Shangri-L'Affaires, issue 10, May 1943
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SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES...............4 MOVIE REVIEW By Tillywish "The Ape Man", a Monogram picture, starring Bela Lugosi. Being a Monogram Production this picture is obviously not destined to receive a complimentary review. The Plot: A scientist engaged in some vague biological experiments makes a human guinea-pig of himself & as a result turns into an "Ape-Man", sporting hairy arms and a beard. Now the only antidote for his condition is an injection of human spinal fluid so Hairy Joe galavants about knocking off innocent bystanders with the aid of his pet gorilla. He succeeds in mounting up a pretty fair number of corpses. In the end Lugosi's over-playful pet develops ambitious ideas and in approved movie-gorilla fashion does away with the Dracula Kid, and almost succeeds in administering a chassis-job to the petite heroine. Said heroine is a nifty number, incidentally. Maybe the poor gorilla didn't want to bump her off--maybe he was possessed of a King Kong-like affection for her. At any rate the unsympathetic cops filled him with .38 slugs before he could press his attentions on the gal. They should have given the gorilla the lead, for he was the only good thing in this dud, even if he did look made of pasteboard and mohair. Stinkweeds to Monogram.-----Randolph Tillywish. THE DARK ENIGMA By Lew Garew The Grey Shadow detached itself from the inky pool of blackness in the corner of the room, floated silently behind the chair in which sat Samuel D. Russell. He was sweating over his well-worn typewriter, and the soft clack of the keys scarcely penetrated through to the shadowed portions of the room beyond the tiny oasis of light surrounding the desk-lamp. Beads of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Russell's forehead. He stiffened, hands clutching the edge of the desk. Slowly, fearfully, his head turned around ... and upward.... A fearsome scream sliced through the silence of the night, echoing and re-echoing throughout the Russell abode. In the morning they found the remains of Samuel Russell there in his den, still seated at the typewriter. Oh, he wasn't dead; to be sure, but it were better by far had he been so; for it was a gibbering, empty-eyed Thing that fumbled hesitatingly at the typewriter keys. A soulless Thing.... _________________ Oliver E. Saari pounded away half-heartedly on his typewriter. His latest story "The Back Door" was developing slowly. Something was wrong; he wasn't able to capture the right mood that night. Disgustedly he shoved the typewriter back on the desk, and leaned back precariously in his chair. Abruptly something cold coursed down his spine, as out of the corner of his eye he discerned a shadowy figure slip behind him.... He whirled about.... They found him the next morning.... ____________ Who knows what unspeakable fate befell these two mortals, and others of their breed. Perhaps it was that the strain of their work and overwrought nerves had finally asserted themselves. This would be the logical, the customary explanation to a series of strange coincidences.... But perhaps it was that they knew too much, and that a shadowy Emissary was dispatched to them from the cold, dark reaches of outer space.... Could this then be the solution to the enigma which at present enshrouds the fair city of Minneapolis? Carl Jacobi and Arden "Buns" Benson appear to be the sole remaining members of the MFS still engaged in corresponding with outside fans. Repeated messages to Saari, Russell, and Gergen, and others, have brought no response whatsoever. Nor have various fans received their copies of the MFS Bulletin and Br-r-rack! Have the Gods of Stf deserted Minneapolis fandom? What has happened....
SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES...............4 MOVIE REVIEW By Tillywish "The Ape Man", a Monogram picture, starring Bela Lugosi. Being a Monogram Production this picture is obviously not destined to receive a complimentary review. The Plot: A scientist engaged in some vague biological experiments makes a human guinea-pig of himself & as a result turns into an "Ape-Man", sporting hairy arms and a beard. Now the only antidote for his condition is an injection of human spinal fluid so Hairy Joe galavants about knocking off innocent bystanders with the aid of his pet gorilla. He succeeds in mounting up a pretty fair number of corpses. In the end Lugosi's over-playful pet develops ambitious ideas and in approved movie-gorilla fashion does away with the Dracula Kid, and almost succeeds in administering a chassis-job to the petite heroine. Said heroine is a nifty number, incidentally. Maybe the poor gorilla didn't want to bump her off--maybe he was possessed of a King Kong-like affection for her. At any rate the unsympathetic cops filled him with .38 slugs before he could press his attentions on the gal. They should have given the gorilla the lead, for he was the only good thing in this dud, even if he did look made of pasteboard and mohair. Stinkweeds to Monogram.-----Randolph Tillywish. THE DARK ENIGMA By Lew Garew The Grey Shadow detached itself from the inky pool of blackness in the corner of the room, floated silently behind the chair in which sat Samuel D. Russell. He was sweating over his well-worn typewriter, and the soft clack of the keys scarcely penetrated through to the shadowed portions of the room beyond the tiny oasis of light surrounding the desk-lamp. Beads of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Russell's forehead. He stiffened, hands clutching the edge of the desk. Slowly, fearfully, his head turned around ... and upward.... A fearsome scream sliced through the silence of the night, echoing and re-echoing throughout the Russell abode. In the morning they found the remains of Samuel Russell there in his den, still seated at the typewriter. Oh, he wasn't dead; to be sure, but it were better by far had he been so; for it was a gibbering, empty-eyed Thing that fumbled hesitatingly at the typewriter keys. A soulless Thing.... _________________ Oliver E. Saari pounded away half-heartedly on his typewriter. His latest story "The Back Door" was developing slowly. Something was wrong; he wasn't able to capture the right mood that night. Disgustedly he shoved the typewriter back on the desk, and leaned back precariously in his chair. Abruptly something cold coursed down his spine, as out of the corner of his eye he discerned a shadowy figure slip behind him.... He whirled about.... They found him the next morning.... ____________ Who knows what unspeakable fate befell these two mortals, and others of their breed. Perhaps it was that the strain of their work and overwrought nerves had finally asserted themselves. This would be the logical, the customary explanation to a series of strange coincidences.... But perhaps it was that they knew too much, and that a shadowy Emissary was dispatched to them from the cold, dark reaches of outer space.... Could this then be the solution to the enigma which at present enshrouds the fair city of Minneapolis? Carl Jacobi and Arden "Buns" Benson appear to be the sole remaining members of the MFS still engaged in corresponding with outside fans. Repeated messages to Saari, Russell, and Gergen, and others, have brought no response whatsoever. Nor have various fans received their copies of the MFS Bulletin and Br-r-rack! Have the Gods of Stf deserted Minneapolis fandom? What has happened....
Hevelin Fanzines