Fantasy Comentator, v. 1, issue 1, December 1943
Page 13
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FANTASY COMMENTATOR 13 for work. But on the particular morning of this story Capper was sure something was wrong, for it felt like Sunday. This seemed rather odd, to be sure, for yesterday had been Sunday also. So he sat himself down upon the curb to think matters out, and finally hit upon the solution in the form of a very logical syllogism: he waked people up on weekday mornings, but not on Sundays; today he was not waking people up; therefore today must be Sunday. Wherefore the day became Sunday, as did the next day, and the next, and soon the news had spread throughout all Yorkshire that in Polkingthorpe Brig the days of the week had somehow got stuck. No one in the town appeared to mind except Mr. Bloggs, the mill-owner, who was furious at losing time because of his employees' extended holiday. Eventually the sixth consecutive Sunday arrived, and with it the official news from Greenwich Observatory that the day was Saturday, which caused some confusion, for how could the day be Saturday unless the week ran backwards? But Sam Small reminded them that since Mr. Bloggs always gave them their week's wages on Saturday, being paid today would be a sure sign that Saturday it was. And Mr. Bloggs, purple with rage but seeing no other way to start the days of the week in proper order once more, paid. But if that day were Saturday, the next must surely be Sunday---so Capper Wambly reflected---whereupon he sagely remarked that if it were Sunday then one and all could lie abed late and get "a bit o'extra sleep for a change". The charm of the fantasy is in the telling, and each of the ten stories on the book is told uproariously in its own unique way. Mr. Knight's prose is bright, yet not showy, and his subjects show a pleasant variety that never cloys. As an added ettraction [sic] the collection is decorated with drawings by Donald McKay, which happily do full justice to its roguish spirit. Fantasy readers are advised not to search for substitutes for Sam Small: there simply aren't any.
FANTASY COMMENTATOR 13 for work. But on the particular morning of this story Capper was sure something was wrong, for it felt like Sunday. This seemed rather odd, to be sure, for yesterday had been Sunday also. So he sat himself down upon the curb to think matters out, and finally hit upon the solution in the form of a very logical syllogism: he waked people up on weekday mornings, but not on Sundays; today he was not waking people up; therefore today must be Sunday. Wherefore the day became Sunday, as did the next day, and the next, and soon the news had spread throughout all Yorkshire that in Polkingthorpe Brig the days of the week had somehow got stuck. No one in the town appeared to mind except Mr. Bloggs, the mill-owner, who was furious at losing time because of his employees' extended holiday. Eventually the sixth consecutive Sunday arrived, and with it the official news from Greenwich Observatory that the day was Saturday, which caused some confusion, for how could the day be Saturday unless the week ran backwards? But Sam Small reminded them that since Mr. Bloggs always gave them their week's wages on Saturday, being paid today would be a sure sign that Saturday it was. And Mr. Bloggs, purple with rage but seeing no other way to start the days of the week in proper order once more, paid. But if that day were Saturday, the next must surely be Sunday---so Capper Wambly reflected---whereupon he sagely remarked that if it were Sunday then one and all could lie abed late and get "a bit o'extra sleep for a change". The charm of the fantasy is in the telling, and each of the ten stories on the book is told uproariously in its own unique way. Mr. Knight's prose is bright, yet not showy, and his subjects show a pleasant variety that never cloys. As an added ettraction [sic] the collection is decorated with drawings by Donald McKay, which happily do full justice to its roguish spirit. Fantasy readers are advised not to search for substitutes for Sam Small: there simply aren't any.
Hevelin Fanzines