Neophyte, v. 1, issue 1, January 1948
Page 12
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Lust, vanity, avarice, religion, marriage, love, daring, ambition, gluttony, politics, -- All are elements, drives, motives of Heinrich Kley's wonderful drawings. Humorous, satirical, touching, cruel, tender,- all these are Kley's own. Nothing sacred, nothing missed, nothing untouched by Kley's vivid and powerful pen. You are missing a Class A pictorial thrill by not at least looking at the huge 12" x 16 1/2" yellow jacketed volume in almost any good art store. Kley's pictures speak for themselves, therefore thumb thru the slim 68 pages of Volume One of "The Drawings of Heinrich Kley" and even if you have little appreciation for the excellent draftsmanship, the wonderful technique, the strong, vivid line you will certainly like the satirical fantasy, the brilliant pictorial quality and the hearty laughter. Neophyte extends its sincere thanks to the Borden Publishing Company 3077 Wabash Ave, Los Angeles 33 for the drawings from Volume I, and for the drawings from Volume II (now in preparation) on page 11 and bottom of page 15.
Lust, vanity, avarice, religion, marriage, love, daring, ambition, gluttony, politics, -- All are elements, drives, motives of Heinrich Kley's wonderful drawings. Humorous, satirical, touching, cruel, tender,- all these are Kley's own. Nothing sacred, nothing missed, nothing untouched by Kley's vivid and powerful pen. You are missing a Class A pictorial thrill by not at least looking at the huge 12" x 16 1/2" yellow jacketed volume in almost any good art store. Kley's pictures speak for themselves, therefore thumb thru the slim 68 pages of Volume One of "The Drawings of Heinrich Kley" and even if you have little appreciation for the excellent draftsmanship, the wonderful technique, the strong, vivid line you will certainly like the satirical fantasy, the brilliant pictorial quality and the hearty laughter. Neophyte extends its sincere thanks to the Borden Publishing Company 3077 Wabash Ave, Los Angeles 33 for the drawings from Volume I, and for the drawings from Volume II (now in preparation) on page 11 and bottom of page 15.
Hevelin Fanzines