Technocrat, v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
Page 3
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THE TECNHOCRAT 3 the "real fan" would come over to stf fandom when he was ready for it, and would not need to be herded into the fold by conventions or such. Seems damned strange that the pro editors should take such an awfully large interest in the affairs of stf fandom, anyway, when you stop to consider that they have had 12 years to do it in before this. If anyone things that they are doing it just for fandom then they are very wrong. I have an idea that they see where they might use the convention to further their own ends, boost their circulations,in other words. None of the pro magazines have gone to any great expense to give the convention any special notice, anyway. Only mention of it in ASTOUNDING has been in the reader's dept. , the same applies to TWS. SCIENCE FICTION used it to fill out the space at the end of a story. Oh no, the pro magazines are not putting on anything special just for the convention. As for the claims of NEW FANDOM having 1000 real fans at the convention, anyone with half-sense would see the absurdity of that statement. They'll be lucky to have 50 "real fans", let alone 1000. The heads of NEW FANDOM are either optimists or "screwballs", the latter,more likely. If by any stretch of the imagination one could picture 1000 attending the convention, what good would it do stf and stf fandom as a whole, if it does'nt do any good, then why a convention? Those attending will likely be those who are reading stf at present. As for me objecting to the pro magazine editors, authors and Artists attending the convention, I have never done so. Campbell and the NEW FANDOM group are damn liars when they say I have ever made such a statement, and I defy them to prove that I ever made such a remark, it goes without saying that they can't. Moskowitz and the rest of the NEW FANDOM group seem to think that to argue about anything other than the merits of this or that story, in such and such a magazine is dull, boresome, and uninteresting, to discuss
THE TECNHOCRAT 3 the "real fan" would come over to stf fandom when he was ready for it, and would not need to be herded into the fold by conventions or such. Seems damned strange that the pro editors should take such an awfully large interest in the affairs of stf fandom, anyway, when you stop to consider that they have had 12 years to do it in before this. If anyone things that they are doing it just for fandom then they are very wrong. I have an idea that they see where they might use the convention to further their own ends, boost their circulations,in other words. None of the pro magazines have gone to any great expense to give the convention any special notice, anyway. Only mention of it in ASTOUNDING has been in the reader's dept. , the same applies to TWS. SCIENCE FICTION used it to fill out the space at the end of a story. Oh no, the pro magazines are not putting on anything special just for the convention. As for the claims of NEW FANDOM having 1000 real fans at the convention, anyone with half-sense would see the absurdity of that statement. They'll be lucky to have 50 "real fans", let alone 1000. The heads of NEW FANDOM are either optimists or "screwballs", the latter,more likely. If by any stretch of the imagination one could picture 1000 attending the convention, what good would it do stf and stf fandom as a whole, if it does'nt do any good, then why a convention? Those attending will likely be those who are reading stf at present. As for me objecting to the pro magazine editors, authors and Artists attending the convention, I have never done so. Campbell and the NEW FANDOM group are damn liars when they say I have ever made such a statement, and I defy them to prove that I ever made such a remark, it goes without saying that they can't. Moskowitz and the rest of the NEW FANDOM group seem to think that to argue about anything other than the merits of this or that story, in such and such a magazine is dull, boresome, and uninteresting, to discuss
Hevelin Fanzines