Reader and Collector, v. 2, issue 3, September 1941
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3. FROM "BOLIDE" VOLUME 1 NO. 1 "If Singleton is not dead and his suicide a hoax, we think fandom should ostracize him and kick out the humorless bums responsible. How about forming a Keep Singleton Dead Committee?" Sign me up, pronto, Don. If Singleton is dead, I'm sorry. If Singleton is not dead, I'm even more sorry. FROM "SURVIVORS FROM 9000 B.C." IN "AMAZING STORIES" JULY, 1941 "'Down' King hissed from between clenched teeth." "'No!' King hissed." "'Here!' a voice hissed." and FROM "THEY NEVER COME BACK" IN "FUTURE FICTION" AUGUST, 1941 "'Quick' hissed Bart." Beautiful examples of the short, snappy hiss. Intended for beginners only-- much too simple for the expert. FROM "SATURNIAN OCCURANCE" IN "SUN SPOTS" VOLUME 5 NO. 2 "Finally a famous Earth Scientist of the time conceived a gun, which, he said, would cause gasses to clash together to form an explosion. -----It was first tired out on the planet Saturn-----it fired into the air to cause the explosion. The people who took part in the firing of the gun were all killed, for the gun didn't cause what they had expected. It was fired. Gasses began to clash together. They exploded. Everyone within fifty miles of the area was killed.-----" The underlining is mine. What-in-hell did the people expect? The scientist said the gasses would clash and explode. The gun was fired--the gasses clashed-- they exploded. What more was expected? An exhibition of shy writing? Or perhaps a chorus of the Hut Sut song? But, I guess that's too much to ask of a gun that was "tired out on the planet."
3. FROM "BOLIDE" VOLUME 1 NO. 1 "If Singleton is not dead and his suicide a hoax, we think fandom should ostracize him and kick out the humorless bums responsible. How about forming a Keep Singleton Dead Committee?" Sign me up, pronto, Don. If Singleton is dead, I'm sorry. If Singleton is not dead, I'm even more sorry. FROM "SURVIVORS FROM 9000 B.C." IN "AMAZING STORIES" JULY, 1941 "'Down' King hissed from between clenched teeth." "'No!' King hissed." "'Here!' a voice hissed." and FROM "THEY NEVER COME BACK" IN "FUTURE FICTION" AUGUST, 1941 "'Quick' hissed Bart." Beautiful examples of the short, snappy hiss. Intended for beginners only-- much too simple for the expert. FROM "SATURNIAN OCCURANCE" IN "SUN SPOTS" VOLUME 5 NO. 2 "Finally a famous Earth Scientist of the time conceived a gun, which, he said, would cause gasses to clash together to form an explosion. -----It was first tired out on the planet Saturn-----it fired into the air to cause the explosion. The people who took part in the firing of the gun were all killed, for the gun didn't cause what they had expected. It was fired. Gasses began to clash together. They exploded. Everyone within fifty miles of the area was killed.-----" The underlining is mine. What-in-hell did the people expect? The scientist said the gasses would clash and explode. The gun was fired--the gasses clashed-- they exploded. What more was expected? An exhibition of shy writing? Or perhaps a chorus of the Hut Sut song? But, I guess that's too much to ask of a gun that was "tired out on the planet."
Hevelin Fanzines