Bay Area News, issue 3, April 31, 1946
Page 3
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p. 3 funny. As I'm becoming rather used to these displays of "fan humor" I hadn't really given the matter much thought..." and the rest of the letter is of no consequence. According to that letter no one can criticize the NFFF unless they belong to it? If you have any harsh criticism to make, don't. It won't have any attention paid to it. Phrase it in words of sweetness and light and people will listen...hmmm. The whole business is tiresome, boring, and should have been left to die peaceably; but we shall endeavor to construct a few words of gentle, helpful, criticism of the NFFF. Revised, expurgated, new, kind to your mind, edition of an Open Letter from the GGFS to the NFFF. The Constitution is too lengthy, unwieldy, and cumbersome. It could be simplified in the extreme, a la Speer. Are we an entire, separate nation that we need such a Constitution? Or are we hobbyists, looking for enjoyment. We realize that the majority of the members of the NFFF voted for it, but with the majority of the leaders speaking in its favor, the rank and file just went along for the ride, at least that is our guess. Resolved: The Welcom Committee is wasting expensive printed matter. A mimeographed outline explaining salient features and advantages that being a fan brings, would do. If the party was at all interested, he would write back asking for more detailed particulars. Then the Welcom Com. could send the detailed information contained in the printed booklet plus information on the NFFF, the latest information that is. Liason Officer to the Pacificon; an entirely unnecessary post. If the Pacificon Directors are having trouble, why not write to the President of the NFFF and he could relay the proposition to the Board of Directors, or publish an appeal in the NFFF organ. Emblem Com. Why an emblem at all? The initials NFFF ought to be enough on all correspondence. Are we to wear lapel pins, or have fancy identification cards like the Lone Ranger, Tom Mix, or what? If people don't know what the initials NFFF stand for, they certainly won't know what the emblem means. We close with a boisterous HURRAY for the MANUSCRIPT BUREAU! The best thing to help fandom the NFFF has done so far. All fans should do all they can to help it along. Its principle needs now are articles, we understand. Summary: The NFFF has too many Bureaus and Committees, and when they are formed, they don't show enough action for our money.
p. 3 funny. As I'm becoming rather used to these displays of "fan humor" I hadn't really given the matter much thought..." and the rest of the letter is of no consequence. According to that letter no one can criticize the NFFF unless they belong to it? If you have any harsh criticism to make, don't. It won't have any attention paid to it. Phrase it in words of sweetness and light and people will listen...hmmm. The whole business is tiresome, boring, and should have been left to die peaceably; but we shall endeavor to construct a few words of gentle, helpful, criticism of the NFFF. Revised, expurgated, new, kind to your mind, edition of an Open Letter from the GGFS to the NFFF. The Constitution is too lengthy, unwieldy, and cumbersome. It could be simplified in the extreme, a la Speer. Are we an entire, separate nation that we need such a Constitution? Or are we hobbyists, looking for enjoyment. We realize that the majority of the members of the NFFF voted for it, but with the majority of the leaders speaking in its favor, the rank and file just went along for the ride, at least that is our guess. Resolved: The Welcom Committee is wasting expensive printed matter. A mimeographed outline explaining salient features and advantages that being a fan brings, would do. If the party was at all interested, he would write back asking for more detailed particulars. Then the Welcom Com. could send the detailed information contained in the printed booklet plus information on the NFFF, the latest information that is. Liason Officer to the Pacificon; an entirely unnecessary post. If the Pacificon Directors are having trouble, why not write to the President of the NFFF and he could relay the proposition to the Board of Directors, or publish an appeal in the NFFF organ. Emblem Com. Why an emblem at all? The initials NFFF ought to be enough on all correspondence. Are we to wear lapel pins, or have fancy identification cards like the Lone Ranger, Tom Mix, or what? If people don't know what the initials NFFF stand for, they certainly won't know what the emblem means. We close with a boisterous HURRAY for the MANUSCRIPT BUREAU! The best thing to help fandom the NFFF has done so far. All fans should do all they can to help it along. Its principle needs now are articles, we understand. Summary: The NFFF has too many Bureaus and Committees, and when they are formed, they don't show enough action for our money.
Hevelin Fanzines