Philcon News, issue 3, July 1947
Page 4
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Page 4 PHILCON NEWS Program Ads Sol Levin Right now this is the most important matter we can think of. We are now in the process of making up the dummy copy for the program booklet, which will be published via photo-offset. This means types of advertising is unlimited, practically. Merely draw up your ad in the manner you wish to see it printed, and, if it's not too complicated, that's the way it will appear. As a matter of fact, anyone who wishes may dummy up their own ad -- in that way it will be exactly what you want, and will save us quite a bit of time and effort. Advertisements must be in our hands as soon as possible -- that's why we're getting this issue of the Philcon News out ahead of schedule. We're making a deadline of August 1st, so please make sure your advertisement is submitted before that time. We plan to print an unlimited amount of pages, perhaps even exceeding the bulky Pacificon Booklet. Now for the prices: Fans can buy a full-page ad for five dollars. This means regular fan greetings, etc. No dealers. For commercial advertising we have the following arrangements made: twenty-five dollars for a full-page, twelve-fifty for a half, etc. Special rates for shoe-string publishers (such as N3F) may be had upon request. A fan may purchase an ad for as low as 25[cents], but he'll only get his two-bits worth. Personally, we're pushing the large eighth and quarter page fan greeting ads. In fact, we'll push anything that might mean a few more dollars because the Philcon treasury isn't exactly what one would term flush. Well, I guess that's the story. It's up to you now. Make your ad up, send it in, and you'll see it in print August 31st. This is the last call for advertising! Send all advertising to Robert A. Madle, Program Bookley Editor, 1366 E. Columbia Ave., Phila., 25, Pa. Yes, we're going to have a guest of honor. After all, what would the convention amount to without one? But this is still a dark, dank secret, so you'll just have to wait. At any rate, we guarantee an excellent guest of honor. We should be able to announce just who the guest of honor will be in a few short weeks -- we hope.
Page 4 PHILCON NEWS Program Ads Sol Levin Right now this is the most important matter we can think of. We are now in the process of making up the dummy copy for the program booklet, which will be published via photo-offset. This means types of advertising is unlimited, practically. Merely draw up your ad in the manner you wish to see it printed, and, if it's not too complicated, that's the way it will appear. As a matter of fact, anyone who wishes may dummy up their own ad -- in that way it will be exactly what you want, and will save us quite a bit of time and effort. Advertisements must be in our hands as soon as possible -- that's why we're getting this issue of the Philcon News out ahead of schedule. We're making a deadline of August 1st, so please make sure your advertisement is submitted before that time. We plan to print an unlimited amount of pages, perhaps even exceeding the bulky Pacificon Booklet. Now for the prices: Fans can buy a full-page ad for five dollars. This means regular fan greetings, etc. No dealers. For commercial advertising we have the following arrangements made: twenty-five dollars for a full-page, twelve-fifty for a half, etc. Special rates for shoe-string publishers (such as N3F) may be had upon request. A fan may purchase an ad for as low as 25[cents], but he'll only get his two-bits worth. Personally, we're pushing the large eighth and quarter page fan greeting ads. In fact, we'll push anything that might mean a few more dollars because the Philcon treasury isn't exactly what one would term flush. Well, I guess that's the story. It's up to you now. Make your ad up, send it in, and you'll see it in print August 31st. This is the last call for advertising! Send all advertising to Robert A. Madle, Program Bookley Editor, 1366 E. Columbia Ave., Phila., 25, Pa. Yes, we're going to have a guest of honor. After all, what would the convention amount to without one? But this is still a dark, dank secret, so you'll just have to wait. At any rate, we guarantee an excellent guest of honor. We should be able to announce just who the guest of honor will be in a few short weeks -- we hope.
Hevelin Fanzines