Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 3, whole no. 50, November-December 1942
Page 11
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LES LETTERS Lez kittens chew the catnip WALT DAUGHERTY: "Just thought that I would remind you that I am preparing to issue a new magazine in the not too distnt future, and there isn't a damn thing in it by Tucker or his old stand-by HPP! And how do you like them for apples? I'd say you'd better do some writing pronto, as we cannot let this catastrophe befall all. Enclosed, for no good reason that I can think of at the moment, is one copy of the North American Aircraft Skywriter, with a picture and a few words on page 5 that may or may not be of interest to you Al-Bum. Also enclosed is a postcard which you can sign and drop in a post box somewhere, if ye will. I know it's getting monotonous, but I sent the last one you signed to Joe Gilbert for a third signature and he dissappeared (with my entry-signature card) somewhere into the Service. If this one dosn't get thru you won't have to worry about me sending you another -- I won't have the guts to repeat. " *Los Angeles Lez sez: Walt's picture and write-up in Skywriter showed him tripping the light fantastic with a merry blonde, while rubes in the background gaped on enviously. Walt is a championship dancer, and takes all kinds of cups for prizes -- and then fills them, and is often in them. Hah! FRED POHL: "Thanks a hundred for the $4.50, which came at an opportune moment as payday is three days off and I'm down to 1 buck cash and an I.O.U from Lowndes. I hear from Unger and elsewhere that you're quitting science-fiction. Tell me. I've got an outhouse full of fanzines I was planning to send you a month ago. Shall I ? *New York City LeZ sez: Rumors that we were quitting are thick ... and are false. We wonder how they got started? About fanzines: those that we offered for sale last issue are nearly all gone--it seems ther eis a decided demand for back-issue fanzines, we could have sold some items many times over. LeZ offers the following service: we will undertake to advertise and sell your fanzines, provied: they are in good condition, and you ask no more than cover price for them. No profiteering.. We ask 1/2 the income, and do the work. You get the other half. write us if interested, before shipping fanzines. Meanwhile, to readers: our advertising sheet wil appear as often as accumulated stock, and ads, make it feasible. You may list your for sales, for trades, and wants. GEORGE EBEY: "--But that cover... Struck me as being rather sour. The theme was hackneyed, the execution crude, the whole thing way below what should appear on the fair face of Le Zombie. Let's have no more of the Nelson gal. Re the great razorblade scandal (( see page 7, issue #48)) : JJ Fortier received a furious postcard from Ludowitz on the subject. Seems a letter of Joe's arrived the same day as the blade. Ludowitz put two & two together...getting five. He probably still thinks Joe sent him the razor blade since Fortier didn't both to answer the postal." *Oakland, LeZ sez: For the sake of the record and everyone's piece of mind, just who did send that blade? (Naive, isn't we?) We suggest the Californ ia fans gang together and blame it on someone absent in Service, and then keep all printed matter out of the guy's hands so he'll never know. Or is this mystery destined to go down in history alongside the unsolved Great Christmas Card Enigma . . . ??
LES LETTERS Lez kittens chew the catnip WALT DAUGHERTY: "Just thought that I would remind you that I am preparing to issue a new magazine in the not too distnt future, and there isn't a damn thing in it by Tucker or his old stand-by HPP! And how do you like them for apples? I'd say you'd better do some writing pronto, as we cannot let this catastrophe befall all. Enclosed, for no good reason that I can think of at the moment, is one copy of the North American Aircraft Skywriter, with a picture and a few words on page 5 that may or may not be of interest to you Al-Bum. Also enclosed is a postcard which you can sign and drop in a post box somewhere, if ye will. I know it's getting monotonous, but I sent the last one you signed to Joe Gilbert for a third signature and he dissappeared (with my entry-signature card) somewhere into the Service. If this one dosn't get thru you won't have to worry about me sending you another -- I won't have the guts to repeat. " *Los Angeles Lez sez: Walt's picture and write-up in Skywriter showed him tripping the light fantastic with a merry blonde, while rubes in the background gaped on enviously. Walt is a championship dancer, and takes all kinds of cups for prizes -- and then fills them, and is often in them. Hah! FRED POHL: "Thanks a hundred for the $4.50, which came at an opportune moment as payday is three days off and I'm down to 1 buck cash and an I.O.U from Lowndes. I hear from Unger and elsewhere that you're quitting science-fiction. Tell me. I've got an outhouse full of fanzines I was planning to send you a month ago. Shall I ? *New York City LeZ sez: Rumors that we were quitting are thick ... and are false. We wonder how they got started? About fanzines: those that we offered for sale last issue are nearly all gone--it seems ther eis a decided demand for back-issue fanzines, we could have sold some items many times over. LeZ offers the following service: we will undertake to advertise and sell your fanzines, provied: they are in good condition, and you ask no more than cover price for them. No profiteering.. We ask 1/2 the income, and do the work. You get the other half. write us if interested, before shipping fanzines. Meanwhile, to readers: our advertising sheet wil appear as often as accumulated stock, and ads, make it feasible. You may list your for sales, for trades, and wants. GEORGE EBEY: "--But that cover... Struck me as being rather sour. The theme was hackneyed, the execution crude, the whole thing way below what should appear on the fair face of Le Zombie. Let's have no more of the Nelson gal. Re the great razorblade scandal (( see page 7, issue #48)) : JJ Fortier received a furious postcard from Ludowitz on the subject. Seems a letter of Joe's arrived the same day as the blade. Ludowitz put two & two together...getting five. He probably still thinks Joe sent him the razor blade since Fortier didn't both to answer the postal." *Oakland, LeZ sez: For the sake of the record and everyone's piece of mind, just who did send that blade? (Naive, isn't we?) We suggest the Californ ia fans gang together and blame it on someone absent in Service, and then keep all printed matter out of the guy's hands so he'll never know. Or is this mystery destined to go down in history alongside the unsolved Great Christmas Card Enigma . . . ??
Hevelin Fanzines