Southern Star, v. 1, issue 3, August 1941
Page 34
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From The Passenger Lounge By The Readers *GOD BLESS 'EM* ANN-ISSUE? HECK, WE'LL PRINT THE DARN THING ON SLICK PAPER, FEATURE A STORY BY H. G. WELLS, A. MERRITT, AND EESMITH. IT'LL BE DONE IN RED INK SO THAT WE'LL GET INVESTIGATED BY THE DIES COMMITTEE, AND WON'T HAVE TO BOTHER WITH THE THING ANYMORE! Received SS yesterday while indulging in my favorite pastime of splashing oils on a canvasboard. Staggering under the weight of it, I dragged it into my den and read the mag thru, covertocover. Ye Gods! how can you offer 40 pages for a dime and not go bankrupt? ((We can't. We went bankrupt some time back. But we're used to it, and our creditors are becoming acclimated, so why worry? JG)), Even once is a lot, but when you plan on having the same number each issue, for the same price, the shock is too much. What I'm wondering is what you'll do for an ann-issue? Jenkins' covers this time are good. However, I wish he would get away from the strange and weird monsters that he is continually turned out. The interior pics and department headings are good also, but still could stand a bit of improvement. Duplication in this issue is twice as good as that in the first I'm happy to notice. I hate illegible mimeography even worse than illegible hektoing. One thing I wish you'd get away from is this continuing articles and columns at different places throughout the magazine, and then giving the wrong page on which to find them! Example: the article on ERB, which was supposed to be continued on page 16. Another improvement would be to cease continuing items altogether, and printing them on consecutive pages. I know it takes quite a bit more work in preparing a dummy, but I think it's worth it. Will rate the mag by the Spaceways system since you have requested same (it's easier on me, too!) ...YNGVI IS NOT A LOUSE: 7. Perdue is sadly mistaken; Yngvi is, and always will be a louse...ERB: A Critique: 8. FROM THE STARPORT: 9. Fischer writes the kind of stuff I find interesting...The poetry I won't rate, as I'm afraid I wouldn't give it a square deal -- I don't like poetry. REBUTTAL by Saari 8. Saari is Saari, and I would give him ten but I can't in fairness give such a high rating to a technical article; they're okay, and this was above average, but I don't especially like 'em. Fischer's autobiography: 10. I do like biogs and autobiogs. FROM THE PASSENGER LOUNGE: 9. A damn good letter section; long and interesting. The only thing keeping it from getting ten was the mixup of pages, and the not too-good heading. SOUTHERN STAR is the biggest bargain in the fanzine field! -- PHIL BRONSON THANK YOU. SPEAKING OF ART, WE'D LIKE TO POINT OUT HARRY'S COVER POLICY: A SERIOUS FRONT COVER AND A HUMOROUS BACK ONE. INTERIORS CAN BE
From The Passenger Lounge By The Readers *GOD BLESS 'EM* ANN-ISSUE? HECK, WE'LL PRINT THE DARN THING ON SLICK PAPER, FEATURE A STORY BY H. G. WELLS, A. MERRITT, AND EESMITH. IT'LL BE DONE IN RED INK SO THAT WE'LL GET INVESTIGATED BY THE DIES COMMITTEE, AND WON'T HAVE TO BOTHER WITH THE THING ANYMORE! Received SS yesterday while indulging in my favorite pastime of splashing oils on a canvasboard. Staggering under the weight of it, I dragged it into my den and read the mag thru, covertocover. Ye Gods! how can you offer 40 pages for a dime and not go bankrupt? ((We can't. We went bankrupt some time back. But we're used to it, and our creditors are becoming acclimated, so why worry? JG)), Even once is a lot, but when you plan on having the same number each issue, for the same price, the shock is too much. What I'm wondering is what you'll do for an ann-issue? Jenkins' covers this time are good. However, I wish he would get away from the strange and weird monsters that he is continually turned out. The interior pics and department headings are good also, but still could stand a bit of improvement. Duplication in this issue is twice as good as that in the first I'm happy to notice. I hate illegible mimeography even worse than illegible hektoing. One thing I wish you'd get away from is this continuing articles and columns at different places throughout the magazine, and then giving the wrong page on which to find them! Example: the article on ERB, which was supposed to be continued on page 16. Another improvement would be to cease continuing items altogether, and printing them on consecutive pages. I know it takes quite a bit more work in preparing a dummy, but I think it's worth it. Will rate the mag by the Spaceways system since you have requested same (it's easier on me, too!) ...YNGVI IS NOT A LOUSE: 7. Perdue is sadly mistaken; Yngvi is, and always will be a louse...ERB: A Critique: 8. FROM THE STARPORT: 9. Fischer writes the kind of stuff I find interesting...The poetry I won't rate, as I'm afraid I wouldn't give it a square deal -- I don't like poetry. REBUTTAL by Saari 8. Saari is Saari, and I would give him ten but I can't in fairness give such a high rating to a technical article; they're okay, and this was above average, but I don't especially like 'em. Fischer's autobiography: 10. I do like biogs and autobiogs. FROM THE PASSENGER LOUNGE: 9. A damn good letter section; long and interesting. The only thing keeping it from getting ten was the mixup of pages, and the not too-good heading. SOUTHERN STAR is the biggest bargain in the fanzine field! -- PHIL BRONSON THANK YOU. SPEAKING OF ART, WE'D LIKE TO POINT OUT HARRY'S COVER POLICY: A SERIOUS FRONT COVER AND A HUMOROUS BACK ONE. INTERIORS CAN BE
Hevelin Fanzines