Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 8, whole no. 43, October 1941
Page 4
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DEPT’S OF THE INTERIOR by the sec’y GNASHING OF TEETH DEPT: We’re begin ng to get awful mad at Mr Unger of Brooklyn. Mr Unger you know published a news paper (so the advertisements say); we wouldn’t know hoever, seeing so few of them. After Unger went to the Devention we didn’t receive his fansheet for six consecutives issues -- and after we griped louddly about this, they arrived all at one time -- minua most of the photographs. This was awful. We would read a captions aying: "this is a picture of Agatha Fann. She is smoking her first cigar". And then we would look; -- and find nothing but a blank space saying: "if you are a subscriber there will be a photo here "very intersting" we comment, "such a nice looking legs Agatha has. "only we had to imagine them, and our imagination wasn't working in the right direction just then. So now what? So now issues are arriving on a hit and miss schedule! Sometimes yes, sometimes no; sometimes with a photo, sometimes without. We have made up our minds in a desperate sort og way. Mr Unger, unless the Brooklyn newssheet arrives here regularly henceforth, we shall cut you to the quick -- and subscribe to Fantasy News! HOW TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS FROM APES DEPT: They recently had a suicide- hoax down in Australia too. Amazing how good things will get around... isn't it? it seems that two somebodys got together and decided to have fun with a third somebody by annoucing the death of a fourth somebody. We presume all the sombodys had fun except the third one, who found the joke on himself when he began spreading the news around. incidently, the police figure in the case too. Not being fans, they couldn't be satisfied with merely dedicating a fanzine to the fourth somebody. The somebody who killed himself found out about the fun early in the game and had fun too, we presume. LEZ-ETTERS chapter 1: Frozen pluto chapter 1 : Teleportatiom chapter 1: Sirius chapter 1; Earth-man chapter 2: Flaming meteor chapter 2: venus chapter 2: Catastrophe chapter 2: Spica chapter 3: Pluto water chapter 3: Glug! chapter 3: Serious! chapter 3: no spika! CREDIT DEPT: OUR LEZ-ETTERS are "thunk-up" by EEEvans, the Ashleys, Jack wiedenbeck and whatever company gets together in Batle Creek bull sessions. But three have been contrinuted otherwise, one each from Widner, Tanner, and a third party whose name we can't place at the moment. this dept is open to all who can come thru with a worthy one. (*) Those of you in the central are are expected to be present at the Michigan Get Acquainted Conference at jackson in November. See the annoucement in this issue for further details. Maybe we can bring back a photo or two of the gathering for future covers pics. (*) As this is written we have heard nothing of a Philly Conference for this year. inormation please! VISITING FIREMAN DEPT: have a letter on hand from Doc Barrett of Bellefontaine, Ohio to the effect he is making a spin about the central states, and plans to see fans in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana and Illinois. may be well on his way by the time you read this, in fact may have completed the trip and be homeward bound. Expect a article on him in the issue following his visit here. he's a real M.D.
DEPT’S OF THE INTERIOR by the sec’y GNASHING OF TEETH DEPT: We’re begin ng to get awful mad at Mr Unger of Brooklyn. Mr Unger you know published a news paper (so the advertisements say); we wouldn’t know hoever, seeing so few of them. After Unger went to the Devention we didn’t receive his fansheet for six consecutives issues -- and after we griped louddly about this, they arrived all at one time -- minua most of the photographs. This was awful. We would read a captions aying: "this is a picture of Agatha Fann. She is smoking her first cigar". And then we would look; -- and find nothing but a blank space saying: "if you are a subscriber there will be a photo here "very intersting" we comment, "such a nice looking legs Agatha has. "only we had to imagine them, and our imagination wasn't working in the right direction just then. So now what? So now issues are arriving on a hit and miss schedule! Sometimes yes, sometimes no; sometimes with a photo, sometimes without. We have made up our minds in a desperate sort og way. Mr Unger, unless the Brooklyn newssheet arrives here regularly henceforth, we shall cut you to the quick -- and subscribe to Fantasy News! HOW TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS FROM APES DEPT: They recently had a suicide- hoax down in Australia too. Amazing how good things will get around... isn't it? it seems that two somebodys got together and decided to have fun with a third somebody by annoucing the death of a fourth somebody. We presume all the sombodys had fun except the third one, who found the joke on himself when he began spreading the news around. incidently, the police figure in the case too. Not being fans, they couldn't be satisfied with merely dedicating a fanzine to the fourth somebody. The somebody who killed himself found out about the fun early in the game and had fun too, we presume. LEZ-ETTERS chapter 1: Frozen pluto chapter 1 : Teleportatiom chapter 1: Sirius chapter 1; Earth-man chapter 2: Flaming meteor chapter 2: venus chapter 2: Catastrophe chapter 2: Spica chapter 3: Pluto water chapter 3: Glug! chapter 3: Serious! chapter 3: no spika! CREDIT DEPT: OUR LEZ-ETTERS are "thunk-up" by EEEvans, the Ashleys, Jack wiedenbeck and whatever company gets together in Batle Creek bull sessions. But three have been contrinuted otherwise, one each from Widner, Tanner, and a third party whose name we can't place at the moment. this dept is open to all who can come thru with a worthy one. (*) Those of you in the central are are expected to be present at the Michigan Get Acquainted Conference at jackson in November. See the annoucement in this issue for further details. Maybe we can bring back a photo or two of the gathering for future covers pics. (*) As this is written we have heard nothing of a Philly Conference for this year. inormation please! VISITING FIREMAN DEPT: have a letter on hand from Doc Barrett of Bellefontaine, Ohio to the effect he is making a spin about the central states, and plans to see fans in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana and Illinois. may be well on his way by the time you read this, in fact may have completed the trip and be homeward bound. Expect a article on him in the issue following his visit here. he's a real M.D.
Hevelin Fanzines