Horizons, v. 6, issue 1, whole no. 20, September 1944
Page 2
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spots. Let's have more, quick! [[underline]] The [illegible] [illegible] [[/underline]] [illegible] [illegible] things so unnecessarily complicated, in the case of admission for [illegible] [illegible] club? If the group desires to participate, they can easily avoid attempting to go through all this unconstitutional rigamarole by simply having one of their active members go on the waiting list and eventually join in the regular way, and distribute Cosmic Cuts through the FAPA as they see fit. I certainly don't like the idea of using the FAPA as sales agent for Beyond or anything else. [[underline]] Futuria [[/underline]] - Invaluable for its dope en the pseudonyms. To see Fred Pohl's name on the honor roll is surprising - I had thought him still persona non grata with the New Yorkers, both factions; and Marie Antoinette Park sounds most interesting. [[underline]] Caliban [[/underline]] - Must disagree with Larry with regards to the merits of having the FAPA officers centered in one locality. There are indications that when fan activity in any town starts to drop, the depression carries all the fans within 25 miles along. If only one officer is among them, the other three can usually take up the slack; if not --! [[underline]] Black & White [[/underline]] Wherein Speer seems to be soundly bested in an argument for the very first time. I refuse to believe that the Harlem Negroes are of lower intelligence than the first- and second-generation Italian immigrants, or those of several other races. Is Speer color-blind, though? I had thought Perdue the only fan with that ailment. [[underline]] Phanny [[/underline]] - Contains some of the very finest verse I've seen from a fan. "Realities" are particularly good, being that rarest of things, worthy stf. verse. Gray's poems, while satisfactory, suffer in comparison. Eyebrows raise at the top of page 12 - "Men have the privilege of moving from job to job..." Not if the War Manpower Commision sees you first! My opinion of "A Guy Named Joe" happened to be in the last Horizons, so I'll spare invectives this time. Most satisfactory way of settling this censorship question, probably, is the very simple method of displaying doubtful material to postal authorities in the town from which it's to be mailed, and letting them pass on it. The publisher can always mail it himself as first class matter later on, if he simply must share his nudes with others. [[underline]] Inspiration [[/underline]] - I question the statement that fans are particularly prone to 4-[illegible, Fism?] , despite my being in the category. A check of any current list wouldn't prove anything, since activity usually ends when a fan is drafted; remembering that almost half of the men called for physical exams are turned down, I'd like to go over a 1940 FAPA membership list, and see the result. I saw a Popular Science movie short the other week depicting aerial sowing of rice, Lynn. [[underline]] Take-Off [[/underline]] - Is most enjoyable, but Rayn is really much more fun when he's writing prose about himself and his opinions. The poetry, as doggeral, is all right; but I would have preferred the space to be used for the sort of thing that appeared in The Raym's first FAPA effort. Incidentally, despite claims to be held partly responsible for whatever appears therin, and is taken to approve [illegible] and generally with the contents. [[underline]] Agenbite of Inwit [[/underline]] - It'll be next week, at the very earliest, before Ill be able to decide whether DAW's good takeoff compensates for the loss of the serial. [[underline]] Star-Stung [[/underline]] - I want to know how many of these poems had already appeared in fanzines before publication here. As a rule, a poem of any real merit sticks in the memory - so does a lot of bad stuff, but the good rarely forgotten in a day or two. Yet only two or three of these were familiar to me - Invictus II, Summer Discord, possibly Who Is the Moon. Too, here is some trickery of worth - The Dark Room [[underline]] looks [[/underline]] nice, but write it out in [illegible] long lines, read it over, and it is lousy. As in the case of Fleeting [illegible] , the format is hardly worthy of the content; damme, I mean that the content isn't worthy of the format. [[underline]] Browsing [[/underline]] - Remains one of the most pleasant spots of the mailing. Is "The Intelligence Gigantic" the prozine story around 1933? I don't remember it as booklength. I hope to have a page suitable for the bibliography in this issue of Horizons, and shall keep extra copies in reserve for when they're needed. Mention of "Mervyn Clitheroe" reminds me that Collins' "After Dark" is another false alarm; because Langley included it, I bought a copy and ought to be in the groove with another issue or two. The page on Canadian prozines is best, and the proposed index is worthy of publication. Unscientifacts
spots. Let's have more, quick! [[underline]] The [illegible] [illegible] [[/underline]] [illegible] [illegible] things so unnecessarily complicated, in the case of admission for [illegible] [illegible] club? If the group desires to participate, they can easily avoid attempting to go through all this unconstitutional rigamarole by simply having one of their active members go on the waiting list and eventually join in the regular way, and distribute Cosmic Cuts through the FAPA as they see fit. I certainly don't like the idea of using the FAPA as sales agent for Beyond or anything else. [[underline]] Futuria [[/underline]] - Invaluable for its dope en the pseudonyms. To see Fred Pohl's name on the honor roll is surprising - I had thought him still persona non grata with the New Yorkers, both factions; and Marie Antoinette Park sounds most interesting. [[underline]] Caliban [[/underline]] - Must disagree with Larry with regards to the merits of having the FAPA officers centered in one locality. There are indications that when fan activity in any town starts to drop, the depression carries all the fans within 25 miles along. If only one officer is among them, the other three can usually take up the slack; if not --! [[underline]] Black & White [[/underline]] Wherein Speer seems to be soundly bested in an argument for the very first time. I refuse to believe that the Harlem Negroes are of lower intelligence than the first- and second-generation Italian immigrants, or those of several other races. Is Speer color-blind, though? I had thought Perdue the only fan with that ailment. [[underline]] Phanny [[/underline]] - Contains some of the very finest verse I've seen from a fan. "Realities" are particularly good, being that rarest of things, worthy stf. verse. Gray's poems, while satisfactory, suffer in comparison. Eyebrows raise at the top of page 12 - "Men have the privilege of moving from job to job..." Not if the War Manpower Commision sees you first! My opinion of "A Guy Named Joe" happened to be in the last Horizons, so I'll spare invectives this time. Most satisfactory way of settling this censorship question, probably, is the very simple method of displaying doubtful material to postal authorities in the town from which it's to be mailed, and letting them pass on it. The publisher can always mail it himself as first class matter later on, if he simply must share his nudes with others. [[underline]] Inspiration [[/underline]] - I question the statement that fans are particularly prone to 4-[illegible, Fism?] , despite my being in the category. A check of any current list wouldn't prove anything, since activity usually ends when a fan is drafted; remembering that almost half of the men called for physical exams are turned down, I'd like to go over a 1940 FAPA membership list, and see the result. I saw a Popular Science movie short the other week depicting aerial sowing of rice, Lynn. [[underline]] Take-Off [[/underline]] - Is most enjoyable, but Rayn is really much more fun when he's writing prose about himself and his opinions. The poetry, as doggeral, is all right; but I would have preferred the space to be used for the sort of thing that appeared in The Raym's first FAPA effort. Incidentally, despite claims to be held partly responsible for whatever appears therin, and is taken to approve [illegible] and generally with the contents. [[underline]] Agenbite of Inwit [[/underline]] - It'll be next week, at the very earliest, before Ill be able to decide whether DAW's good takeoff compensates for the loss of the serial. [[underline]] Star-Stung [[/underline]] - I want to know how many of these poems had already appeared in fanzines before publication here. As a rule, a poem of any real merit sticks in the memory - so does a lot of bad stuff, but the good rarely forgotten in a day or two. Yet only two or three of these were familiar to me - Invictus II, Summer Discord, possibly Who Is the Moon. Too, here is some trickery of worth - The Dark Room [[underline]] looks [[/underline]] nice, but write it out in [illegible] long lines, read it over, and it is lousy. As in the case of Fleeting [illegible] , the format is hardly worthy of the content; damme, I mean that the content isn't worthy of the format. [[underline]] Browsing [[/underline]] - Remains one of the most pleasant spots of the mailing. Is "The Intelligence Gigantic" the prozine story around 1933? I don't remember it as booklength. I hope to have a page suitable for the bibliography in this issue of Horizons, and shall keep extra copies in reserve for when they're needed. Mention of "Mervyn Clitheroe" reminds me that Collins' "After Dark" is another false alarm; because Langley included it, I bought a copy and ought to be in the groove with another issue or two. The page on Canadian prozines is best, and the proposed index is worthy of publication. Unscientifacts
Hevelin Fanzines