Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 8, whole no. 43, October 1941
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Published monthly from p.o. Box 260 Bloomington, ill Le Zombie Five cents a copy yen, old stamps & gold not accepted Volume 4 Number 8 October 1941 whole number: 43 Editor bob (hpp) tucker Postoffice bx 260 bloomington, ill "Kept Korpse" associate c everett [o'?] 191 capital ave. sw battlecreek, mich ANOTHER BIRTHDAY, TRA-LA Oh, no, not yet. This is only October. The birthday will be marked by our January 1942 number. (Unless of course Congress discovers fanzines and slaps a tax on them!) And, as usual, we are taking advantage o this early date to annunce the usual sale of booster ads at 5¢ per crack... but this year we are different. Oh my yes. This year you have have two names listed for the nickle. It's the business recession you know. Our idea on the thing is rather novel. Instead of (as last year) listing the name of each well-wisher, and the words "I love you LeZ", we are going to let you choose your own lover. For the sum of five cents you will be allotted a certain sized space; your name will be first, and the the words: "I love you--", and below that will be lised the name of any fan your designate. Here's a small chance to let your favorite fan know you love him! Oh goody! There are but two restrictions. (1) no listing your own fanzine as your one love, (2) no carrying embarrassing love affairs in public -- think of the girl's feelings. If Mr Wollheim love Mr Sykora, here the chance to let fandom in on the news. (Sorry! We will accept only "I love you" ads.) If Mr Miske loves only Mr Miske, he might as well send us a nickle and let us tell everyone the fact in the Third Anniversary Issue. (*) Catch on Joe???? If your eyes are functioning half as well as they do when I pretty girl ankles by, they (your eyes) will discover and improvement or two in this issue. But darned if we'll tell you what it is. For if you don't find the improvement, we can easily drop same next issue and get away with't. We suppose we ought to take this space to inform you we are in no ways responsible for opinions expressed herein, you shouldn't worry. If there is an ackerman-reproduced cover on this issue, the original was "executed" by Walter A. cArrithers of Fresno, California. We don't believe WAC has appeared anywhere before, to t his makes him another find. We "found" damon knight if you recall. On the other hand, if there isn't a mini-crayoned cover on this issue....well, is our face red! T'would be embarassing in the extreme to rave on and on about our beautiful cover, only to find we have none as we start towards the mail bag! Let us hope the thing turned out well, and Assorted Services services us. All comments you may find in double brackets ((like this )) in LeZ is our own remarks. ((what horrible grammar, that sentence! )) Correspondents use single brackets (like the). This rule applies to past and future issues. A sticker over there on the right hand side of this page can only mean what it signifies. (see top box, right side). B.T.
Published monthly from p.o. Box 260 Bloomington, ill Le Zombie Five cents a copy yen, old stamps & gold not accepted Volume 4 Number 8 October 1941 whole number: 43 Editor bob (hpp) tucker Postoffice bx 260 bloomington, ill "Kept Korpse" associate c everett [o'?] 191 capital ave. sw battlecreek, mich ANOTHER BIRTHDAY, TRA-LA Oh, no, not yet. This is only October. The birthday will be marked by our January 1942 number. (Unless of course Congress discovers fanzines and slaps a tax on them!) And, as usual, we are taking advantage o this early date to annunce the usual sale of booster ads at 5¢ per crack... but this year we are different. Oh my yes. This year you have have two names listed for the nickle. It's the business recession you know. Our idea on the thing is rather novel. Instead of (as last year) listing the name of each well-wisher, and the words "I love you LeZ", we are going to let you choose your own lover. For the sum of five cents you will be allotted a certain sized space; your name will be first, and the the words: "I love you--", and below that will be lised the name of any fan your designate. Here's a small chance to let your favorite fan know you love him! Oh goody! There are but two restrictions. (1) no listing your own fanzine as your one love, (2) no carrying embarrassing love affairs in public -- think of the girl's feelings. If Mr Wollheim love Mr Sykora, here the chance to let fandom in on the news. (Sorry! We will accept only "I love you" ads.) If Mr Miske loves only Mr Miske, he might as well send us a nickle and let us tell everyone the fact in the Third Anniversary Issue. (*) Catch on Joe???? If your eyes are functioning half as well as they do when I pretty girl ankles by, they (your eyes) will discover and improvement or two in this issue. But darned if we'll tell you what it is. For if you don't find the improvement, we can easily drop same next issue and get away with't. We suppose we ought to take this space to inform you we are in no ways responsible for opinions expressed herein, you shouldn't worry. If there is an ackerman-reproduced cover on this issue, the original was "executed" by Walter A. cArrithers of Fresno, California. We don't believe WAC has appeared anywhere before, to t his makes him another find. We "found" damon knight if you recall. On the other hand, if there isn't a mini-crayoned cover on this issue....well, is our face red! T'would be embarassing in the extreme to rave on and on about our beautiful cover, only to find we have none as we start towards the mail bag! Let us hope the thing turned out well, and Assorted Services services us. All comments you may find in double brackets ((like this )) in LeZ is our own remarks. ((what horrible grammar, that sentence! )) Correspondents use single brackets (like the). This rule applies to past and future issues. A sticker over there on the right hand side of this page can only mean what it signifies. (see top box, right side). B.T.
Hevelin Fanzines