Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 8, whole no. 43, October 1941
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OLIVER KING SMITH co. FIGHT-A-FEUD SERVICE ASSERTED SERVICES Are you bored with fandom? Do you long for the “good old days” when the book of parliamentary procedure was something to hurl at the opponent? Has the fan world become too safe and secure for enemies? Do you wish to enliven the present static state of fandom a bit? Is your name obscure? Far down the list of “most popular fans”? Do you wish to be talked of in the scandal sheets, in club meetings, wherever hoodlums gather? Would you like a covet “inner circle” rating? Would you like to win friends and influence fans by killing off a nice “number one” fan? Do you lack the numerical strength to call a spade whatever you think a spade should be? Dislike the face of a fellow-fan and wish to change ii? Would you like to get tough with fandom and not have to worry about the consequences when your bluff is called? Would you like to become a fuehrer of fandom? Protect it from itself? Or have you started something you can´t finish? Has your opponent stale mated your little blitzkrieg? Are you bogged down in a war of words? FIGHT A FEUD! LET US BE YOUR CHAMPION! Let the OK SMITH CO. strike the first, middle and last blow for your cause! Banish uncertainty, worry, fear, literary constipation. Let us make it darker than you think for your enemies! FEUDS; Started, Prolonged, Revived or Finished! Our services include our strong-arm men accompanying you to meetings, standing beside you when you attack the chairman or disrupt the meeting at will; we aid you in every way to seize control of the chair. Let our storm troopers make chaos of parliamentary procedure and order! Once you have seized the chair we guarantee your keeping it! Our troopers will quell all disorders, hecklers, and false fans in attendance! Bask! Just check your desired line of attack; we do the rest! (Opponent is: ) ( ) Un-American (any and all isms) ( ) Dishonest (no-refund-fanzine-subscriptions) ( ) Ignorant (in fandom less than five years) ( ) perverted (reads Amazing) ( ) Old fashioned (likes science fiction) ( ) War-mongerer ( thinks next convention should be in NYC) ( ) Uncouth ( Starting a new fanzine) ( ) False fan ( you just don’t like his face) Say the word! Pay a small down payment! We stir up a hornets nest in fandom for you in short order! Disruptions of friendships a specialty!
OLIVER KING SMITH co. FIGHT-A-FEUD SERVICE ASSERTED SERVICES Are you bored with fandom? Do you long for the “good old days” when the book of parliamentary procedure was something to hurl at the opponent? Has the fan world become too safe and secure for enemies? Do you wish to enliven the present static state of fandom a bit? Is your name obscure? Far down the list of “most popular fans”? Do you wish to be talked of in the scandal sheets, in club meetings, wherever hoodlums gather? Would you like a covet “inner circle” rating? Would you like to win friends and influence fans by killing off a nice “number one” fan? Do you lack the numerical strength to call a spade whatever you think a spade should be? Dislike the face of a fellow-fan and wish to change ii? Would you like to get tough with fandom and not have to worry about the consequences when your bluff is called? Would you like to become a fuehrer of fandom? Protect it from itself? Or have you started something you can´t finish? Has your opponent stale mated your little blitzkrieg? Are you bogged down in a war of words? FIGHT A FEUD! LET US BE YOUR CHAMPION! Let the OK SMITH CO. strike the first, middle and last blow for your cause! Banish uncertainty, worry, fear, literary constipation. Let us make it darker than you think for your enemies! FEUDS; Started, Prolonged, Revived or Finished! Our services include our strong-arm men accompanying you to meetings, standing beside you when you attack the chairman or disrupt the meeting at will; we aid you in every way to seize control of the chair. Let our storm troopers make chaos of parliamentary procedure and order! Once you have seized the chair we guarantee your keeping it! Our troopers will quell all disorders, hecklers, and false fans in attendance! Bask! Just check your desired line of attack; we do the rest! (Opponent is: ) ( ) Un-American (any and all isms) ( ) Dishonest (no-refund-fanzine-subscriptions) ( ) Ignorant (in fandom less than five years) ( ) perverted (reads Amazing) ( ) Old fashioned (likes science fiction) ( ) War-mongerer ( thinks next convention should be in NYC) ( ) Uncouth ( Starting a new fanzine) ( ) False fan ( you just don’t like his face) Say the word! Pay a small down payment! We stir up a hornets nest in fandom for you in short order! Disruptions of friendships a specialty!
Hevelin Fanzines