PSFS News, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 13, January 1939
Page 29
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[header] PSFS News Page 29 [/header] a year, he is now back at the above mentioned P.C.P.&S., taking a special course in bacteriology and clinical chemistry. All memebrs who desire urinalyses or Wassweman tests place note . . . Most of the science fiction history of this member belongs to the future, but we predict much to come, for in the few weeks he has been with us he has shown a great amount of energy in discussing the business of the club, in fact, getting himself elected to the office of Trustee, which office was his own idea, at the very first meeting he attended.
[header] PSFS News Page 29 [/header] a year, he is now back at the above mentioned P.C.P.&S., taking a special course in bacteriology and clinical chemistry. All memebrs who desire urinalyses or Wassweman tests place note . . . Most of the science fiction history of this member belongs to the future, but we predict much to come, for in the few weeks he has been with us he has shown a great amount of energy in discussing the business of the club, in fact, getting himself elected to the office of Trustee, which office was his own idea, at the very first meeting he attended.
Hevelin Fanzines