Philcon News, issue 2, May 1947
Page 3
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PHILCON NEWS Page 3 Well, the purpose of this philosophical digression has merely been to justify my action on the Big Pond Fund to those who have questioned it. Now let us not jump to extreme conclusions, and decide that the convention chairman is a dirty dictator, etc etc. The convention is going to be as democratic as you please, a̸n̸d̸ ̸a̸l̸l̸ ̸t̸h̸o̸s̸e̸ ̸w̸h̸o̸ ̸d̸i̸s̸a̸g̸r̸e̸e̸ ̸w̸i̸t̸h̸ ̸m̸e̸ ̸w̸i̸l̸l̸ ̸b̸e̸ ̸i̸n̸s̸t̸a̸n̸t̸l̸y̸ ̸p̸u̸r̸g̸e̸d̸ and there will be resolutions, discussions and voting enough to please the most critical, within limits of time, of course. You people will have to decide whether you want to spend the time on political arguments, or in taking part in discussions on various phases of fantasy interest. For, when you sit down to plan the details of the convention program, you discover that time is your greatest enemy. You have a number of things you would like to have on the program, and when you add up an hour for this talk, an hour for that discussion, and a half hour for this, you find that it is becoming a tough job to fit things together, and still include everything that is important. How much can an audience absorb? How long can we allow the sessions to run? The PhiIcon will consist of heavy doses. Sessions will run from 1 PM to 5 PM with an intermission or two thrown in. The parts of the program of interest mainly to the more active fans (the resolutions and voting) will be placed towards the end of the afternoon, so that the less interested can flee before the fireworks begin. Resolutions will be handled in two sections: presentation and preliminary debate will be done on the first day. Final debate and voting will take place on the last day. This will allow time for more judicious decisions, and will also provide fuel for smoke-filled-room sessions which actually can be the most enjoyable parts of the convention. The details.of the program are still quite tentative, altho the general plan is shaping up quite nicely. In the next Philcon News we should be able to tell you exactly what the program will consist of. We had hoped to be in a position to announce the guest of honor at this time, but unfortunately our man is not quite certain that he will be able to come so early in the game. Perhaps by the time of the next Philcon News he will be more definite, and we will be able to divulge what, until then, must be kept a deep, dark, dank, and dismal secret. So, boys and girls, tune in next time to hear the answers to these stirring questions. And until then, make a note of the various announcements scattered through this sterling publication, and dutifully send in your money to the several causes which are herewith announced. One thing we do promise: though we may ask for dollars before the convention, we are not going to nickle-and-dime you to death during the convention. All we want are those ten dollar bills at thv auction. Yak yak yak.
PHILCON NEWS Page 3 Well, the purpose of this philosophical digression has merely been to justify my action on the Big Pond Fund to those who have questioned it. Now let us not jump to extreme conclusions, and decide that the convention chairman is a dirty dictator, etc etc. The convention is going to be as democratic as you please, a̸n̸d̸ ̸a̸l̸l̸ ̸t̸h̸o̸s̸e̸ ̸w̸h̸o̸ ̸d̸i̸s̸a̸g̸r̸e̸e̸ ̸w̸i̸t̸h̸ ̸m̸e̸ ̸w̸i̸l̸l̸ ̸b̸e̸ ̸i̸n̸s̸t̸a̸n̸t̸l̸y̸ ̸p̸u̸r̸g̸e̸d̸ and there will be resolutions, discussions and voting enough to please the most critical, within limits of time, of course. You people will have to decide whether you want to spend the time on political arguments, or in taking part in discussions on various phases of fantasy interest. For, when you sit down to plan the details of the convention program, you discover that time is your greatest enemy. You have a number of things you would like to have on the program, and when you add up an hour for this talk, an hour for that discussion, and a half hour for this, you find that it is becoming a tough job to fit things together, and still include everything that is important. How much can an audience absorb? How long can we allow the sessions to run? The PhiIcon will consist of heavy doses. Sessions will run from 1 PM to 5 PM with an intermission or two thrown in. The parts of the program of interest mainly to the more active fans (the resolutions and voting) will be placed towards the end of the afternoon, so that the less interested can flee before the fireworks begin. Resolutions will be handled in two sections: presentation and preliminary debate will be done on the first day. Final debate and voting will take place on the last day. This will allow time for more judicious decisions, and will also provide fuel for smoke-filled-room sessions which actually can be the most enjoyable parts of the convention. The details.of the program are still quite tentative, altho the general plan is shaping up quite nicely. In the next Philcon News we should be able to tell you exactly what the program will consist of. We had hoped to be in a position to announce the guest of honor at this time, but unfortunately our man is not quite certain that he will be able to come so early in the game. Perhaps by the time of the next Philcon News he will be more definite, and we will be able to divulge what, until then, must be kept a deep, dark, dank, and dismal secret. So, boys and girls, tune in next time to hear the answers to these stirring questions. And until then, make a note of the various announcements scattered through this sterling publication, and dutifully send in your money to the several causes which are herewith announced. One thing we do promise: though we may ask for dollars before the convention, we are not going to nickle-and-dime you to death during the convention. All we want are those ten dollar bills at thv auction. Yak yak yak.
Hevelin Fanzines