Science Fiction Fan, v. 1, no. 4, October 1936
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2 THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN will probably be out in November. the delay is due to the enlarging of the Shepherd & Wollheim printery. ...Algernon Blackwood's latest boo is called "Shocks". It is a collection of short stories of the weird and supernatural. "The Haunted Omnibus" is a collection of chillers edited by Alexander Laing. Also soon due to appear will be new books by Lord Dunsany, Walter de la Mare, and the redoubtable Sax Rohmer. The latter's works were recently barred by Nazi Germany under the mistaken impression that "Rohmer" was a German Jew. Actually it is the pseudonym of a member of the Irish Academy of letters!...Your writer's famous "Weird of Xiqqariom" was reprinted from Flabbergasting Stores in the September "Cubicle... George R. Hahn of Brooklyn will issue a new fan mag. called "Fantasia--hekto....Report has it three issues of a mimeo. stffanmag called "The Asteroid" came out in Brooklyn by several unknown fans. Copies are not to be had... The Philadelphia fans are reported thinking of bringing out "Stupefying Stories" as a burlesque pub. ..Daniel McPhail is the Rocketeer... Report has it that the so-called master of Anthony Gilmore will be exposed as being the pseudonym of Harry Bates and Desmond Hall. No real factual proof is to be had though... For reasons unknown, Eric russell argued the publishers of that coming British stf. magazine into increasing the price from 7d. to a shilling (25c)....Rober Made brought out two issues of a carbon copy magazine called "Imaginative Fiction" ....Claire P. Beck, who seems to be running around in circles, now announces that he will continue the "Science Fiction Critic" again....The British fans, via "Novae Terrae, seem to be starting a much needed crusade against Ackerman's foibles....Alan J. Aisenstein announces that he is quitting science-fiction....Loecraft fans will be interested in knowing that R.H. Barlow has two as-yet untyped novels by H.P.L. They are "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath", and "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward"...An SFL Anthem recently composed by three New York fans is causing much merriment in circles thereabouts. And speaking of stf. songs, the I.S.A. seems to have a monopoly on them, having about four club songs and war songs. The I.S.A.'s monthly publication, the "IO", will soon put out an All-Star Science-Fiction issue that will be one of the best stf. fan mags ever issued by anyone... The British Interplanetary Society seems to be going in for Ido, a more improved artificial world tongue. THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE AND WEIRD FICTION By Q.T. KENVIDEN Some time ago I had the chance to read the articles "Is Science Fiction in a Rut"? by C.W. Lonsdell, and "Phantasy's Trend" by Louis C. Smith, in the Phantagraph. These two items in cooperation with the views expressed by many of my friends and correspondents galloped around in my head until they became a sort of connected ideas. I will not undertake to discuss the two articles heretofore mentioned. But I hope to sum up in a few words just what I think the future of science and weird fiction really is.
2 THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN will probably be out in November. the delay is due to the enlarging of the Shepherd & Wollheim printery. ...Algernon Blackwood's latest boo is called "Shocks". It is a collection of short stories of the weird and supernatural. "The Haunted Omnibus" is a collection of chillers edited by Alexander Laing. Also soon due to appear will be new books by Lord Dunsany, Walter de la Mare, and the redoubtable Sax Rohmer. The latter's works were recently barred by Nazi Germany under the mistaken impression that "Rohmer" was a German Jew. Actually it is the pseudonym of a member of the Irish Academy of letters!...Your writer's famous "Weird of Xiqqariom" was reprinted from Flabbergasting Stores in the September "Cubicle... George R. Hahn of Brooklyn will issue a new fan mag. called "Fantasia--hekto....Report has it three issues of a mimeo. stffanmag called "The Asteroid" came out in Brooklyn by several unknown fans. Copies are not to be had... The Philadelphia fans are reported thinking of bringing out "Stupefying Stories" as a burlesque pub. ..Daniel McPhail is the Rocketeer... Report has it that the so-called master of Anthony Gilmore will be exposed as being the pseudonym of Harry Bates and Desmond Hall. No real factual proof is to be had though... For reasons unknown, Eric russell argued the publishers of that coming British stf. magazine into increasing the price from 7d. to a shilling (25c)....Rober Made brought out two issues of a carbon copy magazine called "Imaginative Fiction" ....Claire P. Beck, who seems to be running around in circles, now announces that he will continue the "Science Fiction Critic" again....The British fans, via "Novae Terrae, seem to be starting a much needed crusade against Ackerman's foibles....Alan J. Aisenstein announces that he is quitting science-fiction....Loecraft fans will be interested in knowing that R.H. Barlow has two as-yet untyped novels by H.P.L. They are "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath", and "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward"...An SFL Anthem recently composed by three New York fans is causing much merriment in circles thereabouts. And speaking of stf. songs, the I.S.A. seems to have a monopoly on them, having about four club songs and war songs. The I.S.A.'s monthly publication, the "IO", will soon put out an All-Star Science-Fiction issue that will be one of the best stf. fan mags ever issued by anyone... The British Interplanetary Society seems to be going in for Ido, a more improved artificial world tongue. THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE AND WEIRD FICTION By Q.T. KENVIDEN Some time ago I had the chance to read the articles "Is Science Fiction in a Rut"? by C.W. Lonsdell, and "Phantasy's Trend" by Louis C. Smith, in the Phantagraph. These two items in cooperation with the views expressed by many of my friends and correspondents galloped around in my head until they became a sort of connected ideas. I will not undertake to discuss the two articles heretofore mentioned. But I hope to sum up in a few words just what I think the future of science and weird fiction really is.
Hevelin Fanzines