Shangri-L'Affaires, issue 10, May 1943
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SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES BULLETIN OF THE L.A. SCIENCE-FANTASY SOCIETY News and Views of Shanri-LA NUMBER 10, MAY 1943 Editor: Phil Bronson Published occasionally at the LASFS Clubroom, 637 S. Bixel, Los Angeles, Calif. [California] NEWS FLASHES FROM SHANRI-LA! RUSSELL ARRIVES IN L.A! Samuel D. Russell, noted Minneapolis fan, made his appearance in Los Angeles April 23rd. In reply to a request by the Shanri-L'Affaires interviewer for a statement (at the April 29th meeting) he said: "Gosh! They pay attention to the Director out here! Gee!" HENRY HASSE BACK IN L.A.! Present at the April 29th meeting of the LASFS was Henry Hasse, back in Los Angeles to stay. BRONSON REJECTED: Phil Bronson rejected by the Army, having reported to the L.A. induction center on April First, of all days. SPECIAL! Los Angeles induction center mysteriously blown up by unidentified person! IMMINENT ARRIVALS DEPT: Arden "Buns" Benson reports that he will arrive in California sometime in June. Will accept job in Inglewood following graduating from University of Minn. [Minnesota] Tom Ludowitz, of Space Tales fame, states that he will be in L.A. for a few more weeks. FIRST MEETING HELD IN NEW CLUBROOM! April 29th, 1943: The first meeting to be held in the new LASFS clubroom produced an attendance of fifteen, including Ackerman, Morojo, Yerke, Henry & Mrs. Hasse, Helen Finn, Barbara Bovard, Mel Brown, Jack Dowdle, Freehafer (to whom the credit goes for stenciling this issue), Sam Russell, Morris Dollens, Phil Bronson, Ed Chamberlain, Mrs. Charles. Early part of the evening was taken up with transferring the club library and assorted odds and ends to the new abode. Possible room arrangements and decorations were discussed, and tentative plans for a "moving-in-party" at which, among other things, an auction of s-f originals will take place were talked over. Refreshments were purchased with a special allotment from the Treasury in honor of the arrival of Messrs. Hasse and Russell. DEPARTURE DEPARTMENT: Milty Rothman shipped off to Oregon amid anguished tears from members: Gus Willmorth, who had been stationed in L.A. for same time, uprooted also to the LASFS' sorrow; Tech. Sgt. Bob Shin left on the 25th of April, after spending several weeks with the imagi-natives; Rod Allen may have left for overseas service, if a long period of silence following a significantly phrased letter is any indication.
SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES BULLETIN OF THE L.A. SCIENCE-FANTASY SOCIETY News and Views of Shanri-LA NUMBER 10, MAY 1943 Editor: Phil Bronson Published occasionally at the LASFS Clubroom, 637 S. Bixel, Los Angeles, Calif. [California] NEWS FLASHES FROM SHANRI-LA! RUSSELL ARRIVES IN L.A! Samuel D. Russell, noted Minneapolis fan, made his appearance in Los Angeles April 23rd. In reply to a request by the Shanri-L'Affaires interviewer for a statement (at the April 29th meeting) he said: "Gosh! They pay attention to the Director out here! Gee!" HENRY HASSE BACK IN L.A.! Present at the April 29th meeting of the LASFS was Henry Hasse, back in Los Angeles to stay. BRONSON REJECTED: Phil Bronson rejected by the Army, having reported to the L.A. induction center on April First, of all days. SPECIAL! Los Angeles induction center mysteriously blown up by unidentified person! IMMINENT ARRIVALS DEPT: Arden "Buns" Benson reports that he will arrive in California sometime in June. Will accept job in Inglewood following graduating from University of Minn. [Minnesota] Tom Ludowitz, of Space Tales fame, states that he will be in L.A. for a few more weeks. FIRST MEETING HELD IN NEW CLUBROOM! April 29th, 1943: The first meeting to be held in the new LASFS clubroom produced an attendance of fifteen, including Ackerman, Morojo, Yerke, Henry & Mrs. Hasse, Helen Finn, Barbara Bovard, Mel Brown, Jack Dowdle, Freehafer (to whom the credit goes for stenciling this issue), Sam Russell, Morris Dollens, Phil Bronson, Ed Chamberlain, Mrs. Charles. Early part of the evening was taken up with transferring the club library and assorted odds and ends to the new abode. Possible room arrangements and decorations were discussed, and tentative plans for a "moving-in-party" at which, among other things, an auction of s-f originals will take place were talked over. Refreshments were purchased with a special allotment from the Treasury in honor of the arrival of Messrs. Hasse and Russell. DEPARTURE DEPARTMENT: Milty Rothman shipped off to Oregon amid anguished tears from members: Gus Willmorth, who had been stationed in L.A. for same time, uprooted also to the LASFS' sorrow; Tech. Sgt. Bob Shin left on the 25th of April, after spending several weeks with the imagi-natives; Rod Allen may have left for overseas service, if a long period of silence following a significantly phrased letter is any indication.
Hevelin Fanzines