Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1970-09-25 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 11
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[image of WONDER ENRICHED BREAD helps build strong bodies 12 ways] Helps build strong bodies 12 ways! "Man has treated Nature and all people he considers weaker than himself exactly as he has treated woman... as an object to be oppressed, suppressed, repressed, subjugated and used up. Why else do ecologists so commonly refer to the 'rape of the land'? Why else is the act of rape always the culmination, the proof and the symbol of the conquerors success in war." from OFF OUR BACKS This rape by man of "Mother Earth", the use of our bodies for his experimentation is another example of an exploitative economic system where the concern is profits and expansion, the drive is the frontier ethic, pioneering, striving for more and better-ego fulfillment and individual monetary gains. HIs self-destructive thrust, (which threatens our survival as well), is toward excessive production, waste, growth for its own sake, poverty for the masses and destruction of the air, sea, soil and organisms that are the basis of the life-support system. All people should be clothed, fed, housed decently, with adequate health care. This is impossible if our food resources are contaminated, our factories give off noxious and poisoned chemicals affecting the products we use and our cities are crumbling and polluted. The purpose of these articles is to examine the political relationship of the womans revolution and all third world peoples to the ecological crisis - to examine nutritionally how we are being exploited and what we can do about it. Politically - why the capitalistic system encourages pollution (contamination of the environment that interferes with life processes). Pollution is a by-product of a government which responds best to the greatest economic power - INDUSTRY - and not at all to the people. example - for the capitalist the cost of the wastes he discharges into the river is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before releasing them. result - approximately eight million people drink water with bacteriological content that exceeds the limit of US Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards. comment - "It would be the ultimate cop-out to give all our money to the Black Panthers and have them all die in 20 years because they couldn't drink the water" - EARTH TIMES example - antibiotic and arsenicals are put into the feed of cattle and poultry because it effects their growth and efficiency - female estrogen hormones are also added as a growth stimulant that really only adds useless fat and water. In every year you eat 3 pounds of intentional additives with your meals. An additive found commonly in baby foods is sodium nitrate, used to preserve and produce the pink color in cured meats. Nitrates reduce the bloods clotting ability to carry oxygen from the lungs to the babies tissues. Ascorbic acid is also found in baby foods - which makes sodium nitrate more potent. There may be some relationship between food and the more than 20,000 crib deaths that occur annually where a parent puts a child to bed and then finds the baby dead some time later for as yet unexplained reasons. Or white bread - the most valuable nutrients were milled out of the flour, that it was chemically aged, chemically bleached, the dough treated with chemical softeners and preservatives to make it appear fresh, the starchy remains dosed with 3 to 4 synthetic vitamins to replace some 25 nutrients that were removed and that the bread was then sold to you as an "enriched" product. Its illegal to "enrich" bread in Canada where this practice is recognized as a fraud of the consumer. Dr. Ryan, editor of the Dental Digest said "everytime a natural substance is removed from a food, everytime an adulterant is added to a food the balance in nature if disturbed... the chemical and cellular processes with the body cells cannot react to the passing whims of chemists without disturbances in its functions. It took thousands of years for the body to adjust itself to changing environmental conditions. When suddenly these conditions are altered by the actions of men the cells cannot make the adjustment - disease is the result." Consumers are the guinea pigs of big business. They use chemicals to produce more food than can be use in their markets, sacrificing quality to quantity. Then the surplus must be stored at tremendous cost. To keep it from being devoured by insects it must be basted with powerful poisons. The best part of the wheat is removed, fed to animals and to what remains are added synthetic vitamins to make up for the removed nutrient and called "enriched". And then millions of dollars are spent to make up for the nutritional deficiencies of food. These are examples of man's waste and misuse of natural resources for profit, while millions are starving, indicative of his exploitation and lack of regard for people, with no conscience about the eventual consequences of his actions. The health of the workers is another consideration. The dusty trades - mining and grinding, were historically related to chest disease. Mercury, arsenic and lead are still in industrial use. Solvents, plastics, resins, lasers, etc and more than 10,000 chemical and physical agents in use involve hazards to the workers who have to handle them. Over 75,860,000 lbs of organophosphates (commonly called nerve gas) were produced in Amerika in 1968. This causes tremors, muscular spasm, convulsions and deaths. There are many incidences of workers in the fields being sprayed or becoming contaminated with the poisons they are forced to use. The Amerikan ideal - competition - means Exploitation. Exploit Vietnam - and dump these chemicals on their soil, so that the women there too have to bear malformed children, miscarry, of become sterile. When you destroy part of the environment you are destroying part of yourself. "Che made the very important point that the society you're going to build is already reflected in the nature of the struggle that you're carrying out. And one of the most important things in relationship to that is the building of a collective spirit, getting away from this individualistic orientation toward personal salvation, personal involvement.... One of the most important things that has to be done in the process of carrying out a revolutionary struggle is to merge these two different levels, to merge the personal with the political where they're no longer separate. What people have to start doing is to build that collective spirit. to overcome that notion of bourgeois individuality which separated one person from the next and which defines the individual as someone who can assert himself at the expense of his brother by destroying his brother." - ANGELA DAVIS By refusing to eat the pig shit that industry is handing us is one way of recognizing our sisterhood, our collectivity. The pollution problem goes beyond the middle class, because ultimately every person is acutely affected by the poisons hi is injecting into his system. Its true that there are all sorts of ways to destroy people short of killing their bodies. Sexist, racist, imperialistic Amerika has been using a slow poison and we must stop it now. (Next article on alternatives) [photo of woman shopping in grocery store] a Woman? [hand drawn arm] September 25, 1970 11
[image of WONDER ENRICHED BREAD helps build strong bodies 12 ways] Helps build strong bodies 12 ways! "Man has treated Nature and all people he considers weaker than himself exactly as he has treated woman... as an object to be oppressed, suppressed, repressed, subjugated and used up. Why else do ecologists so commonly refer to the 'rape of the land'? Why else is the act of rape always the culmination, the proof and the symbol of the conquerors success in war." from OFF OUR BACKS This rape by man of "Mother Earth", the use of our bodies for his experimentation is another example of an exploitative economic system where the concern is profits and expansion, the drive is the frontier ethic, pioneering, striving for more and better-ego fulfillment and individual monetary gains. HIs self-destructive thrust, (which threatens our survival as well), is toward excessive production, waste, growth for its own sake, poverty for the masses and destruction of the air, sea, soil and organisms that are the basis of the life-support system. All people should be clothed, fed, housed decently, with adequate health care. This is impossible if our food resources are contaminated, our factories give off noxious and poisoned chemicals affecting the products we use and our cities are crumbling and polluted. The purpose of these articles is to examine the political relationship of the womans revolution and all third world peoples to the ecological crisis - to examine nutritionally how we are being exploited and what we can do about it. Politically - why the capitalistic system encourages pollution (contamination of the environment that interferes with life processes). Pollution is a by-product of a government which responds best to the greatest economic power - INDUSTRY - and not at all to the people. example - for the capitalist the cost of the wastes he discharges into the river is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before releasing them. result - approximately eight million people drink water with bacteriological content that exceeds the limit of US Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards. comment - "It would be the ultimate cop-out to give all our money to the Black Panthers and have them all die in 20 years because they couldn't drink the water" - EARTH TIMES example - antibiotic and arsenicals are put into the feed of cattle and poultry because it effects their growth and efficiency - female estrogen hormones are also added as a growth stimulant that really only adds useless fat and water. In every year you eat 3 pounds of intentional additives with your meals. An additive found commonly in baby foods is sodium nitrate, used to preserve and produce the pink color in cured meats. Nitrates reduce the bloods clotting ability to carry oxygen from the lungs to the babies tissues. Ascorbic acid is also found in baby foods - which makes sodium nitrate more potent. There may be some relationship between food and the more than 20,000 crib deaths that occur annually where a parent puts a child to bed and then finds the baby dead some time later for as yet unexplained reasons. Or white bread - the most valuable nutrients were milled out of the flour, that it was chemically aged, chemically bleached, the dough treated with chemical softeners and preservatives to make it appear fresh, the starchy remains dosed with 3 to 4 synthetic vitamins to replace some 25 nutrients that were removed and that the bread was then sold to you as an "enriched" product. Its illegal to "enrich" bread in Canada where this practice is recognized as a fraud of the consumer. Dr. Ryan, editor of the Dental Digest said "everytime a natural substance is removed from a food, everytime an adulterant is added to a food the balance in nature if disturbed... the chemical and cellular processes with the body cells cannot react to the passing whims of chemists without disturbances in its functions. It took thousands of years for the body to adjust itself to changing environmental conditions. When suddenly these conditions are altered by the actions of men the cells cannot make the adjustment - disease is the result." Consumers are the guinea pigs of big business. They use chemicals to produce more food than can be use in their markets, sacrificing quality to quantity. Then the surplus must be stored at tremendous cost. To keep it from being devoured by insects it must be basted with powerful poisons. The best part of the wheat is removed, fed to animals and to what remains are added synthetic vitamins to make up for the removed nutrient and called "enriched". And then millions of dollars are spent to make up for the nutritional deficiencies of food. These are examples of man's waste and misuse of natural resources for profit, while millions are starving, indicative of his exploitation and lack of regard for people, with no conscience about the eventual consequences of his actions. The health of the workers is another consideration. The dusty trades - mining and grinding, were historically related to chest disease. Mercury, arsenic and lead are still in industrial use. Solvents, plastics, resins, lasers, etc and more than 10,000 chemical and physical agents in use involve hazards to the workers who have to handle them. Over 75,860,000 lbs of organophosphates (commonly called nerve gas) were produced in Amerika in 1968. This causes tremors, muscular spasm, convulsions and deaths. There are many incidences of workers in the fields being sprayed or becoming contaminated with the poisons they are forced to use. The Amerikan ideal - competition - means Exploitation. Exploit Vietnam - and dump these chemicals on their soil, so that the women there too have to bear malformed children, miscarry, of become sterile. When you destroy part of the environment you are destroying part of yourself. "Che made the very important point that the society you're going to build is already reflected in the nature of the struggle that you're carrying out. And one of the most important things in relationship to that is the building of a collective spirit, getting away from this individualistic orientation toward personal salvation, personal involvement.... One of the most important things that has to be done in the process of carrying out a revolutionary struggle is to merge these two different levels, to merge the personal with the political where they're no longer separate. What people have to start doing is to build that collective spirit. to overcome that notion of bourgeois individuality which separated one person from the next and which defines the individual as someone who can assert himself at the expense of his brother by destroying his brother." - ANGELA DAVIS By refusing to eat the pig shit that industry is handing us is one way of recognizing our sisterhood, our collectivity. The pollution problem goes beyond the middle class, because ultimately every person is acutely affected by the poisons hi is injecting into his system. Its true that there are all sorts of ways to destroy people short of killing their bodies. Sexist, racist, imperialistic Amerika has been using a slow poison and we must stop it now. (Next article on alternatives) [photo of woman shopping in grocery store] a Woman? [hand drawn arm] September 25, 1970 11
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