National Fantasy Fan, v. 9 , issue 6, December 1950
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WE DID OUR VERY BEST! by Ray C. Higgs, Director (Ed. Note) Upon my reqest, President Sneary came forth with just what we, the Directors have dome during our term in office. The following article tells you just how we done it. NFFF DIRECTORATE ARTHUR H. RAPP, Chairman RAY C. HIGGS LEN MOFFATT ED COX JAMES V. TAURASI Due to vacancies arising:- TAURASI moved up to Chairman when Rapp entered the armed services. EV WINNE replace Rapp. JIM HARMON replaced Cox. BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHED Ballot Sheet: 1 2 2 2 3 Proposal Number (Carried over from 1949; questions resubmitted on later sheets) 1 2 3 4 Description Appointment of Directorate & President as Committee to draft an ARP. Establishment of NFFF Book Club. Publication of Richardon Index a few pages at a time; complete index to be offered for sale when finished. Appointments Sec-Treas. Roy & Deedee Lavender Inner PRO - A. E. Winne Outer PRO - Harry Moore Book Club Judges: Bob Tucker Rodd Boggs Alan U. Hershey A. Langley Searles Sam Moskowwitz ( Voting yes-3 no-1 nv-1 (approved) yes-4 no-0 nv-1 (approved) (All Appointments Approved) 6
WE DID OUR VERY BEST! by Ray C. Higgs, Director (Ed. Note) Upon my reqest, President Sneary came forth with just what we, the Directors have dome during our term in office. The following article tells you just how we done it. NFFF DIRECTORATE ARTHUR H. RAPP, Chairman RAY C. HIGGS LEN MOFFATT ED COX JAMES V. TAURASI Due to vacancies arising:- TAURASI moved up to Chairman when Rapp entered the armed services. EV WINNE replace Rapp. JIM HARMON replaced Cox. BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHED Ballot Sheet: 1 2 2 2 3 Proposal Number (Carried over from 1949; questions resubmitted on later sheets) 1 2 3 4 Description Appointment of Directorate & President as Committee to draft an ARP. Establishment of NFFF Book Club. Publication of Richardon Index a few pages at a time; complete index to be offered for sale when finished. Appointments Sec-Treas. Roy & Deedee Lavender Inner PRO - A. E. Winne Outer PRO - Harry Moore Book Club Judges: Bob Tucker Rodd Boggs Alan U. Hershey A. Langley Searles Sam Moskowwitz ( Voting yes-3 no-1 nv-1 (approved) yes-4 no-0 nv-1 (approved) (All Appointments Approved) 6
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