Pacificonews from Shangri-La, issue 2, 1942
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Gerry de la Roo, Jr. 9 Bogert Place Westwood, N.J. "I was naturally sorry that the convention couldn't be held in the east next year, but, as I have said many times before, the best convention could be put out by the L.A. group. Best wishes from SUN SPOTS." Daniel Mc Phail Comanche, Okla. "More power to the 4th World Science-Fiction Convention. I hope to be there." Lynn Bridges 7730 Pitt, Apt 7 Detroit, Michigan "Am enclosing cash for a membership. As soon as I see some of the other local fans, I'll see what I can do about getting you some more memberships. With Shangri-La behind it, the 4th National Science Fiction Convention ought to be the best one yet." Art Widner Jr. Box 122 Bryantville, Mass. "Just received Pacificonews. I thought I was gonna score a scoop with the name Pacificon, which I already have ordered and here you guys have beat me out. guess I'll have to think up something else." Low Martin 1258 Race Street Denver, Colorado "Received Pacificonews about two minutes ago and took a page of my story out to type this letter. Wow! - talk about the enthusiasm you injected in me! Firstly, it's encouraging to see you fellas tearing right into the thing. We stand together against any rival conference, - or convention put on by anyone from Jan. 1st on. There is little doubt but what I'll be there regardless of the date you act. I have already started a postal savings account for the trip. Wiggins may have a car by next summer, in which case five or six fans from Denver will be there." Phil Bronson 1710 Arizona Avenue Santa Monica, Calif. "I'm exceedingly glad to see that plans for the Pacificon have gotten off with a bang Joe Fortier 1836 39th Avenue Oakland, California "Your Pacificon-News was received this morning and almost as avidly consumed as was my morning coffee. Appearing biweekly, it is a good size. At our next meeting I will try to have every one join the W.S.F.C.S." D.B. Thompson 213 Lakeview Pineville, Louisiana "SHANGRI-LA IN FAIRTY-TWA!" That's my mixed Scotch Irish ancestry coming to the top." E. Everett Evans 191 Capitol Avenue Battle Creek, Mich. "You'll be lost If you're not Found At the LosAnCon!" Battle Creek is, 100% behind the LosVention! We are the first city to be completely members of the 1942 convention society. If you can get nine members from every 50,000 population, believe you me, you'll have a heck of a lot of members. Only 346 days! Low Cunningham Box 287 Eugene, Oregon "Please accept- this as a grateful acknowledgement of the first issue of your fan paper, and an indication of a desire to cooperate with the furtherance of the Pacificon." Bill Evans 143 N. High Street Salem, Oregon "You have my whole hearted support. Will join later, (when I get my hands on a spare dollar.)"
Gerry de la Roo, Jr. 9 Bogert Place Westwood, N.J. "I was naturally sorry that the convention couldn't be held in the east next year, but, as I have said many times before, the best convention could be put out by the L.A. group. Best wishes from SUN SPOTS." Daniel Mc Phail Comanche, Okla. "More power to the 4th World Science-Fiction Convention. I hope to be there." Lynn Bridges 7730 Pitt, Apt 7 Detroit, Michigan "Am enclosing cash for a membership. As soon as I see some of the other local fans, I'll see what I can do about getting you some more memberships. With Shangri-La behind it, the 4th National Science Fiction Convention ought to be the best one yet." Art Widner Jr. Box 122 Bryantville, Mass. "Just received Pacificonews. I thought I was gonna score a scoop with the name Pacificon, which I already have ordered and here you guys have beat me out. guess I'll have to think up something else." Low Martin 1258 Race Street Denver, Colorado "Received Pacificonews about two minutes ago and took a page of my story out to type this letter. Wow! - talk about the enthusiasm you injected in me! Firstly, it's encouraging to see you fellas tearing right into the thing. We stand together against any rival conference, - or convention put on by anyone from Jan. 1st on. There is little doubt but what I'll be there regardless of the date you act. I have already started a postal savings account for the trip. Wiggins may have a car by next summer, in which case five or six fans from Denver will be there." Phil Bronson 1710 Arizona Avenue Santa Monica, Calif. "I'm exceedingly glad to see that plans for the Pacificon have gotten off with a bang Joe Fortier 1836 39th Avenue Oakland, California "Your Pacificon-News was received this morning and almost as avidly consumed as was my morning coffee. Appearing biweekly, it is a good size. At our next meeting I will try to have every one join the W.S.F.C.S." D.B. Thompson 213 Lakeview Pineville, Louisiana "SHANGRI-LA IN FAIRTY-TWA!" That's my mixed Scotch Irish ancestry coming to the top." E. Everett Evans 191 Capitol Avenue Battle Creek, Mich. "You'll be lost If you're not Found At the LosAnCon!" Battle Creek is, 100% behind the LosVention! We are the first city to be completely members of the 1942 convention society. If you can get nine members from every 50,000 population, believe you me, you'll have a heck of a lot of members. Only 346 days! Low Cunningham Box 287 Eugene, Oregon "Please accept- this as a grateful acknowledgement of the first issue of your fan paper, and an indication of a desire to cooperate with the furtherance of the Pacificon." Bill Evans 143 N. High Street Salem, Oregon "You have my whole hearted support. Will join later, (when I get my hands on a spare dollar.)"
Hevelin Fanzines