw the last part of Love Finds A Way on the 'rad last night," she said. "Well?" "Oh, Ric, it was awful. I never expected that. The hardships they went through on that island! And to make it worse there was a misunderstanding, and they quarreled, and she tried to swim out and drown herself, and -- and of course they were rescued finally and everything turned out all right in the end, but -- it just wasn't worth it." "And that's what changed your mind." She nodded, a bit sheepishly. "Lord, the eternal feminine!" Ric muttered to himself. And men are still trying to figure them out." "What did you say, Ric?" "I just said I'm glad the way this turned out."
Hevelin Fanzines