Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 33, June 1944?
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9 IMAGI-NATION was maild me -- 4e -- sevral yrs ago by Hunt, whether for a Vom cover or not I confess to've forgot. Later I had it lithod for an ad in the ill-fouted Fannual. Recently, reduced, reverst & relithod for the preceding cover.) I think Paul would have liked this very much, had providence favored him. (He had seen, admired the original.) If that Bok is a Bok then I'm a rock sock, doc. (Nope. U're swingin' a strate gate, mate: "Bok" was merely an impression by Daugherty.) Here's a point someone might take up ---- socialism in fandom. Distribution according to contribution...I won't say anymore, but I sure think it's a good idear. # Gibs it now PVT JOE GIBSON: Fandom has completed another cycle of purpose-seeking and is back to the matters of mags & maidens, fanews & fanudes, etc. So we should prattle now I suppose, huh! Nuts. Admittedly this #3.2 ish is a salvage sheet, but this will be one of those occasions we'll look back to in a postwar era of ease ahope ahope. The time when VoM sports only one nicely penned nude is a sad one. This ish was full of...echoes...fandom leading mankind...nudes...religion. Fans must someday make for themselves a secret haven where they can escape from mankind into an environment of their liking...this desire for some ideal "dream world" seems to come spasmodically. Perhaps if we had some sort of resort, like a "Martian city" in the desert or an outpost of an intergalactic civilization in some isolated area, which we constructed in lieu of the real thing, we might have something. That might possibly be just the sort of mental institution we need, if you want to take it that way. Or maybe the essential idea of this is good, if it were only presented in a different aspect. Nudes is an art and nudes is nasty, and it even seems proper to speak vulgarly when mentioning them. A girl removes her dress, and when the last undergarment is laid aside also she is presented as an ultimate representative of sex. If she sinks back on a satin bedspread and beckons you with half-closed eyes, the expected has been fulfilled. If you step before an easel with a brush does sex vanish? I think not. Others don't seem to agree that man's curiosity is the only thing about him that isn't animal. Animalism isn't instinct alone. Oversex is, of course, degeneration. But there's a difference between the degenerate fen and the more immune, the more thoroughly "baptised" individual. It's a certain part of human nature that has some good Joes in every walk of life. If I couldn't bring myself to ask a nice girl for a date for fear of inducing her to prostitution I wouldn't think much of what there is of me, but when I marry a gem you can be damned sure I'm going to bed with her, no matter how much her bank account totals. Curiosity...the constant yearning for what we call "knowledge", never appeased, reaching to the ends of the Universe. Religion...heaven, a place of peace and rest eternally...hell, eternal burning...utopian complacency and the burning of the soul...the burning desire for what lies in the shadows, beyond...knowledge. Perhaps to be bound to the living as a ghost would be more preferable, or even hell. Heaven ain't what it used to be. To become a Thing, as authors put it, and to haunt the living, molding lives as an art. A cold, immortal humor playing with living passion, the chill breeze on a lovely cheek, the shameful humor of warm, rounded breasts gasping at a ghostly touch -- imagined? -- and whispered laughter in the moonlight of a thousand ages, a million worlds, the patient craftsman of insanity for tyrants, and a queer sigh among the shadows of time. But six feet of good German soil or Chinese clay for ye poore devils. To hell with the lot of us. By the way, did you send Liebscher a mechanical kit? Thinking of drawing nudes on the sidewalks for my living... # "Hey, out there!" Robert Bloch calls to the imagi-nation: Far be it from me to spoil your publication by injecting a serious note. But as I sit here, pondering upon the fact that VOMaidens now have a "K" initialled upon a portion of their anatomy where I never have seen a "K" myself -- and believe me, I have a keen eye for detail...uh...the thought occurs and I must give it voice. There is some talk about what books are suitable for SLANS. Why not a bibliography for adult fantasy followers...youse guys, f'rinstance? The thought gains significance, to my mind, as I peruse the endless circumlocutions printed anent religion and sex. What the heck, boys and girls, there's a lot more to the world...and if you are at all serious about evolving a sort of fantasy-lover's philosophy or credo or code of ethics or slant or ideology -- then why not enlarge the field of discussion by considering the greater and more immediate problems that will plague mankind in A.D. 1960...or A.D. Here and Now, for that matter. Now don't get wrong. I like sex as well as the next fellow (pardon me, I just asked the next fellow and he says I like sex even MORE than he does) but the usual run-of-the-mill discussion gets you no place fast. But I do not wish to posit alternative topics of discussion myself. I am no crusader. I will not cry "Pyromaniacs of the world -- ignite!" All I can do is make a few modest suggestions anent reading matter which should open up new vistas for fan discussion. # AND THESE NEW VISTAS will be opend next ish, when Bloch lists & comments on 9 thot-provoking titles. Also skedded are: A Letter from Laney...One of the Rare & Inimitable Alan P. Roberts communiques...Dunkelberger's PLANS for SLANS...And a lithograficcover by ET "Intolerance" Beaumont.
9 IMAGI-NATION was maild me -- 4e -- sevral yrs ago by Hunt, whether for a Vom cover or not I confess to've forgot. Later I had it lithod for an ad in the ill-fouted Fannual. Recently, reduced, reverst & relithod for the preceding cover.) I think Paul would have liked this very much, had providence favored him. (He had seen, admired the original.) If that Bok is a Bok then I'm a rock sock, doc. (Nope. U're swingin' a strate gate, mate: "Bok" was merely an impression by Daugherty.) Here's a point someone might take up ---- socialism in fandom. Distribution according to contribution...I won't say anymore, but I sure think it's a good idear. # Gibs it now PVT JOE GIBSON: Fandom has completed another cycle of purpose-seeking and is back to the matters of mags & maidens, fanews & fanudes, etc. So we should prattle now I suppose, huh! Nuts. Admittedly this #3.2 ish is a salvage sheet, but this will be one of those occasions we'll look back to in a postwar era of ease ahope ahope. The time when VoM sports only one nicely penned nude is a sad one. This ish was full of...echoes...fandom leading mankind...nudes...religion. Fans must someday make for themselves a secret haven where they can escape from mankind into an environment of their liking...this desire for some ideal "dream world" seems to come spasmodically. Perhaps if we had some sort of resort, like a "Martian city" in the desert or an outpost of an intergalactic civilization in some isolated area, which we constructed in lieu of the real thing, we might have something. That might possibly be just the sort of mental institution we need, if you want to take it that way. Or maybe the essential idea of this is good, if it were only presented in a different aspect. Nudes is an art and nudes is nasty, and it even seems proper to speak vulgarly when mentioning them. A girl removes her dress, and when the last undergarment is laid aside also she is presented as an ultimate representative of sex. If she sinks back on a satin bedspread and beckons you with half-closed eyes, the expected has been fulfilled. If you step before an easel with a brush does sex vanish? I think not. Others don't seem to agree that man's curiosity is the only thing about him that isn't animal. Animalism isn't instinct alone. Oversex is, of course, degeneration. But there's a difference between the degenerate fen and the more immune, the more thoroughly "baptised" individual. It's a certain part of human nature that has some good Joes in every walk of life. If I couldn't bring myself to ask a nice girl for a date for fear of inducing her to prostitution I wouldn't think much of what there is of me, but when I marry a gem you can be damned sure I'm going to bed with her, no matter how much her bank account totals. Curiosity...the constant yearning for what we call "knowledge", never appeased, reaching to the ends of the Universe. Religion...heaven, a place of peace and rest eternally...hell, eternal burning...utopian complacency and the burning of the soul...the burning desire for what lies in the shadows, beyond...knowledge. Perhaps to be bound to the living as a ghost would be more preferable, or even hell. Heaven ain't what it used to be. To become a Thing, as authors put it, and to haunt the living, molding lives as an art. A cold, immortal humor playing with living passion, the chill breeze on a lovely cheek, the shameful humor of warm, rounded breasts gasping at a ghostly touch -- imagined? -- and whispered laughter in the moonlight of a thousand ages, a million worlds, the patient craftsman of insanity for tyrants, and a queer sigh among the shadows of time. But six feet of good German soil or Chinese clay for ye poore devils. To hell with the lot of us. By the way, did you send Liebscher a mechanical kit? Thinking of drawing nudes on the sidewalks for my living... # "Hey, out there!" Robert Bloch calls to the imagi-nation: Far be it from me to spoil your publication by injecting a serious note. But as I sit here, pondering upon the fact that VOMaidens now have a "K" initialled upon a portion of their anatomy where I never have seen a "K" myself -- and believe me, I have a keen eye for detail...uh...the thought occurs and I must give it voice. There is some talk about what books are suitable for SLANS. Why not a bibliography for adult fantasy followers...youse guys, f'rinstance? The thought gains significance, to my mind, as I peruse the endless circumlocutions printed anent religion and sex. What the heck, boys and girls, there's a lot more to the world...and if you are at all serious about evolving a sort of fantasy-lover's philosophy or credo or code of ethics or slant or ideology -- then why not enlarge the field of discussion by considering the greater and more immediate problems that will plague mankind in A.D. 1960...or A.D. Here and Now, for that matter. Now don't get wrong. I like sex as well as the next fellow (pardon me, I just asked the next fellow and he says I like sex even MORE than he does) but the usual run-of-the-mill discussion gets you no place fast. But I do not wish to posit alternative topics of discussion myself. I am no crusader. I will not cry "Pyromaniacs of the world -- ignite!" All I can do is make a few modest suggestions anent reading matter which should open up new vistas for fan discussion. # AND THESE NEW VISTAS will be opend next ish, when Bloch lists & comments on 9 thot-provoking titles. Also skedded are: A Letter from Laney...One of the Rare & Inimitable Alan P. Roberts communiques...Dunkelberger's PLANS for SLANS...And a lithograficcover by ET "Intolerance" Beaumont.
Hevelin Fanzines