Stars, issue 1, June-July 1940
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STARS A VOLUME OF VERSE AND CRYSTAL THOUGHTS A GOLDEN ATOM PUBLICATION June-July 1940 "I am not one who must have everything; yet I must have. My dreams if I must live, for they are mine. Wisdom is not one word and than another. Till words are like dry leaves under a tree. Wisdom is like a dawn that comes up slowly out of an unknown ocean." Edwin Arlington Robinson, In "Tristram". Compiled By The Editor of GOLDEN ATOM
STARS A VOLUME OF VERSE AND CRYSTAL THOUGHTS A GOLDEN ATOM PUBLICATION June-July 1940 "I am not one who must have everything; yet I must have. My dreams if I must live, for they are mine. Wisdom is not one word and than another. Till words are like dry leaves under a tree. Wisdom is like a dawn that comes up slowly out of an unknown ocean." Edwin Arlington Robinson, In "Tristram". Compiled By The Editor of GOLDEN ATOM
Hevelin Fanzines