Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 3, whole no. 50, November-December 1942
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"in hoc tu fandom" Bob Tucker E E Evans LE ZOMBIE published six times yearly at post box 260, bloomington, ill per 5 c copy Vol 5 No. 3 Whole #50 November-December, 1942 Cover: Maxine Nelson Published by ASP EDITORIALIES Clap hands! Light bonfires! Spree with we! This is the 50 th issue of that dear old acme of fan publications, that mosta of the besta of the slan press, that gosh-wow-boy-oh-boy of penny dreadfuls--Le Zombie! The fan's delight. The rival-editor's lament! The critic's field day! We glee. Come, ladies and gentlemen, glee with us. Frankly, we never expected to see it, but then, neither did you, we believe. The sight of that first issue was enuff to send anyone hunting a hole to bury it in. Because of a slight miscalculation, last issue, we announced that the 4th Anniversary Issue would be the Anniversary Issue. We plan the usual giant-sized issue, as last year. There will be either three or four sections to it. Things are in an hectic uproar around here at this time. We have visitors; have had them all week. Liebscher from Joliet, the Ashley's and Tomkins from Michigan; DeJack, Robinson and Connors from the Windy Wampire City on the lakefront. Some of them stayed only one day, Sunday, and then returned for Thanksgiving. Others stayed almost the full week, helping with this issue, writing articles and drawing pictures for it, and assisting in the printing. Hectic isn't quite the proper word. Permit us to repeat our words of last issue: we are absolutely not responsible for anything expressed in this issue, either by others or ourselves. We give our contributors the widest latitude in our pages--so wide, indeed, that they often find themselves floundering in the Atlantic. On the west the Rocky mountains stop them. Remind us to tell you sometime about the proposed fan house in Battle Creek: "Slan Shack" it is to be dubbed; with several of the midwestern fans living and working there; with a rumpus room big enuff to hold the annual Michigan Conference; with a battery of presses and typewriters. with reams of tripe rolling therefrom regularity. Complete to a neon sign (colors - infra red and ultra violet) over the door. Perhaps you wonder at the single page of letters herein. You have nothing on us! Either an awful lot of inkwells ran dry simultaneously, or two hundred readers lack three cents to purchase a stamp. We didn't know that fandom was so poverty stricken. We know of only one remedy--to write to or three pages of letters ourself, letters chock full of glowing tribute to LeZ, the number one fanzine......ain't it? ASP
"in hoc tu fandom" Bob Tucker E E Evans LE ZOMBIE published six times yearly at post box 260, bloomington, ill per 5 c copy Vol 5 No. 3 Whole #50 November-December, 1942 Cover: Maxine Nelson Published by ASP EDITORIALIES Clap hands! Light bonfires! Spree with we! This is the 50 th issue of that dear old acme of fan publications, that mosta of the besta of the slan press, that gosh-wow-boy-oh-boy of penny dreadfuls--Le Zombie! The fan's delight. The rival-editor's lament! The critic's field day! We glee. Come, ladies and gentlemen, glee with us. Frankly, we never expected to see it, but then, neither did you, we believe. The sight of that first issue was enuff to send anyone hunting a hole to bury it in. Because of a slight miscalculation, last issue, we announced that the 4th Anniversary Issue would be the Anniversary Issue. We plan the usual giant-sized issue, as last year. There will be either three or four sections to it. Things are in an hectic uproar around here at this time. We have visitors; have had them all week. Liebscher from Joliet, the Ashley's and Tomkins from Michigan; DeJack, Robinson and Connors from the Windy Wampire City on the lakefront. Some of them stayed only one day, Sunday, and then returned for Thanksgiving. Others stayed almost the full week, helping with this issue, writing articles and drawing pictures for it, and assisting in the printing. Hectic isn't quite the proper word. Permit us to repeat our words of last issue: we are absolutely not responsible for anything expressed in this issue, either by others or ourselves. We give our contributors the widest latitude in our pages--so wide, indeed, that they often find themselves floundering in the Atlantic. On the west the Rocky mountains stop them. Remind us to tell you sometime about the proposed fan house in Battle Creek: "Slan Shack" it is to be dubbed; with several of the midwestern fans living and working there; with a rumpus room big enuff to hold the annual Michigan Conference; with a battery of presses and typewriters. with reams of tripe rolling therefrom regularity. Complete to a neon sign (colors - infra red and ultra violet) over the door. Perhaps you wonder at the single page of letters herein. You have nothing on us! Either an awful lot of inkwells ran dry simultaneously, or two hundred readers lack three cents to purchase a stamp. We didn't know that fandom was so poverty stricken. We know of only one remedy--to write to or three pages of letters ourself, letters chock full of glowing tribute to LeZ, the number one fanzine......ain't it? ASP
Hevelin Fanzines