Erebus, issue 4, 1943
Page 16
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16 EREBUS Kaleidoscope sounds like a good ideia. I hope it will cover minor items as well as full fledged fantasy plays &c; little things like Hitler's reference to the Marscare, and stfnal toys, such as Dick Wilson used to mention in the late lamented Science Fiction News Letter. HARRY WARNER 303 Bryan Place Hagerstown, Md. As usual, I'm writing because I want something. More than one thing, in fact. To begin with, I have been gyped; most outrageously, cold-bloodedly gyped. The new issue of Erebus, wich arrived here two days ago, reached me minus pages 13 & 14. Since the stapling has not been disturbed, and it's hardly possible that you could have made an error in the assembling, I have during the past 48 hours become convinced that Vitons have the power of rotating objects through the fourth dimension in such a manner that these two pages were aputated from the magazine without disturbing the material aspects. For further details on how such a feat is accomplished, see almost any story about the fourth dimension. So I'm returning this issue. Will you, pretty please, let me have one of its intact brethren at your convenience? Your proposed review fanzine sounds like a good idea to me, one that I hope meets with nothing to hamper its regular appearence. I presume, and fervently hope, that a goodly portion of its contents will be given over to reviews of new fantasy and Stf. books -- or even old ones, for that matter. I shan't comment at length on this issue of Erebus, seeing as how I don't have it all here to be commented upon. I've read allbut Washington's creation, though on the pages wich are in this returning copy. I always like Fassbeinder's stuff, even when it concerns something that means nothing to me, as in this instance. Larry's column again suffers by the obvious delay between its writing and publication, but remains the best thing in this issue. Carlyle's story isn't up to Jenkin's standard; it reads as if he'd stopped in the middle, waited a week or two before completing it, and in the meantime forgotten what the first part was about. And finally, your editorial is very decently done: well organized, which is the important thing in this sort of an editorial. Oh, yes -- the front cover is scrumptious. I guessed what it was supposed to represent, the first time I saw it, too. BILL WATSON 1299 California St.. San Francisco 9, Calif. Your cover -- third issue -- is nothing short of a masterpiece. And a far cry from the Ashley perpetrations of a short time back. Remember those large blue and red and green and black splotches scattered over the NOVA and FANTASY AMATEUR covers? If you do, you'll know what I mean by the term -- 'Ashley perpetrations. Anyway, the cover rates a ten, and if it is permissable -- a plus along side of that. Your editorial mentions a litho cover next ish. This is, I believe, quite a mistake. Litho jobs have been damn near flooding fandom lately, what with FAN slants -- Vom -- Lez -- Sappho -- and god knows what all publications featuring them. I would much rather see the continuation of these excellent air-brush jobs, or a straight two color lino cut. Something like a diab -- cover. Incidentally, and speaking of your editorial, my files -- meager though they are -- are flodded with stfantasy appering in non-fantasy pubs. Partciularly ESQUIRE and the extremely old MENTOR. Suggest you look into these two magazines, if you already haven't done so, because they do carry -- or did -- some of the finest fantasy I have ever read. Incidentally -- I'm repeating myself -- and if you're collecting ratings, KALEIDOSCOPE rates about an eight. 'Tis an average editorial, with the customary prospects fot the future, etc. Now we come to -- and I'm sad to say it -- a little thing by a fellow called Curtis Carlyle. This is, I imagine, as good an item as anything with which to fill up two pages, but I frankly would have seen two pages of ads or something. Anything would have been better -- anything ANYTHING. Give it a five, and even then I'm doing
16 EREBUS Kaleidoscope sounds like a good ideia. I hope it will cover minor items as well as full fledged fantasy plays &c; little things like Hitler's reference to the Marscare, and stfnal toys, such as Dick Wilson used to mention in the late lamented Science Fiction News Letter. HARRY WARNER 303 Bryan Place Hagerstown, Md. As usual, I'm writing because I want something. More than one thing, in fact. To begin with, I have been gyped; most outrageously, cold-bloodedly gyped. The new issue of Erebus, wich arrived here two days ago, reached me minus pages 13 & 14. Since the stapling has not been disturbed, and it's hardly possible that you could have made an error in the assembling, I have during the past 48 hours become convinced that Vitons have the power of rotating objects through the fourth dimension in such a manner that these two pages were aputated from the magazine without disturbing the material aspects. For further details on how such a feat is accomplished, see almost any story about the fourth dimension. So I'm returning this issue. Will you, pretty please, let me have one of its intact brethren at your convenience? Your proposed review fanzine sounds like a good idea to me, one that I hope meets with nothing to hamper its regular appearence. I presume, and fervently hope, that a goodly portion of its contents will be given over to reviews of new fantasy and Stf. books -- or even old ones, for that matter. I shan't comment at length on this issue of Erebus, seeing as how I don't have it all here to be commented upon. I've read allbut Washington's creation, though on the pages wich are in this returning copy. I always like Fassbeinder's stuff, even when it concerns something that means nothing to me, as in this instance. Larry's column again suffers by the obvious delay between its writing and publication, but remains the best thing in this issue. Carlyle's story isn't up to Jenkin's standard; it reads as if he'd stopped in the middle, waited a week or two before completing it, and in the meantime forgotten what the first part was about. And finally, your editorial is very decently done: well organized, which is the important thing in this sort of an editorial. Oh, yes -- the front cover is scrumptious. I guessed what it was supposed to represent, the first time I saw it, too. BILL WATSON 1299 California St.. San Francisco 9, Calif. Your cover -- third issue -- is nothing short of a masterpiece. And a far cry from the Ashley perpetrations of a short time back. Remember those large blue and red and green and black splotches scattered over the NOVA and FANTASY AMATEUR covers? If you do, you'll know what I mean by the term -- 'Ashley perpetrations. Anyway, the cover rates a ten, and if it is permissable -- a plus along side of that. Your editorial mentions a litho cover next ish. This is, I believe, quite a mistake. Litho jobs have been damn near flooding fandom lately, what with FAN slants -- Vom -- Lez -- Sappho -- and god knows what all publications featuring them. I would much rather see the continuation of these excellent air-brush jobs, or a straight two color lino cut. Something like a diab -- cover. Incidentally, and speaking of your editorial, my files -- meager though they are -- are flodded with stfantasy appering in non-fantasy pubs. Partciularly ESQUIRE and the extremely old MENTOR. Suggest you look into these two magazines, if you already haven't done so, because they do carry -- or did -- some of the finest fantasy I have ever read. Incidentally -- I'm repeating myself -- and if you're collecting ratings, KALEIDOSCOPE rates about an eight. 'Tis an average editorial, with the customary prospects fot the future, etc. Now we come to -- and I'm sad to say it -- a little thing by a fellow called Curtis Carlyle. This is, I imagine, as good an item as anything with which to fill up two pages, but I frankly would have seen two pages of ads or something. Anything would have been better -- anything ANYTHING. Give it a five, and even then I'm doing
Hevelin Fanzines