Fandango, v. 3, issue 4, whole no. 12, Summer 1946
Page 5
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[JUNK'S?] FORM LETTER. Is this "explaination" truly "official"? Any attempt to say what shall and what shall not be creditted against activity requirements can lead only to a sorry mess Let's not get ourselves into one. ---oo0oo--- FANORAMA. The "blackest little bitch in these thar hills" is not named "Fewmets". While no official spelling of the name exists it may be tentatively set forth as Fumous, with the accent on the first syllable. The name was given her by Quiggie, and, so far as I can ascertain, represents the quintessence of a three-year-old's impressions of a black cocker. The name fits Flame's personality so well that we all call her that now. She even answers to it. (For the benefit of anyone who may still be reading this, Black Flame is Ashley's pooch, who lives with the Laneys due to Ashley's unconverted landlord.) ---oo0oo--- AD INTERIM. Sure, let's all Dunk the fellow. ---oo0oo--- GLOM. Oxnard forever! ---oo0oo--- SUSTAINING PROGRAM. When I compared Everett to the barfly, I was referring entirely to religious diatribes, rather than objecting to autoanalyses and other self-revelations. For some reason, I feel a mixture of embarrassment and disgust when someone starts bleating about god and how he is saved. Religion, so far as I'm concerned, is not a subject fitted for polite conversations. I suppose that this reveals something wrong with me, but that's the way I feel about it anyway. Quite frankly, I approve in the main of self-revelations. For one thing, the mere marshalling of the facts and fancies into coherent enough form to express often helps one to resolve or at least alleviate some problem. Even more important, the more we all know about each other, the better we probably will be able to get along. At least, we will know enough not to rub acid into each other's sore spots, unless for the sheer joy of kicking up a rumpus. I'll take a raincheck on your education essay. I wonder how many members dug that second interlineation on page 16? Talk about a nice, sly, subtle crack! I think Daugherty has a most lovely coiffure, but I must still politely decline his invitation to the strip tease. ---oo0oo--- A TALE OF THE EVANS. I wasn't aware that I was going around making so much noise about the fact that I do NOT believe. I have perhaps mentioned the fact obscurely a time or so. I doubt if Everett will ever be offered anything comparable to his life philosophy and religious beliefs. For someone interested in a neatly blended mixture of fact evasion, self-justification, and escapism--not unmixed with a certain amount of glory-seeking exhibitionism--Everett most certainly has a first class offering. The chief point to the criticisms is simply that many of us either do not require such personality props, or else prefer to attain similar ends with a bit more subtlety. Also, it must not be forgotten that any magazine submitted to FAPA is subject to discussion and criticism which is not always aimed at soothing the ego of the person at whom it is aimed. Ask me sometime; I've had my share of brickbats! -- 5 --
[JUNK'S?] FORM LETTER. Is this "explaination" truly "official"? Any attempt to say what shall and what shall not be creditted against activity requirements can lead only to a sorry mess Let's not get ourselves into one. ---oo0oo--- FANORAMA. The "blackest little bitch in these thar hills" is not named "Fewmets". While no official spelling of the name exists it may be tentatively set forth as Fumous, with the accent on the first syllable. The name was given her by Quiggie, and, so far as I can ascertain, represents the quintessence of a three-year-old's impressions of a black cocker. The name fits Flame's personality so well that we all call her that now. She even answers to it. (For the benefit of anyone who may still be reading this, Black Flame is Ashley's pooch, who lives with the Laneys due to Ashley's unconverted landlord.) ---oo0oo--- AD INTERIM. Sure, let's all Dunk the fellow. ---oo0oo--- GLOM. Oxnard forever! ---oo0oo--- SUSTAINING PROGRAM. When I compared Everett to the barfly, I was referring entirely to religious diatribes, rather than objecting to autoanalyses and other self-revelations. For some reason, I feel a mixture of embarrassment and disgust when someone starts bleating about god and how he is saved. Religion, so far as I'm concerned, is not a subject fitted for polite conversations. I suppose that this reveals something wrong with me, but that's the way I feel about it anyway. Quite frankly, I approve in the main of self-revelations. For one thing, the mere marshalling of the facts and fancies into coherent enough form to express often helps one to resolve or at least alleviate some problem. Even more important, the more we all know about each other, the better we probably will be able to get along. At least, we will know enough not to rub acid into each other's sore spots, unless for the sheer joy of kicking up a rumpus. I'll take a raincheck on your education essay. I wonder how many members dug that second interlineation on page 16? Talk about a nice, sly, subtle crack! I think Daugherty has a most lovely coiffure, but I must still politely decline his invitation to the strip tease. ---oo0oo--- A TALE OF THE EVANS. I wasn't aware that I was going around making so much noise about the fact that I do NOT believe. I have perhaps mentioned the fact obscurely a time or so. I doubt if Everett will ever be offered anything comparable to his life philosophy and religious beliefs. For someone interested in a neatly blended mixture of fact evasion, self-justification, and escapism--not unmixed with a certain amount of glory-seeking exhibitionism--Everett most certainly has a first class offering. The chief point to the criticisms is simply that many of us either do not require such personality props, or else prefer to attain similar ends with a bit more subtlety. Also, it must not be forgotten that any magazine submitted to FAPA is subject to discussion and criticism which is not always aimed at soothing the ego of the person at whom it is aimed. Ask me sometime; I've had my share of brickbats! -- 5 --
Hevelin Fanzines