Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1971-02-19 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 11
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This page is from the Minot, North Dakota Women's Liberation THE MINOT MEANIES feminism in north dakota GETTING IT TOGETHER We began a year ago when three military wives called a meeting of nine women to discuss The Feminine Mystique. We have continued meeting weekly as a Women's Liberation study group, reading about and discussing the issues and doing some consciousness raising. Eventually we branched out and spoke about Women's Liberation to several groups in town: sociology classes at Minot State, town women who came to meetings in the Public Library, and Air Force nurses. One of our members spoke to ZPG and a church group on abortion law repeal. We helped set up a rap center (called OPEN) where we meet at 7:00 p.m. on the second and last Monday of each month and where we have informal raps occasionally. There's a group of married women on base, another is about to form, a college group is reorganizing, and some high school women are getting together. We've leafletted the "Little Miss" contest (we called it the "Little Miss Heifer" content to parallel the State Fair cattle shows). Last fall college jocks posted a "cattle crossing" sign and heckled women provoking the women to post a "male chauvinist pig" sign in revenge. They also held a guerilla action in the student union where Super Sister saved an unfortunate comrade from male intimidation. The Minot Women's Collective compiled a feminist appointment calendar (see ad this page) with help from women across the country. We think it's a good feminist statement. Plans for the future include an assault on the state legislature for abortion repeal, a women's counselling service, a speakers bureau, library displays, leafletting, spontaneous actions, and a state women's liberation conference. We're small, we struggle with small-town apathy and paranoia, but we're getting stronger. If we can make it here, we can do it anywhere. Minot Sisters. [photo] day by day super sister [photo] a coming together day by day UPPER MIDWEST WL DIRECTORY Help us end our feelings of isolation and establish a means of getting in touch with each other to share ideas. We're compiling a listing of WL groups and contacts in our area--especially N.D., S.D., Mont., Mn., Wyo., and Iowa. We'll make the list available to women and groups who would like to receive it and share the information with an international WL directory compiled in Calif: MUSHROOM EFFECT, P.O. Box 6024, Albany, Calif 94706. Available for 50c. If you are in a group or are an individual who would be a contact for an area and are not already listed in MUSHROOM EFFECT, please send your name, address, phone no. and a short description about you or the group to us: MINOT WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE P.O. Box 235 Minot, North Dakota 58701 We'd be glad to put up women who are traveling through and hope this directory might include others who would do that too. Contacts here: Linda Bryan (701)727-4991 OPEN--rap center where some of our meetings are held--(701)838-5502 6-12 p.m. [insert] DAY BY DAY 1971 Calendar/Appointment Book Edited and Designed by Women compiled by minot women's collective p o box 235 minot north dakota 58701 1 copy $2.25 10 or more $2.00 ea. a woman? February 19, 1970 11
This page is from the Minot, North Dakota Women's Liberation THE MINOT MEANIES feminism in north dakota GETTING IT TOGETHER We began a year ago when three military wives called a meeting of nine women to discuss The Feminine Mystique. We have continued meeting weekly as a Women's Liberation study group, reading about and discussing the issues and doing some consciousness raising. Eventually we branched out and spoke about Women's Liberation to several groups in town: sociology classes at Minot State, town women who came to meetings in the Public Library, and Air Force nurses. One of our members spoke to ZPG and a church group on abortion law repeal. We helped set up a rap center (called OPEN) where we meet at 7:00 p.m. on the second and last Monday of each month and where we have informal raps occasionally. There's a group of married women on base, another is about to form, a college group is reorganizing, and some high school women are getting together. We've leafletted the "Little Miss" contest (we called it the "Little Miss Heifer" content to parallel the State Fair cattle shows). Last fall college jocks posted a "cattle crossing" sign and heckled women provoking the women to post a "male chauvinist pig" sign in revenge. They also held a guerilla action in the student union where Super Sister saved an unfortunate comrade from male intimidation. The Minot Women's Collective compiled a feminist appointment calendar (see ad this page) with help from women across the country. We think it's a good feminist statement. Plans for the future include an assault on the state legislature for abortion repeal, a women's counselling service, a speakers bureau, library displays, leafletting, spontaneous actions, and a state women's liberation conference. We're small, we struggle with small-town apathy and paranoia, but we're getting stronger. If we can make it here, we can do it anywhere. Minot Sisters. [photo] day by day super sister [photo] a coming together day by day UPPER MIDWEST WL DIRECTORY Help us end our feelings of isolation and establish a means of getting in touch with each other to share ideas. We're compiling a listing of WL groups and contacts in our area--especially N.D., S.D., Mont., Mn., Wyo., and Iowa. We'll make the list available to women and groups who would like to receive it and share the information with an international WL directory compiled in Calif: MUSHROOM EFFECT, P.O. Box 6024, Albany, Calif 94706. Available for 50c. If you are in a group or are an individual who would be a contact for an area and are not already listed in MUSHROOM EFFECT, please send your name, address, phone no. and a short description about you or the group to us: MINOT WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE P.O. Box 235 Minot, North Dakota 58701 We'd be glad to put up women who are traveling through and hope this directory might include others who would do that too. Contacts here: Linda Bryan (701)727-4991 OPEN--rap center where some of our meetings are held--(701)838-5502 6-12 p.m. [insert] DAY BY DAY 1971 Calendar/Appointment Book Edited and Designed by Women compiled by minot women's collective p o box 235 minot north dakota 58701 1 copy $2.25 10 or more $2.00 ea. a woman? February 19, 1970 11
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