PSFS News, v. 5, issue 6, July 1945
Page 13
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July, 1945 PSFS NEWS Page 13 * * * * * * * * * * * * is undoubtedly the finest "scientific" detective to appear in fiction to date. This little man, so naive in the ways and manners of the world, and brilliantly exclusive in his ingenious scientific sleuthing left a warm glow in the minds of those who read of his doings. His reply to all those who offered him tobacco in any form is immortal: "No thank you. I used to smoke, but I found that the tobacco was bad for the delicate enamel of my teeth, and once that is destroyed, it is never replaced." Some day Ellery Queen will discover Taine of San Francisco and brag about it. Despite a testimonial dinner in New York and some excellent reviews calling him the find of the year Dr. Keller's book "The Devil and The Doctor" was a failure. Dr. Keller's previous books, "The Sign of the Burning Hart" and "By the Waters of Lethe," privately published and distributed, were also failures. Let this be no criterion of the man's ability. Lovecraft's first two books also failed, miserably, one of them selling less than fifty copies. Dr. Keller's stories have the necessary quality to charm millions. Some day a volume of his stories, published at the right time, may give him his mark in the world. Let us hope it is soon for Dr. Keller, a very sick man, will probably never live to hear the final word on his works. --Sam Moskowitz / / / / / / / / / / / / ATOM BOMBS This is the second time within a couple of years that the world of science was way ahead of the writers of science fiction. The first time it was the jet-plane. The wrieters hadn't even thought of such a method of propulsion, seeming to confine themselves to more ordinary things like rays and rockets and gravity-defiers. Then along comes the jet plane -- new, and unheralded! That was a nine day sensation. And now comes the greatest news of all -- the atom has been harnessed. The papers are full of it, and you have probably read all about it long before this paper reached you in the mails. So far it has ben used in a new bomb that should soon make the Nips holler "uncle." And with good reason, for a single bomb has practically wiped out a good-sized Japanese city. At the moment stories vary on the extent of the damage done, but all agree on one thing -- that the atom-bomb is the most powerful weapon ever devised by man, and the most destructive. The papers all agree that this great new discovery bring in a new era, and that in a few years it is quite probable that many of the wildest dreams of the fiction writers will become realities. / / / / / / / / / / / / More Burroughs! A late report has it that there are at least four new Burroughs books on the way -- a new volume in each of the Mars, Venus, Pellucidar and Tarzan series. It is said that the first two books of this new lot will appear later this year, most likely in the fall. This news will be welcomed by all burroughs fans. Also it has been reported that Grosset and Dunlap will re-issue a number of the older Burroughs titles.
July, 1945 PSFS NEWS Page 13 * * * * * * * * * * * * is undoubtedly the finest "scientific" detective to appear in fiction to date. This little man, so naive in the ways and manners of the world, and brilliantly exclusive in his ingenious scientific sleuthing left a warm glow in the minds of those who read of his doings. His reply to all those who offered him tobacco in any form is immortal: "No thank you. I used to smoke, but I found that the tobacco was bad for the delicate enamel of my teeth, and once that is destroyed, it is never replaced." Some day Ellery Queen will discover Taine of San Francisco and brag about it. Despite a testimonial dinner in New York and some excellent reviews calling him the find of the year Dr. Keller's book "The Devil and The Doctor" was a failure. Dr. Keller's previous books, "The Sign of the Burning Hart" and "By the Waters of Lethe," privately published and distributed, were also failures. Let this be no criterion of the man's ability. Lovecraft's first two books also failed, miserably, one of them selling less than fifty copies. Dr. Keller's stories have the necessary quality to charm millions. Some day a volume of his stories, published at the right time, may give him his mark in the world. Let us hope it is soon for Dr. Keller, a very sick man, will probably never live to hear the final word on his works. --Sam Moskowitz / / / / / / / / / / / / ATOM BOMBS This is the second time within a couple of years that the world of science was way ahead of the writers of science fiction. The first time it was the jet-plane. The wrieters hadn't even thought of such a method of propulsion, seeming to confine themselves to more ordinary things like rays and rockets and gravity-defiers. Then along comes the jet plane -- new, and unheralded! That was a nine day sensation. And now comes the greatest news of all -- the atom has been harnessed. The papers are full of it, and you have probably read all about it long before this paper reached you in the mails. So far it has ben used in a new bomb that should soon make the Nips holler "uncle." And with good reason, for a single bomb has practically wiped out a good-sized Japanese city. At the moment stories vary on the extent of the damage done, but all agree on one thing -- that the atom-bomb is the most powerful weapon ever devised by man, and the most destructive. The papers all agree that this great new discovery bring in a new era, and that in a few years it is quite probable that many of the wildest dreams of the fiction writers will become realities. / / / / / / / / / / / / More Burroughs! A late report has it that there are at least four new Burroughs books on the way -- a new volume in each of the Mars, Venus, Pellucidar and Tarzan series. It is said that the first two books of this new lot will appear later this year, most likely in the fall. This news will be welcomed by all burroughs fans. Also it has been reported that Grosset and Dunlap will re-issue a number of the older Burroughs titles.
Hevelin Fanzines