Bay Area News, issue 1, April 8, 1946
Page 2
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The Smiths, Louis and Larry, didn't show up after promising to. Their house was locked, and they were gone with the birds, we expect something drastic happened to prevent their coming. Tom Wright, altho' not an acti-fan, promised to attend the meetings if he could. This Sunday was not one of the days Tom could get a pass from Camp Beale. Bill Watson is now stationed in Little Rock Arkansas. He did alright for himself while at Camp Beale, becoming an accomplished "goldbrick" in no time flat. He'll be okay there. N.Y. next? Friends Everett Wyers and Jack Riggs supplied the two bottles (large) of pop, pound of lunch meat, two cans of deviled ham, one package of cheese, can of tuna fish, potatoe chips, dill pickles, and ripe olives consumed by the gang. James Hevelin 3779 3 St. Riverside Calif. Returned postage guaranteed by Jack Riggs 1620 Chestnut St. Berkeley-2-Calif. MIMEOGRAPHED MATERIAL
The Smiths, Louis and Larry, didn't show up after promising to. Their house was locked, and they were gone with the birds, we expect something drastic happened to prevent their coming. Tom Wright, altho' not an acti-fan, promised to attend the meetings if he could. This Sunday was not one of the days Tom could get a pass from Camp Beale. Bill Watson is now stationed in Little Rock Arkansas. He did alright for himself while at Camp Beale, becoming an accomplished "goldbrick" in no time flat. He'll be okay there. N.Y. next? Friends Everett Wyers and Jack Riggs supplied the two bottles (large) of pop, pound of lunch meat, two cans of deviled ham, one package of cheese, can of tuna fish, potatoe chips, dill pickles, and ripe olives consumed by the gang. James Hevelin 3779 3 St. Riverside Calif. Returned postage guaranteed by Jack Riggs 1620 Chestnut St. Berkeley-2-Calif. MIMEOGRAPHED MATERIAL
Hevelin Fanzines