Fantasy Magazine, v. 4, issue 4, whole no. 28, February-March 1935
Page 102
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102 FANTASY the possible monotony of the same over illustration, Mr. Speer, we vary the color of the ink. Sorry you miss the "usual (?) short story," but see the announcement at the end of this column. We can't see any point to your complaint of Mr. Ackerman's column title. We quite agree with you on your ratings objections (as did many other readers) and accordingly have returned to the alphabet system. Miss Allis Villette, of Alberta, Canada, doesn't mind the cover design or change of ink: "Your cover in brown is the talk of the town! The Scientown, that is, or some such term as Mr. Ackerman might make up. If readers thought Clay Ferguson's cover was four-star in black, it is even more delicate and admirable in brown. In the Wonder number, I liked Schwartz's clever column best of all, along with the study of science fiction artists. Finished COSMOS and, personally I think it was a very astonishing idea to have all those authors write it: that it was one of the most amazing features ever presented in an stf magazine." Joe Hatch, of Lawrence, Kansas, breaks out into verse with a parody of "You're the Top," as a means of showing his admiration: "You're the top, you're a darn good 'rag'! / You're the top -- you're an stf mag! / You're the one that brings the big shots in, FM. / The big three are below your par, you're over them! / You're all that your name implies. You're a four-bit treat. / You're the Sun in s-f skies. You're the dessert sweet. / The rest are a pain, a headache -- a big wet plop. / But if, Baby, they're the bottom -- / You're the Top!" The editors were agreeably surprised at the great number of entries in our September Anniversary Cover Contest. After due and careful deliberation, the following have been declared winners: First prize -- J. Francis Hatch for "Blackout." Second prize -- Frank A. Missman Jr. for "A Strato Pilot's Philosophy." Third prize -- D. R. Daniels, for "Behind the Scheme of Things." The first story will appear directly after our dedication issue, that is, in the May number. The others will follow in subsequent issues. It is with a great deal of pride that we announce the next issue of FANTASY, which is dedicated to Weird Tales, will contain a short story of unusual force and beauty, a fantastic tale you will never forget. "Nymph of Darkness" is the title, and C. L. Moore is the author. Miss Moore wrote this original story especially for this dedication issue, and since it features that popular adventurer, "Northwest" Smith, no more need be said of the treat that is in store for you when you'll read this gripping tale. In addition, there will appear an absorbing biography of that master of weird fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, articles by Farnsworth Wright, Seabury Quinn, and others, all in addition to our regular features. To make room for the additional material, the issue will contain 28 pages. It will be dated April, and will appear about April 15th. A definite monthly publication date will be announced for subsequent issues.
102 FANTASY the possible monotony of the same over illustration, Mr. Speer, we vary the color of the ink. Sorry you miss the "usual (?) short story," but see the announcement at the end of this column. We can't see any point to your complaint of Mr. Ackerman's column title. We quite agree with you on your ratings objections (as did many other readers) and accordingly have returned to the alphabet system. Miss Allis Villette, of Alberta, Canada, doesn't mind the cover design or change of ink: "Your cover in brown is the talk of the town! The Scientown, that is, or some such term as Mr. Ackerman might make up. If readers thought Clay Ferguson's cover was four-star in black, it is even more delicate and admirable in brown. In the Wonder number, I liked Schwartz's clever column best of all, along with the study of science fiction artists. Finished COSMOS and, personally I think it was a very astonishing idea to have all those authors write it: that it was one of the most amazing features ever presented in an stf magazine." Joe Hatch, of Lawrence, Kansas, breaks out into verse with a parody of "You're the Top," as a means of showing his admiration: "You're the top, you're a darn good 'rag'! / You're the top -- you're an stf mag! / You're the one that brings the big shots in, FM. / The big three are below your par, you're over them! / You're all that your name implies. You're a four-bit treat. / You're the Sun in s-f skies. You're the dessert sweet. / The rest are a pain, a headache -- a big wet plop. / But if, Baby, they're the bottom -- / You're the Top!" The editors were agreeably surprised at the great number of entries in our September Anniversary Cover Contest. After due and careful deliberation, the following have been declared winners: First prize -- J. Francis Hatch for "Blackout." Second prize -- Frank A. Missman Jr. for "A Strato Pilot's Philosophy." Third prize -- D. R. Daniels, for "Behind the Scheme of Things." The first story will appear directly after our dedication issue, that is, in the May number. The others will follow in subsequent issues. It is with a great deal of pride that we announce the next issue of FANTASY, which is dedicated to Weird Tales, will contain a short story of unusual force and beauty, a fantastic tale you will never forget. "Nymph of Darkness" is the title, and C. L. Moore is the author. Miss Moore wrote this original story especially for this dedication issue, and since it features that popular adventurer, "Northwest" Smith, no more need be said of the treat that is in store for you when you'll read this gripping tale. In addition, there will appear an absorbing biography of that master of weird fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, articles by Farnsworth Wright, Seabury Quinn, and others, all in addition to our regular features. To make room for the additional material, the issue will contain 28 pages. It will be dated April, and will appear about April 15th. A definite monthly publication date will be announced for subsequent issues.
Hevelin Fanzines