Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 30, March 1944
Page 8
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8 VOICE OF THE Congrats to Joe Gibson for his nude. He drew a beautiful girl beautifully. He drew a logical background (and one that was sure to appeal) nicely. The finished pic is marvelous. Oh to be a hitch-hiker on a night like this! Circumstances force me to continue this . . . Tomorrow: . . . which it now is. How many of the screamers really give a damn what happens to the future? Lots more thaan the percentage of any other class of people, I betcha. And not only do they care, but they seem to be capable of much more foresight in planning for the future. The statement stands, whether we're capable of really doing anything about the future or not. I'm glad fans are what they are. "education gained from thud and thunder stories" -- I'm laffing. Most of the fans seem to go out for getting all the real solid education they can, no matter what the source. And there are more important things to be gained from the reading of fantasy. If you'd let the FAPA officers know where you are, BEB, so that you could receive you're mailings, you'd see where things are being done to better the conditions of actifandom. If you're not interested enuf to do that one little thing, tho, you have no right to say the things you've said. Statistics usually leave me cold, Connerley, but yours just seem silly. Three times as many cases of heart disease among smokers as among non-smokers, eh? Did it ever occur to to to find out how many more smokers than non-smokers there are to begin with? If the three-to-one ratio isn't at least equaled, I'll eat my Buck Rogers pistol. VoM #28: Not so hot. Seemed to be done in a rather hap-hazard mstyle, and the gal herself sure ain't no beaut. Her proportions are bad and her position strained. Nudes are much more beautiful when they're relaxing, anyway. The makeup of the ish hits a new high. The superdoodles scattered throughout are not only very effective little bits of stuff, you seem to have included them in just the right places. The cartoons really are corntoons this time. For the strange indefinable reason that usually is behind my special favor for any one cartoon, I like that by Art Gates. The others are old stuff, tho it can't be denied that they are drawn as well as most professional toons. The editorial reminds me to say: Hey, Delder, how about letting me hear from you again? I'd really like to start out correspondence up once more. Bo particular comment on Yerke's very enjoyable letter. I didn't mean exactly that you British boys were more childish, Mac. I dislike childishness, and I like you British boys. But it seems to me that you -- some of you, anyway -- put the wrong kind of emphasis on sex. I can't quite comprehend your attitude. The closest I can come to putting my finger on it is that you seem to be making fun of sex (as if sex wasn't enuf fun now!). I don't exactly disapprove, even, but I don't admire you for it either. Tho on the whole your attitude is preferable to that of the dirty-story snickerers I'm used to. Was pleased to see Raym taking part in the discussions more. And congrats for the "godding about" crack, Raymond. Heheh. Godding about. Wow! Haw! Teehee! Lovely, no less. I wanna be a member of the SIFE! I imagine that proclamation is sufficient evidence that I have the membership qualifications, even if there is no other evidence, and there probably is --wouldn't we? I definitely agree with Milty on the fan organization question. Of course, I've only recently come around to this viewpoint, but I believe I'll hold it. But the organization he describes must be open to all fans, or it will be totally worthless. I don't say "would be" because I sincerely believe that we'll have an organization like that before very long. Crozetti's letter is tremendously important because it shows that the real live second generation fan is here at last. May there be many more such! The Beachy letter sounds as if it was written with the tongue in the cheek (an incredibly difficult means of writing, eh?), so I proclaim it a joke. If it's the real thing, I'm terrificly sorry for Hank. To think that such people could actually exist! Disgusting. Karden: so clothes serve to cover parts of the body that don't have uniformly good looks. If we followed that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd all be wearing veils! Or haven't you ever looked at people's faces? You too are a victim of habit, I believe. Naturally it would take a while to get used to seeing everyone going around here nekkid, but do you know of anything it doesn't take a while to get used to? The bacover babe is much nicer than the other one. Even if she is going to fall flat on her . . . face. For a first attempt at stenciling, this is really marvelous. And to think that Lora Ruth paid good money for the privilege of presenting this to us. She certainly must love fandom. I am looking forward to Venus, of course. The issue gives the impression that you prevailed on a lot of localities to kick in with material so that you could get done in a hurry, but it's quite interesting, well-balanced, and meaty in spite of that. (Or should I say "in spite of"? At last I'm thru. Phu! Roy [Railend?' Johnson member #39 of the British Fantasy Socy, address "Ye Almighty Ones" from "Homewood", 108 Kimberley Rd. Leicester, Eng: There has been a convention: an international one, since it was attended by "Gus Willmorth, as well as numerous Anglofans. That, in itself, is by the way -- numerous reports, official and otherwise, will doubtless reach you from time to time, until round about 1946 you will begin to realize that there was once a convention in Manchester, England, known as the 1st. Norcon. But at this Norcon, there happened to
8 VOICE OF THE Congrats to Joe Gibson for his nude. He drew a beautiful girl beautifully. He drew a logical background (and one that was sure to appeal) nicely. The finished pic is marvelous. Oh to be a hitch-hiker on a night like this! Circumstances force me to continue this . . . Tomorrow: . . . which it now is. How many of the screamers really give a damn what happens to the future? Lots more thaan the percentage of any other class of people, I betcha. And not only do they care, but they seem to be capable of much more foresight in planning for the future. The statement stands, whether we're capable of really doing anything about the future or not. I'm glad fans are what they are. "education gained from thud and thunder stories" -- I'm laffing. Most of the fans seem to go out for getting all the real solid education they can, no matter what the source. And there are more important things to be gained from the reading of fantasy. If you'd let the FAPA officers know where you are, BEB, so that you could receive you're mailings, you'd see where things are being done to better the conditions of actifandom. If you're not interested enuf to do that one little thing, tho, you have no right to say the things you've said. Statistics usually leave me cold, Connerley, but yours just seem silly. Three times as many cases of heart disease among smokers as among non-smokers, eh? Did it ever occur to to to find out how many more smokers than non-smokers there are to begin with? If the three-to-one ratio isn't at least equaled, I'll eat my Buck Rogers pistol. VoM #28: Not so hot. Seemed to be done in a rather hap-hazard mstyle, and the gal herself sure ain't no beaut. Her proportions are bad and her position strained. Nudes are much more beautiful when they're relaxing, anyway. The makeup of the ish hits a new high. The superdoodles scattered throughout are not only very effective little bits of stuff, you seem to have included them in just the right places. The cartoons really are corntoons this time. For the strange indefinable reason that usually is behind my special favor for any one cartoon, I like that by Art Gates. The others are old stuff, tho it can't be denied that they are drawn as well as most professional toons. The editorial reminds me to say: Hey, Delder, how about letting me hear from you again? I'd really like to start out correspondence up once more. Bo particular comment on Yerke's very enjoyable letter. I didn't mean exactly that you British boys were more childish, Mac. I dislike childishness, and I like you British boys. But it seems to me that you -- some of you, anyway -- put the wrong kind of emphasis on sex. I can't quite comprehend your attitude. The closest I can come to putting my finger on it is that you seem to be making fun of sex (as if sex wasn't enuf fun now!). I don't exactly disapprove, even, but I don't admire you for it either. Tho on the whole your attitude is preferable to that of the dirty-story snickerers I'm used to. Was pleased to see Raym taking part in the discussions more. And congrats for the "godding about" crack, Raymond. Heheh. Godding about. Wow! Haw! Teehee! Lovely, no less. I wanna be a member of the SIFE! I imagine that proclamation is sufficient evidence that I have the membership qualifications, even if there is no other evidence, and there probably is --wouldn't we? I definitely agree with Milty on the fan organization question. Of course, I've only recently come around to this viewpoint, but I believe I'll hold it. But the organization he describes must be open to all fans, or it will be totally worthless. I don't say "would be" because I sincerely believe that we'll have an organization like that before very long. Crozetti's letter is tremendously important because it shows that the real live second generation fan is here at last. May there be many more such! The Beachy letter sounds as if it was written with the tongue in the cheek (an incredibly difficult means of writing, eh?), so I proclaim it a joke. If it's the real thing, I'm terrificly sorry for Hank. To think that such people could actually exist! Disgusting. Karden: so clothes serve to cover parts of the body that don't have uniformly good looks. If we followed that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd all be wearing veils! Or haven't you ever looked at people's faces? You too are a victim of habit, I believe. Naturally it would take a while to get used to seeing everyone going around here nekkid, but do you know of anything it doesn't take a while to get used to? The bacover babe is much nicer than the other one. Even if she is going to fall flat on her . . . face. For a first attempt at stenciling, this is really marvelous. And to think that Lora Ruth paid good money for the privilege of presenting this to us. She certainly must love fandom. I am looking forward to Venus, of course. The issue gives the impression that you prevailed on a lot of localities to kick in with material so that you could get done in a hurry, but it's quite interesting, well-balanced, and meaty in spite of that. (Or should I say "in spite of"? At last I'm thru. Phu! Roy [Railend?' Johnson member #39 of the British Fantasy Socy, address "Ye Almighty Ones" from "Homewood", 108 Kimberley Rd. Leicester, Eng: There has been a convention: an international one, since it was attended by "Gus Willmorth, as well as numerous Anglofans. That, in itself, is by the way -- numerous reports, official and otherwise, will doubtless reach you from time to time, until round about 1946 you will begin to realize that there was once a convention in Manchester, England, known as the 1st. Norcon. But at this Norcon, there happened to
Hevelin Fanzines