Erebus, issue 4, 1943
Page 4
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4 EREBUS accepted material will be subject to revision only to fit available space, and then we will be as unostentatious at the bloody job of cutting as possible. Corrections of glaring errors in spelling only. Faulty sentence structure, impossible grammar, split infinitives and dangling participles will all be on your own respective heads. we are definitely open to outside art contributions, although in a somewhat limited amount. Interiors only, either full page drawings which may be mimeographed or smaller drawings adaptable to line block reproduction. Next issue should produce the following: Little Red Riding Hood -- a perfect dilly of a story -- by Frank Wilimczyk; That Periodic Slump, an article by Tom Daniels; The Stf Doghouse (nacherly); a somewhat larger quota of verse; usual blattcolumn, and who knows what else? (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) EREBUS, an amateur, non-profit publication, is published occasionally by Len Marlow at 6019 Dewey Avenue, Indianapolis l, Indiana. Price per copy 5 cents. Six issues for 25 cents. Will trade with any and all fan publications. Payment for accepted material is a copy of the issue in which the contributors work appears. Ad rates sent on request. we assume no responsibility for statements other than those of the editors herein expressed. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here on the dark, secluded forest track, where oft I stole, Here by the deep and turgid waters black, I lost my soul. No endless search may ever bring it back, may pay the toll I needs must follow onward, never back, to my dark goal. by Len Marlow Shadowed night now falls on sable wings, The all-pervading veil of darkness brings A gibbering tribe of old and formless things To sob and wail in places dimly lit, To laugh at man and lead him for a bit Through endless halls where nameless horrors sit.
4 EREBUS accepted material will be subject to revision only to fit available space, and then we will be as unostentatious at the bloody job of cutting as possible. Corrections of glaring errors in spelling only. Faulty sentence structure, impossible grammar, split infinitives and dangling participles will all be on your own respective heads. we are definitely open to outside art contributions, although in a somewhat limited amount. Interiors only, either full page drawings which may be mimeographed or smaller drawings adaptable to line block reproduction. Next issue should produce the following: Little Red Riding Hood -- a perfect dilly of a story -- by Frank Wilimczyk; That Periodic Slump, an article by Tom Daniels; The Stf Doghouse (nacherly); a somewhat larger quota of verse; usual blattcolumn, and who knows what else? (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) EREBUS, an amateur, non-profit publication, is published occasionally by Len Marlow at 6019 Dewey Avenue, Indianapolis l, Indiana. Price per copy 5 cents. Six issues for 25 cents. Will trade with any and all fan publications. Payment for accepted material is a copy of the issue in which the contributors work appears. Ad rates sent on request. we assume no responsibility for statements other than those of the editors herein expressed. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here on the dark, secluded forest track, where oft I stole, Here by the deep and turgid waters black, I lost my soul. No endless search may ever bring it back, may pay the toll I needs must follow onward, never back, to my dark goal. by Len Marlow Shadowed night now falls on sable wings, The all-pervading veil of darkness brings A gibbering tribe of old and formless things To sob and wail in places dimly lit, To laugh at man and lead him for a bit Through endless halls where nameless horrors sit.
Hevelin Fanzines