Cushlamochree, issue 1, September 1944
Page 5
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transcription tips 5 TO HELL WITH YOU, LARRY T. SHAW! (an answer to Shaw's "FAPA BULLETIN" dated August 3, 1944) (by Walt Daugherty, object of the Shaw slander) It is my belief that Larry T. Shaw is a cockeyed liar. He makes direct, pointed and slanderous digs at me that are unfounded, unnecessary and definitely show a lack of investigation on his part. In this answer I shall quote him direct from his "BLITZKRIEG" stuff: "The gentleman obviously doesn't believe in fulfilling the duties and obligations he accepted by joining the FAPA." I directly challenge Mr. Shaw to prove to me in black and white this charge. I HAVE FULFILLED ALL THE REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE ME A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING OF THE FAPA. I am ready at all times to handle any office in the FAPA that I am elected to or appointed to by official ballot or notification. May I ask, Mr. Shaw, speaking of "fulfilling duties and obligations" why was my last mailing two weeks later than any other L'A' mailing? Can you explain why I recieved [sic] over a half dozen ballots before my mailing arrived? You will find, if you care to check with other L'A' Actifans, that I was questioning everyone of the L'A' FAPA'ers as to what all the ballots were about, and why they were coming to my place AS I HAD RECIEVED [sic] NO NOTIFICATION OF ANY FORM ABOUT THEM. By that I mean there were no card, note, letter or other tangible form of request for me to handle the job. "A simple task like reporting the results of the June election is apparently far too big a job for the whirling dervish of fandom". I have yet to see the job in FAPA that is too big for me (alone) to do. If you care to test me on that point, I again challenge you to pick out the job and try it - BUT, just be sure that itmis [i.e. it is] an official appointment and be sure that I am properly notified. Yes, it could've been a simple job. The minute I saw the ballot I could have given you the answer as to who would be elected and what bills would have passed and which would not have. I could have guessed and guessed right but of course I would have to forget the figures. However, I assure you, fellow FAPA members, it was not as simple as this nor was it as simple as counting the ballots and having Mel Brown (who lives across the st. from the club-room) verify my count. There happened to be a third member of that comittee. [sic] May I presume to ask, Mr. Shaw, why did you pick Phil Bronson for the comittee? [sic] I have absolutely nothing against Phil and believe I can still count him among my fan-friends but are you aware of the fact that Mr. Bronson is no longer interested in fandom? Are you aware that Bronson hasn't been near the LASFS for over six months? Are you aware that Mr. Bronson did not even vote in the FAPA election, being well over a month late with his ballot? Mr. Bronson has no phone at his home. I do. But, Mr. Bronson did not get in touch with me about the FAPA ballots. After your AirMail letter I had to drive 40 miles to Bronson's place to get his signature. Because of a your blasting article and letters to localities I had to CALL BATTLE CREEK ON THE PHONE to straighten it out. Is that what you call a simple task, Mr. Shaw? If you do consider it so, how about re-imbursing me 1 gas coupon, 60 cents for gas, 45 cents for extra postage and $4.50 for a phone call? How about it, Mr. Shaw?
next 5 TO HELL WITH YOU, LARRY T. SHAW! (an answer to Shaw's "FAPA BULLETIN" dated August 3, 1944) (by Walt Daugherty, object of the Shaw slander) It is my belief that Larry T. Shaw is a cockeyed liar. He makes direct, pointed and slanderous digs at me that are unfounded, unnecessary and definitely show a lack of investigation on his part. In this answer I shall quote him direct from his "BLITZKRIEG" stuff: "The gentleman obviously doesn't believe in fulfilling the duties and obligations he accepted by joining the FAPA." I directly challenge Mr. Shaw to prove to me in black and white this charge. I HAVE FULFILLED ALL THE REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE ME A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING OF THE FAPA. I am ready at all times to handle any office in the FAPA that I am elected to or appointed to by official ballot or notification. May I ask, Mr. Shaw, speaking of "fulfilling duties and obligations" why was my last mailing two weeks later than any other L'A' mailing? Can you explain why I recieved [sic] over a half dozen ballots before my mailing arrived? You will find, if you care to check with other L'A' Actifans, that I was questioning everyone of the L'A' FAPA'ers as to what all the ballots were about, and why they were coming to my place AS I HAD RECIEVED [sic] NO NOTIFICATION OF ANY FORM ABOUT THEM. By that I mean there were no card, note, letter or other tangible form of request for me to handle the job. "A simple task like reporting the results of the June election is apparently far too big a job for the whirling dervish of fandom". I have yet to see the job in FAPA that is too big for me (alone) to do. If you care to test me on that point, I again challenge you to pick out the job and try it - BUT, just be sure that itmis [i.e. it is] an official appointment and be sure that I am properly notified. Yes, it could've been a simple job. The minute I saw the ballot I could have given you the answer as to who would be elected and what bills would have passed and which would not have. I could have guessed and guessed right but of course I would have to forget the figures. However, I assure you, fellow FAPA members, it was not as simple as this nor was it as simple as counting the ballots and having Mel Brown (who lives across the st. from the club-room) verify my count. There happened to be a third member of that comittee. [sic] May I presume to ask, Mr. Shaw, why did you pick Phil Bronson for the comittee? [sic] I have absolutely nothing against Phil and believe I can still count him among my fan-friends but are you aware of the fact that Mr. Bronson is no longer interested in fandom? Are you aware that Bronson hasn't been near the LASFS for over six months? Are you aware that Mr. Bronson did not even vote in the FAPA election, being well over a month late with his ballot? Mr. Bronson has no phone at his home. I do. But, Mr. Bronson did not get in touch with me about the FAPA ballots. After your AirMail letter I had to drive 40 miles to Bronson's place to get his signature. Because of a your blasting article and letters to localities I had to CALL BATTLE CREEK ON THE PHONE to straighten it out. Is that what you call a simple task, Mr. Shaw? If you do consider it so, how about re-imbursing me 1 gas coupon, 60 cents for gas, 45 cents for extra postage and $4.50 for a phone call? How about it, Mr. Shaw?
Hevelin Fanzines