The Reader and Collector, v. 2, issue 2, June 1941
Page 9
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9. in an article entitled "Attention, Mr. Koenig" in "The Time Scanner" (forming part of this mailing) "Doc" Lowndes takes me to task for some of my comments regarding the Albing Publications and the Futurians. Mr. Lowndes' chief complaint appears to be this: that I make no effort to check the accuracy of statements appearing in some of the fan magazines (particularly those in the New Fandom group) before commenting on them in my columns. I plead guilty. I'm afraid if I had to "take time out" to check the accuracy of each item on which I have commented in 'QUOTATIONS AND COMMENTS" and "THEIR OWN PETARD", the columns would never have been written. (| tried to do it in the early days, but the results were rather dismal). On numerous occasions I have called attention to the ridiculous mistakes made by the Illustrators in our scIentific-fiction magazines. I suspect that some of the "slams" I have taken at illustrators were not justified; the picture in some cases probably predated the story. But, would it be worthwhile writing to the magazines in an effort to check on the "Chicken and egg" phase of the story and the illustration? I hardly think so. Life is too short. ---- Again, I suspect that some of my barbs referring to grammatical errors, etc., should have been aimed at the "printer" rather than the fan-writer. Again, I question the need of writing to the publisher to learn whether it was a typographical error or an English "boner". I repeat, life is too short.----Insofar as the Albing item Is concerned, I took the Fantasy News statement at its face value. (As a matter of fact, if memory serves me correctly, wasn't the non-paying policy of the two new magazines given publicity in other magazines?) However, "Doc" Lowndes has presented a slightly different picture of the so-called non-paying plan; on the basis of which it would appear that my comments and criticisms have been a little harsh and perhaps unjust to Messrs. Albert & Wollheim. If such is the case, I extend my humble apologies to both of those gentlemen. I have no intention of being unfair. My comments were intended to be a criticism of a publishing venture in which the publisher sold a so-called professional magazine the contents of which were of a so-called amateur nature (not paid for). Insofar as the Robbin's account of the 1939 Convention is concerned, I still feel that it was downright silly to report on this convention at such a late date. Particularly when the I940 Convention was already a dead-letter and fans were looking forward to the 1941 affair. Doc Lowndes' article leads me to believe that the belated publication was deliberate and done in an effort to combat false impressions being currently spread. I thought every member of the FAPA was familiar with the details (conflicting and otherwise) of the 1939 Convention. If there were some who were still in the dark, I'd like to inquire where they hibernate— For the purposes of the record, I'd like to repeat (as I have done on numerous previous occasions); I have taken no side in this age-old controversy. I hold no brief for either the Futurians or the New Fandomers. Shortly after the 1939 Convention, both Wollheim and Moskowitz (on separate occasions) visited me and gave me their report on and interpretation of the so-called "exclusion act". I had a Quixotic idea that I might serve as a mediator in the controversy. But, it was hopeless. The viewpoints of Don and Sam were so widely different and so utterly irreconcilable that I just threw up my hands-----The fact that my recent "slam" hit the Futurians was purely "coincidental." I am quite sure if old issues of my two columns are re-read (it ain't worthwhile), it will be found that I have hit as often and as hard against the New Fandom group as I have against the Futurians. There is nothing personaI in my comments, I will always (at least so long as I remain interested in Fantasy Fandom) fight against "isms", feuds and unethical practices. I will always, in my humble way, keep trying to improve the quality of the fan magazines and to promote a better feeling of fellowship and cooperation between the fans. I have made some mistakes. I wiIl probably make more. But, they were and will be unintentional. I want to thank Mr. Lowndes for sending me an advance copy of his article -- in order that my reply might appear in the same mailing. It was a fine gesture.
9. in an article entitled "Attention, Mr. Koenig" in "The Time Scanner" (forming part of this mailing) "Doc" Lowndes takes me to task for some of my comments regarding the Albing Publications and the Futurians. Mr. Lowndes' chief complaint appears to be this: that I make no effort to check the accuracy of statements appearing in some of the fan magazines (particularly those in the New Fandom group) before commenting on them in my columns. I plead guilty. I'm afraid if I had to "take time out" to check the accuracy of each item on which I have commented in 'QUOTATIONS AND COMMENTS" and "THEIR OWN PETARD", the columns would never have been written. (| tried to do it in the early days, but the results were rather dismal). On numerous occasions I have called attention to the ridiculous mistakes made by the Illustrators in our scIentific-fiction magazines. I suspect that some of the "slams" I have taken at illustrators were not justified; the picture in some cases probably predated the story. But, would it be worthwhile writing to the magazines in an effort to check on the "Chicken and egg" phase of the story and the illustration? I hardly think so. Life is too short. ---- Again, I suspect that some of my barbs referring to grammatical errors, etc., should have been aimed at the "printer" rather than the fan-writer. Again, I question the need of writing to the publisher to learn whether it was a typographical error or an English "boner". I repeat, life is too short.----Insofar as the Albing item Is concerned, I took the Fantasy News statement at its face value. (As a matter of fact, if memory serves me correctly, wasn't the non-paying policy of the two new magazines given publicity in other magazines?) However, "Doc" Lowndes has presented a slightly different picture of the so-called non-paying plan; on the basis of which it would appear that my comments and criticisms have been a little harsh and perhaps unjust to Messrs. Albert & Wollheim. If such is the case, I extend my humble apologies to both of those gentlemen. I have no intention of being unfair. My comments were intended to be a criticism of a publishing venture in which the publisher sold a so-called professional magazine the contents of which were of a so-called amateur nature (not paid for). Insofar as the Robbin's account of the 1939 Convention is concerned, I still feel that it was downright silly to report on this convention at such a late date. Particularly when the I940 Convention was already a dead-letter and fans were looking forward to the 1941 affair. Doc Lowndes' article leads me to believe that the belated publication was deliberate and done in an effort to combat false impressions being currently spread. I thought every member of the FAPA was familiar with the details (conflicting and otherwise) of the 1939 Convention. If there were some who were still in the dark, I'd like to inquire where they hibernate— For the purposes of the record, I'd like to repeat (as I have done on numerous previous occasions); I have taken no side in this age-old controversy. I hold no brief for either the Futurians or the New Fandomers. Shortly after the 1939 Convention, both Wollheim and Moskowitz (on separate occasions) visited me and gave me their report on and interpretation of the so-called "exclusion act". I had a Quixotic idea that I might serve as a mediator in the controversy. But, it was hopeless. The viewpoints of Don and Sam were so widely different and so utterly irreconcilable that I just threw up my hands-----The fact that my recent "slam" hit the Futurians was purely "coincidental." I am quite sure if old issues of my two columns are re-read (it ain't worthwhile), it will be found that I have hit as often and as hard against the New Fandom group as I have against the Futurians. There is nothing personaI in my comments, I will always (at least so long as I remain interested in Fantasy Fandom) fight against "isms", feuds and unethical practices. I will always, in my humble way, keep trying to improve the quality of the fan magazines and to promote a better feeling of fellowship and cooperation between the fans. I have made some mistakes. I wiIl probably make more. But, they were and will be unintentional. I want to thank Mr. Lowndes for sending me an advance copy of his article -- in order that my reply might appear in the same mailing. It was a fine gesture.
Hevelin Fanzines