Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 33, June 1944?
Page 8
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8 VOICE OF THE movements of this kind in their own locality that would welcome support. Personally, I think the co-operative movement has great possibilities. It has done much to change social conditions all over the world. For the last 3 or 4 years our Canadian Broadcasting system has been sponsoring the Farm Forum on Monday evenings. Aside from physical and monetary benefits derived by neighbourhood co-operation the farmers find that a new spirit of understanding has also arisen. Much as I deplore war as a waste of men and material, it has certainly broken down barriers that were almost insurmountable. The returning warrior will be cosmopolitan in his views, better able to understand the viewpoint and work of other nations, and, I hope, better equipped to meet life. I hope all this doesn't sound as if I am Old Sobersides himself, in person. Quite the contrary. The sense of humor isn't lacking. I think the sanest characteristic one can have is the ability to laugh at one's self and with the other fellow. I often see the funny point where none was intended. I'm just an ordinary individual, with a wide range of interests. Have very definite ideas along certain lines, but am quite willing for the other fellow to have his own ideas too. I'm for anything that tends toward the brotherhood of man, think Esperanto and the Co-operative movement have a definite place in bringing this about. Stf-fans should be a help too if they can cultivate the universal viewpoint. # [Illegible signature] -- who terms himself a "Scientifictionist", signs off "Irreverently yours", addresses the "Vomorons" from 2721 -- 16 St., Everett, Wash: I sincerely hope this, my second epistle to you, doesn't end up in some other fan-mag. I don't know how in Hades such a thing happened, but if it is what I strongly suspect...I'll simply state that I shall plead guilty to the most ungodly and heinous crime ever to be committed in the state of California. ((McNutt was the butt of much joshing over his nataletter to Vom, which, as he so suspiciously suspects, was --- shh! --- forwarded by us -- under the free pranking privilege -- to Lez, a crime to which we have never confest -- & never will!)) VOM #32, tiny as it was, was quite good, both in body and in format, though it tended rather to discuss the after-effects of #31, which I didn't see and so could not fully understand. However, I gather that Ack-Ack vociferously aired his views on religion, denouncing with an oath all that is held allegedly "Holy" by the Church-goers (a group to which I am not member). To me, strict atheism is comparable to strict anti-Semitism, in that both are either Hereditarily or self-imposedly prejudiced. I think Les Croutch sums it up quite sensibly, and everyone must agree with him whole-heartedly. God and The Bible are, to me, like some story out of UNKNOWN; improbable, yes, but impossible? No, I'm very much inclined to think that there is something that originally was the foreman in the construction of civilization, something that oversaw the creating of the universe. (Maybe It overlookt the creating of this universe -- maybe we are but the afterbirth!) But, as Les sez, it is preposterous -- downright stupid to accept the theory of the Church-goer. If their God was so infallible, then he would be immune to the silly goings on of such organizations as "The Roly Hollers" (for fear of suit), and the rest. Psalm-singing, knee-scuffing and hand-waving, spiced up with a few hallalujahs would or rather should be considered feats of bribery or flattery, impervious to his Holiness. Huh uh, it just won't hold water, and sooner or later the public will wake up to this. I haven't the slightest doubt that "the Bible God" is pure malarky, but these doubts waver at the many hints of a superior something that spring up around me. None of us should believe in nothing at all -- it isn't good for the digestion, and besides, UNKNOWN's yarns are just as fantastic, yet don't we all kinda wonder if they're not in origin true? Or could be? Where would the world be if there were no Churches? Doubtless shooting a few games of pool or crap or perchance murdering a gink for some personal see! There is some good in Christianity after all! (What insanity is this?! Rather humanity myt be sitting under a ginko tree, enjoying "The Moon Pool"!) I disagree very much with "Gretchen" ---- I thought "The Grapefruit Girl" was very stunning, and certainly there was nothing 'filthy' about her. Let's say 'unrefined'. The photography was undoubtedly that of an expert craftsman, and in no means reminiscent of the two-bit "Post-Cards" obtainable at the nearest Opium-Den, as she implies. (U're ryt there; Study was made by one of Hollywood's highest payd still-fotografers, whose pictures have apeard in Life.) Thorne Smith could have described the pic masterfully to those unfortunate enuf not to receive a copy. Of course he'd either drag in "Three partners" "An incongruous gentleman with dull tweeds" or "A vixen obviously not lonesome for her long discarded scruples". Roy Hunt's cover was good all right, but do ya mind if I do a little Sherlock Holmes work? Okay. I surmise that the picture has been recently printed from a drawing not originally planned for VOM, and picked up (both literally and figuratively) (only the latter) from Roy by either Ack or Morojo (Ack). Drawn conclusions: So, because the white paint in the designing spots for the Bantamweight monster's comb is chipped off in various places, this condition being caused by one or both of two things; mishandling and/or age. Also the size is way off, and there is no lettering. Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary. (In the event that I'm wrong I was only kidding.) (But you're remarkably very near ryt! Pic
8 VOICE OF THE movements of this kind in their own locality that would welcome support. Personally, I think the co-operative movement has great possibilities. It has done much to change social conditions all over the world. For the last 3 or 4 years our Canadian Broadcasting system has been sponsoring the Farm Forum on Monday evenings. Aside from physical and monetary benefits derived by neighbourhood co-operation the farmers find that a new spirit of understanding has also arisen. Much as I deplore war as a waste of men and material, it has certainly broken down barriers that were almost insurmountable. The returning warrior will be cosmopolitan in his views, better able to understand the viewpoint and work of other nations, and, I hope, better equipped to meet life. I hope all this doesn't sound as if I am Old Sobersides himself, in person. Quite the contrary. The sense of humor isn't lacking. I think the sanest characteristic one can have is the ability to laugh at one's self and with the other fellow. I often see the funny point where none was intended. I'm just an ordinary individual, with a wide range of interests. Have very definite ideas along certain lines, but am quite willing for the other fellow to have his own ideas too. I'm for anything that tends toward the brotherhood of man, think Esperanto and the Co-operative movement have a definite place in bringing this about. Stf-fans should be a help too if they can cultivate the universal viewpoint. # [Illegible signature] -- who terms himself a "Scientifictionist", signs off "Irreverently yours", addresses the "Vomorons" from 2721 -- 16 St., Everett, Wash: I sincerely hope this, my second epistle to you, doesn't end up in some other fan-mag. I don't know how in Hades such a thing happened, but if it is what I strongly suspect...I'll simply state that I shall plead guilty to the most ungodly and heinous crime ever to be committed in the state of California. ((McNutt was the butt of much joshing over his nataletter to Vom, which, as he so suspiciously suspects, was --- shh! --- forwarded by us -- under the free pranking privilege -- to Lez, a crime to which we have never confest -- & never will!)) VOM #32, tiny as it was, was quite good, both in body and in format, though it tended rather to discuss the after-effects of #31, which I didn't see and so could not fully understand. However, I gather that Ack-Ack vociferously aired his views on religion, denouncing with an oath all that is held allegedly "Holy" by the Church-goers (a group to which I am not member). To me, strict atheism is comparable to strict anti-Semitism, in that both are either Hereditarily or self-imposedly prejudiced. I think Les Croutch sums it up quite sensibly, and everyone must agree with him whole-heartedly. God and The Bible are, to me, like some story out of UNKNOWN; improbable, yes, but impossible? No, I'm very much inclined to think that there is something that originally was the foreman in the construction of civilization, something that oversaw the creating of the universe. (Maybe It overlookt the creating of this universe -- maybe we are but the afterbirth!) But, as Les sez, it is preposterous -- downright stupid to accept the theory of the Church-goer. If their God was so infallible, then he would be immune to the silly goings on of such organizations as "The Roly Hollers" (for fear of suit), and the rest. Psalm-singing, knee-scuffing and hand-waving, spiced up with a few hallalujahs would or rather should be considered feats of bribery or flattery, impervious to his Holiness. Huh uh, it just won't hold water, and sooner or later the public will wake up to this. I haven't the slightest doubt that "the Bible God" is pure malarky, but these doubts waver at the many hints of a superior something that spring up around me. None of us should believe in nothing at all -- it isn't good for the digestion, and besides, UNKNOWN's yarns are just as fantastic, yet don't we all kinda wonder if they're not in origin true? Or could be? Where would the world be if there were no Churches? Doubtless shooting a few games of pool or crap or perchance murdering a gink for some personal see! There is some good in Christianity after all! (What insanity is this?! Rather humanity myt be sitting under a ginko tree, enjoying "The Moon Pool"!) I disagree very much with "Gretchen" ---- I thought "The Grapefruit Girl" was very stunning, and certainly there was nothing 'filthy' about her. Let's say 'unrefined'. The photography was undoubtedly that of an expert craftsman, and in no means reminiscent of the two-bit "Post-Cards" obtainable at the nearest Opium-Den, as she implies. (U're ryt there; Study was made by one of Hollywood's highest payd still-fotografers, whose pictures have apeard in Life.) Thorne Smith could have described the pic masterfully to those unfortunate enuf not to receive a copy. Of course he'd either drag in "Three partners" "An incongruous gentleman with dull tweeds" or "A vixen obviously not lonesome for her long discarded scruples". Roy Hunt's cover was good all right, but do ya mind if I do a little Sherlock Holmes work? Okay. I surmise that the picture has been recently printed from a drawing not originally planned for VOM, and picked up (both literally and figuratively) (only the latter) from Roy by either Ack or Morojo (Ack). Drawn conclusions: So, because the white paint in the designing spots for the Bantamweight monster's comb is chipped off in various places, this condition being caused by one or both of two things; mishandling and/or age. Also the size is way off, and there is no lettering. Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary. (In the event that I'm wrong I was only kidding.) (But you're remarkably very near ryt! Pic
Hevelin Fanzines