Jupiter, v. 1, issue 1, May 1946
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CONTENTS Vol.1 No.1 JUPITER APRIL 1946 EDITORIAL To be or not to be, that is the question. Page 3 BOOBS BOOK NOOK by Bob Tucker I still need a book reviewer Page 4 IN DEFENCE OF THE BUG EYED MONSTER by Joe Kennedy Page 5 Do you read "Planet Stories?" Then you've got to read this. LETTER FROM THE FUTURE by Ken Krueger Page 6 A quaint way of reviewing an old issue of Strange Tales. The title is mine so don't blame Ken. That I hope he doesn't. Page 6 GENIUS UNLIMITED? By Jack Speer An interesting little piece on the helpfulness of the "people" during the war time. Not stf. but good. Page 7 FANZINES FOR TRADE ONLY by ye ed Page 10 Just a list of the mags (fanzines) I have for sale and would like to get. The cover may be blamed on me Page 1 LARGE THOT Directed directly at members of the N.F.F.F. All those who have not as yet paid their 1946 dues had better do so at once. The deadline is March 1st. so get your dues in the right away if you have not already done so. WANTED Any old Asf. containing "The Galactic Patrol", and "The Gray Lensman". Also wanted: The first issue of "Captain Future" pre 1935, any kind. I have a long list of wants. If someone has some old F mags. to get rid of at not to stupendous prices, drop me a line and tell me what you've got. I pay cash for all our chases. I have more trouble using up space.
CONTENTS Vol.1 No.1 JUPITER APRIL 1946 EDITORIAL To be or not to be, that is the question. Page 3 BOOBS BOOK NOOK by Bob Tucker I still need a book reviewer Page 4 IN DEFENCE OF THE BUG EYED MONSTER by Joe Kennedy Page 5 Do you read "Planet Stories?" Then you've got to read this. LETTER FROM THE FUTURE by Ken Krueger Page 6 A quaint way of reviewing an old issue of Strange Tales. The title is mine so don't blame Ken. That I hope he doesn't. Page 6 GENIUS UNLIMITED? By Jack Speer An interesting little piece on the helpfulness of the "people" during the war time. Not stf. but good. Page 7 FANZINES FOR TRADE ONLY by ye ed Page 10 Just a list of the mags (fanzines) I have for sale and would like to get. The cover may be blamed on me Page 1 LARGE THOT Directed directly at members of the N.F.F.F. All those who have not as yet paid their 1946 dues had better do so at once. The deadline is March 1st. so get your dues in the right away if you have not already done so. WANTED Any old Asf. containing "The Galactic Patrol", and "The Gray Lensman". Also wanted: The first issue of "Captain Future" pre 1935, any kind. I have a long list of wants. If someone has some old F mags. to get rid of at not to stupendous prices, drop me a line and tell me what you've got. I pay cash for all our chases. I have more trouble using up space.
Hevelin Fanzines