PSFS News, v. 7, issue 2, February 24, 1947
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PSFS NEWS --The Gazette of Philadelphia Fandom -- Volume 7, No. 2 February 24, 1947 PSFS BANQUET A HUGE SUCCESS The long-awaited PSFS Banquet was finally held Saturday evening, February 22nd, at the downtown establishment, Leoncavallo's. Over forty PSFS members and their guests attended, and helped to make the affair a definite success. Members began arriving as early as 7:45, but it was not until nine PM that the dinner was actually served. Larry Benedict, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee submitted a brief address, and then turned the affair over to the attendees. John Bois and Benson Dooling tried to outwit each other, both reciting various limericks, and Bois giving a rendition of "Casey At the Bat," capably supported by Mrs. Bois, who accidentally brought along a typed copy of "Casey", to which John referred several times. Many members brought along guests, some of whom were: Mrs. Al Pepper, Mrs. Jack McKnight, Mrs. Jim Williams, Mrs. John Bois, Mrs. Robert Madle; Jack Agnew was accompanied by his fiance, Agnew Breyks; Larry Benedict showed up with his gal, known only to us as "Suzanne", and he also brought along several other guests. All in all, the banquet was a great opportunity for the wives and friends of the various members to get acquainted with PSFS members, of whom they had heard so much. Present from New York was Julius Unger, prominent magazine dealer, and one of the real old time science fiction fans. Julie hates to miss out on any fan function, and enjoyed the banquet extremely. After the dinner, the majority of those present adjourned to the bar; discussed things in general, introduced various people who hadn't previously met; and had a general all-around good time. The affair was such a definite success that it was the general concensus of opinion that it should be repeated in the very near future. Entertainment Committee -- take a hint! DE CAMP TO SPEAK AT NEXT MEETING PSFS members have a definite treat i store for the feature speaker at the next meeting, March 2nd, will be L. Sprague de Camp, one of the most prominent writers of contemporary fantasy fiction. Mr. de Camp, who has been a member of the club for over a year, has given several speeches in the past, all of which have received definite acclaim. Mr. de Camp has informed us that he will discuss "The Mayan Mystery". It is interesting to note that L. Sprague de Camp ranked seventh among the ten top writers of science fiction of the past decade in a recently conducted fan survey.
PSFS NEWS --The Gazette of Philadelphia Fandom -- Volume 7, No. 2 February 24, 1947 PSFS BANQUET A HUGE SUCCESS The long-awaited PSFS Banquet was finally held Saturday evening, February 22nd, at the downtown establishment, Leoncavallo's. Over forty PSFS members and their guests attended, and helped to make the affair a definite success. Members began arriving as early as 7:45, but it was not until nine PM that the dinner was actually served. Larry Benedict, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee submitted a brief address, and then turned the affair over to the attendees. John Bois and Benson Dooling tried to outwit each other, both reciting various limericks, and Bois giving a rendition of "Casey At the Bat," capably supported by Mrs. Bois, who accidentally brought along a typed copy of "Casey", to which John referred several times. Many members brought along guests, some of whom were: Mrs. Al Pepper, Mrs. Jack McKnight, Mrs. Jim Williams, Mrs. John Bois, Mrs. Robert Madle; Jack Agnew was accompanied by his fiance, Agnew Breyks; Larry Benedict showed up with his gal, known only to us as "Suzanne", and he also brought along several other guests. All in all, the banquet was a great opportunity for the wives and friends of the various members to get acquainted with PSFS members, of whom they had heard so much. Present from New York was Julius Unger, prominent magazine dealer, and one of the real old time science fiction fans. Julie hates to miss out on any fan function, and enjoyed the banquet extremely. After the dinner, the majority of those present adjourned to the bar; discussed things in general, introduced various people who hadn't previously met; and had a general all-around good time. The affair was such a definite success that it was the general concensus of opinion that it should be repeated in the very near future. Entertainment Committee -- take a hint! DE CAMP TO SPEAK AT NEXT MEETING PSFS members have a definite treat i store for the feature speaker at the next meeting, March 2nd, will be L. Sprague de Camp, one of the most prominent writers of contemporary fantasy fiction. Mr. de Camp, who has been a member of the club for over a year, has given several speeches in the past, all of which have received definite acclaim. Mr. de Camp has informed us that he will discuss "The Mayan Mystery". It is interesting to note that L. Sprague de Camp ranked seventh among the ten top writers of science fiction of the past decade in a recently conducted fan survey.
Hevelin Fanzines