Neophyte, v. 1, issue 1, January 1948
Page 18
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EDITORIAL This, then, is the first issue of NEOPHYTE, the fanzine of distinction. And, I trust, not the last. As with all fanzines, NEOPHYTE first saw light of day after a prolonged struggle with the sheer laziness of its usually inert editor. Least this degenerate into a maudlin discourse crawling with abject apologies and broken promises I shall cease this portion and pass onto the ALMOST SECTION: THE ALMOST SECTION: This is the almost apology section devoted to things that should be apologies but aren't due to the proud strain of Type O blood flowing in the varicose veins of Yed. There is an Almost Apology due to Forrest J. Ackerman for the nine month miscarriage of the Fox Frau. 'Way back when, in the wee months of the present year, Li'l Forry, being of sound mind and trusting spirit, sent to me, out of the goodness of his pulsating li'l heart, a "hot" item, a brand new review of the Merrittale. Little did he know that even Joe Fann would get a review off before his would see the light of a typewriter. That'll larn 'im! There are Almost Apologies coming to Tigerina, EEE, Van Splawn because of the shortage of space available in this new medium. Originally NEO was to have been a mimeod 'zine but art work piled up and lithoing seemed good sooo. And now to the THANK YOU SECTION: Thanks to all the contributors, first for their material and second for their patient wait until publication of their fine material. I will not thank the subscribers for waiting because they've grown to expect that when subscribing to a fanzine. Thanks, too, to Charles Burbee for helpful suggestions 'way back in January, to the Borden Publishing Company for their excellent help and generosity in the Kley drawings. It is my personal opinion that if I keep the wordage down and the number of pictures up the quality of this editorial will have an upward trend. Letters sent here are subject to excerption, deletion, violation and, finally, publishing...but don't count on it. We will gratefully welcome any and all comments on our fanzine...which will probably be utterly disregarded. [Signed William Rotsler]
EDITORIAL This, then, is the first issue of NEOPHYTE, the fanzine of distinction. And, I trust, not the last. As with all fanzines, NEOPHYTE first saw light of day after a prolonged struggle with the sheer laziness of its usually inert editor. Least this degenerate into a maudlin discourse crawling with abject apologies and broken promises I shall cease this portion and pass onto the ALMOST SECTION: THE ALMOST SECTION: This is the almost apology section devoted to things that should be apologies but aren't due to the proud strain of Type O blood flowing in the varicose veins of Yed. There is an Almost Apology due to Forrest J. Ackerman for the nine month miscarriage of the Fox Frau. 'Way back when, in the wee months of the present year, Li'l Forry, being of sound mind and trusting spirit, sent to me, out of the goodness of his pulsating li'l heart, a "hot" item, a brand new review of the Merrittale. Little did he know that even Joe Fann would get a review off before his would see the light of a typewriter. That'll larn 'im! There are Almost Apologies coming to Tigerina, EEE, Van Splawn because of the shortage of space available in this new medium. Originally NEO was to have been a mimeod 'zine but art work piled up and lithoing seemed good sooo. And now to the THANK YOU SECTION: Thanks to all the contributors, first for their material and second for their patient wait until publication of their fine material. I will not thank the subscribers for waiting because they've grown to expect that when subscribing to a fanzine. Thanks, too, to Charles Burbee for helpful suggestions 'way back in January, to the Borden Publishing Company for their excellent help and generosity in the Kley drawings. It is my personal opinion that if I keep the wordage down and the number of pictures up the quality of this editorial will have an upward trend. Letters sent here are subject to excerption, deletion, violation and, finally, publishing...but don't count on it. We will gratefully welcome any and all comments on our fanzine...which will probably be utterly disregarded. [Signed William Rotsler]
Hevelin Fanzines