Phantagraph, v. 10, issue 3, December 1942
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4 not know who might have given them to me and one could never tell. Nonetheless they had no place on my shelves. A few days ago, this summer, I again went over my collection, refiling books. Someone had taken the baby books away. Whoever it was replaced them by a set of juveniles belonging to the "John and Jean" series. They seem to belong to the age category of the twelve year old, being stories of adventures of a boy scout and a girl scout. I looked up this series in Brentano's, and the clerk at the children's counter avers he is not familiar with the titles. The publishers were still the same mysterious Marymount Press of Heming, Cal. I have put these books back in the dark warm upper shelf and I am not going to look there again until late next year. I have an idea that I am going to find the greatest set of novels of the love of man and woman ever to grace the pages of adult English literature. ********************************* ********************************* "The Booklings" is published by The Phantagraph Press and constitutes the first of a series of fantasy booklets to be called Phantagraph Booklets. Intended for distribution through the Fantasy Amateur Press Association as well as to friends of the publisher. PHANTAGRAPH BOOKLETS New York -- August 1942
4 not know who might have given them to me and one could never tell. Nonetheless they had no place on my shelves. A few days ago, this summer, I again went over my collection, refiling books. Someone had taken the baby books away. Whoever it was replaced them by a set of juveniles belonging to the "John and Jean" series. They seem to belong to the age category of the twelve year old, being stories of adventures of a boy scout and a girl scout. I looked up this series in Brentano's, and the clerk at the children's counter avers he is not familiar with the titles. The publishers were still the same mysterious Marymount Press of Heming, Cal. I have put these books back in the dark warm upper shelf and I am not going to look there again until late next year. I have an idea that I am going to find the greatest set of novels of the love of man and woman ever to grace the pages of adult English literature. ********************************* ********************************* "The Booklings" is published by The Phantagraph Press and constitutes the first of a series of fantasy booklets to be called Phantagraph Booklets. Intended for distribution through the Fantasy Amateur Press Association as well as to friends of the publisher. PHANTAGRAPH BOOKLETS New York -- August 1942
Hevelin Fanzines