Neophyte, v. 1, issue 1, January 1948
Page 6
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The Stars and Stripes (Paris edition) arrived at Sissonne Sub-area, Assembly Area Command, France, about mid-morning every day, but on orders of Captain Smart, our official head, the newspaper were not distributed till noon. Thus it wasthat I was sweating out the chow-line for dinner when I read that significant, but obscure item on an inside page of the July 27th S & S which chronicled the "explosion of the bomb dump at Alamogordo Army Air Field, July 25, 1945." After chow, I went over for some bunk fatigue, and happened to mention the item to Paul Shanamian, my tentmate. "It's funny those little practice bombs would explode with such a flash thatthey could be seen 200 miles away," I said.
The Stars and Stripes (Paris edition) arrived at Sissonne Sub-area, Assembly Area Command, France, about mid-morning every day, but on orders of Captain Smart, our official head, the newspaper were not distributed till noon. Thus it wasthat I was sweating out the chow-line for dinner when I read that significant, but obscure item on an inside page of the July 27th S & S which chronicled the "explosion of the bomb dump at Alamogordo Army Air Field, July 25, 1945." After chow, I went over for some bunk fatigue, and happened to mention the item to Paul Shanamian, my tentmate. "It's funny those little practice bombs would explode with such a flash thatthey could be seen 200 miles away," I said.
Hevelin Fanzines