Students for a Democratic Society, 1965-1972
1970-03-04 'SDS Newsletter' Page 4
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"BoyCott River Room Cafeteria" Friday, March 6 Bring A Sack Lunch WE ARE DEMANDING THAT THE IOWA MEMORIAL UNION HIRE TWO MORE COOKS IN THE RIVER ROOM KITCHEN. Last year there were five cooks to prepare the food for the River Room, State Room, Triangle Room, the Catering Service, and the Private Dining Rooms. Now there are TWO cooks, to do essentially the same work. As a result, all the workers in the kitchen, especially the cooks, have to work harder, sometimes to the point of exhaustion The BOSSES PASS THE BUCK The IMU management is fully aware of this situation. Some workers went to Tony Burda, head of the Food-Service, to demand more cooks. He said that he sympathized with the workers, but could do nothing, and that they should go to Harley Allen, who is his subordinate. Mr. Allen said they were trying hard to hire more people, but they wanted one good cook instead of two ordinary cooks. Finally, some student workers and members of sds asked Charles Dalton, Associate Director of the Union, why they didn't more cooks. He declared that THERE IS NO WORK OVERLOAD, AND THAT THEY HAD NO INTENTION OF HIRING MORE COOKS. WE DEMAND MORE COOKS AND LOWER PRICES Mr. Allen and Mr. Dalton have claimed that the wages pad to workers are responsible for high prices in the food service, and that hiring two more cooks would mean even higher prices. This is an attempt to divide students from workers, and to undercut support for the cooks. The Food Service is owned by the University, and, according to their figures, operating at a loss. But the real wages of U.S. workers have been going down, while prices are going up, and this situation is no exception. IMU Business Manger Jim Burke has said that over the last 5 years, business has increased by 5-6%, while man-hours have gone down 1-2%. And According to the Dec. 1969 Food Service Report, sales are down about 3% since last year, while the amount paid in wages down 9%. The University can afford high salaries for its administrators and bureaucrats, it can finance new construction, it can pay for an "efficiency" study in the Food Service, and it can pay $ONE MILLION A YEARintrest on its outstanding bonds. Yet they claim that hiring two more badly needed cooks mean increased food prices at the expense of students and other University employees. The administration is responsible for high prices, low wages, and the over-work of campus workers. **** WE DEMAND TWO MORE COOKS IN THE RIVER ROOM KITCHEN ( DAY SHIFT) **** WE DEMAND THAT PRICES GO DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF SPRING, 1968 WE ARE CALLING FOR A BOYCOTT OF THE RIVER ROOM CAFETERIA, FRIDAY, MAR. 6 BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH -- sds committee to ally with campus workers-- next meeting will be Thursday, 8:00 p.m., Kirkwood Rm., IMU "WE WANT- MORE WORKERS-LOWER PRICES"
"BoyCott River Room Cafeteria" Friday, March 6 Bring A Sack Lunch WE ARE DEMANDING THAT THE IOWA MEMORIAL UNION HIRE TWO MORE COOKS IN THE RIVER ROOM KITCHEN. Last year there were five cooks to prepare the food for the River Room, State Room, Triangle Room, the Catering Service, and the Private Dining Rooms. Now there are TWO cooks, to do essentially the same work. As a result, all the workers in the kitchen, especially the cooks, have to work harder, sometimes to the point of exhaustion The BOSSES PASS THE BUCK The IMU management is fully aware of this situation. Some workers went to Tony Burda, head of the Food-Service, to demand more cooks. He said that he sympathized with the workers, but could do nothing, and that they should go to Harley Allen, who is his subordinate. Mr. Allen said they were trying hard to hire more people, but they wanted one good cook instead of two ordinary cooks. Finally, some student workers and members of sds asked Charles Dalton, Associate Director of the Union, why they didn't more cooks. He declared that THERE IS NO WORK OVERLOAD, AND THAT THEY HAD NO INTENTION OF HIRING MORE COOKS. WE DEMAND MORE COOKS AND LOWER PRICES Mr. Allen and Mr. Dalton have claimed that the wages pad to workers are responsible for high prices in the food service, and that hiring two more cooks would mean even higher prices. This is an attempt to divide students from workers, and to undercut support for the cooks. The Food Service is owned by the University, and, according to their figures, operating at a loss. But the real wages of U.S. workers have been going down, while prices are going up, and this situation is no exception. IMU Business Manger Jim Burke has said that over the last 5 years, business has increased by 5-6%, while man-hours have gone down 1-2%. And According to the Dec. 1969 Food Service Report, sales are down about 3% since last year, while the amount paid in wages down 9%. The University can afford high salaries for its administrators and bureaucrats, it can finance new construction, it can pay for an "efficiency" study in the Food Service, and it can pay $ONE MILLION A YEARintrest on its outstanding bonds. Yet they claim that hiring two more badly needed cooks mean increased food prices at the expense of students and other University employees. The administration is responsible for high prices, low wages, and the over-work of campus workers. **** WE DEMAND TWO MORE COOKS IN THE RIVER ROOM KITCHEN ( DAY SHIFT) **** WE DEMAND THAT PRICES GO DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF SPRING, 1968 WE ARE CALLING FOR A BOYCOTT OF THE RIVER ROOM CAFETERIA, FRIDAY, MAR. 6 BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH -- sds committee to ally with campus workers-- next meeting will be Thursday, 8:00 p.m., Kirkwood Rm., IMU "WE WANT- MORE WORKERS-LOWER PRICES"
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