Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 8, whole no. 43, October 1941
Page 10
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LEZ LETTERS kat-nips from the LeZ kittens Jerry Keeley "When i was in Tampa, Fla., 317 Signal Aviation Co., Macdill Field, several months ago, you forwarded me a card from FJA putting me in contact with a s-f fan in Tanpa. I don't remember that i have ever thanked you. So i want you to know that i appreciate your helping me in this matter. To N.J. this summer to army signal school. May soon go on war maneuvers to La. etc. This is now my home base. Have been going in for time travel considerably lately. best wishes, " ((full address follows:)) Jerome Keeley, 37th Signal Platoon (AB), Savannah Air Base, Savannah, Ga. Raym Washington, jr " The magnifque is laying before me. It arrived just truly Astonishing. From every angle it looks like the real thing. The most accurate part, in my estimation, is that wind-swept look the sands have, and the footprints (I presume that is what they are). How did Alger do it? To MY scientific mind is seems as if a sandbox was used and an electric fan turned on to blow fine sand into various patterns. Yes the Sept. number is fine. If you don't mind, i have lifted several depts from LeZ for use in my chain letters. ((What -- more of them? )) Only one thing didn't click with me. That was the "Star Stomper." There have been a number of titles like that in various fanzines. Obviously the guy that wrote it had nothing whatever on his mind and picked on Palmer. That is nothing new, in fact it is so common as to be putrid. Who wrotte it anyway?" -Live Oak, Fla. Lez-sez: Raym is wrong about the photo trick. look closely at the line of mountains in the background and make another guess. We will not expose the trick. Alger may if he wishes. (*) We wrote Star Stomper, we must blushingly admit. It was a burlesk on the many columnist who pan palmer, not on Palmer. Not wishing to run an OK Smith Co. ad in every issue, it was an attempt to find an alternating feature. No good? Heck! Ed Conner "In the first place, printing on one side of the page seems sheer insanity. What's wrong with the other side? The stuff reads the same either way. (*) Why not procedure improved inking as has been suggested? Of course the decrepancy in legibility is almosy insignificient-- none the less it could use slight improvement. (*) The photopic on the cover received with thanks, altho i don´t know what ill do with it after the one from Alger arrives. It was worth a nickle itself. (*) I agree with you on the excellence of Bok's last Future covor -- which should at least make Hannes happy he? But to get back to LEZ: I find that the primary reason why i like the man so much is because there is not such a large percentage of outside stuff printed, as in most fanzines. (( We don't follow you chum?)) I like LeZ-Ettes by the way.I particularly liked the ones on page 3 or #42. Do you make them all yourself?" - Peoria, Ill. LeZ-sez: that printing on one side of the paper only was a merry mix-up, in which we thought we saved money -- strange as it may seem, it cost us less to use twice as much paper and print on one side of the page (according to our printer's price list). But... the postage was doubled because of the extra weight, so we lost money in the end. Rats! We do not concoct the LeZ-Ettes. EEEvans and his felow Battlocreek fans are responsible. To close, let us reposrt that Mary Evelyn Rogers has moved again. The new address is: 810 "C" St., Laeton, Kla. She is employed at Fort Sill....
LEZ LETTERS kat-nips from the LeZ kittens Jerry Keeley "When i was in Tampa, Fla., 317 Signal Aviation Co., Macdill Field, several months ago, you forwarded me a card from FJA putting me in contact with a s-f fan in Tanpa. I don't remember that i have ever thanked you. So i want you to know that i appreciate your helping me in this matter. To N.J. this summer to army signal school. May soon go on war maneuvers to La. etc. This is now my home base. Have been going in for time travel considerably lately. best wishes, " ((full address follows:)) Jerome Keeley, 37th Signal Platoon (AB), Savannah Air Base, Savannah, Ga. Raym Washington, jr " The magnifque is laying before me. It arrived just truly Astonishing. From every angle it looks like the real thing. The most accurate part, in my estimation, is that wind-swept look the sands have, and the footprints (I presume that is what they are). How did Alger do it? To MY scientific mind is seems as if a sandbox was used and an electric fan turned on to blow fine sand into various patterns. Yes the Sept. number is fine. If you don't mind, i have lifted several depts from LeZ for use in my chain letters. ((What -- more of them? )) Only one thing didn't click with me. That was the "Star Stomper." There have been a number of titles like that in various fanzines. Obviously the guy that wrote it had nothing whatever on his mind and picked on Palmer. That is nothing new, in fact it is so common as to be putrid. Who wrotte it anyway?" -Live Oak, Fla. Lez-sez: Raym is wrong about the photo trick. look closely at the line of mountains in the background and make another guess. We will not expose the trick. Alger may if he wishes. (*) We wrote Star Stomper, we must blushingly admit. It was a burlesk on the many columnist who pan palmer, not on Palmer. Not wishing to run an OK Smith Co. ad in every issue, it was an attempt to find an alternating feature. No good? Heck! Ed Conner "In the first place, printing on one side of the page seems sheer insanity. What's wrong with the other side? The stuff reads the same either way. (*) Why not procedure improved inking as has been suggested? Of course the decrepancy in legibility is almosy insignificient-- none the less it could use slight improvement. (*) The photopic on the cover received with thanks, altho i don´t know what ill do with it after the one from Alger arrives. It was worth a nickle itself. (*) I agree with you on the excellence of Bok's last Future covor -- which should at least make Hannes happy he? But to get back to LEZ: I find that the primary reason why i like the man so much is because there is not such a large percentage of outside stuff printed, as in most fanzines. (( We don't follow you chum?)) I like LeZ-Ettes by the way.I particularly liked the ones on page 3 or #42. Do you make them all yourself?" - Peoria, Ill. LeZ-sez: that printing on one side of the paper only was a merry mix-up, in which we thought we saved money -- strange as it may seem, it cost us less to use twice as much paper and print on one side of the page (according to our printer's price list). But... the postage was doubled because of the extra weight, so we lost money in the end. Rats! We do not concoct the LeZ-Ettes. EEEvans and his felow Battlocreek fans are responsible. To close, let us reposrt that Mary Evelyn Rogers has moved again. The new address is: 810 "C" St., Laeton, Kla. She is employed at Fort Sill....
Hevelin Fanzines