Sci-Fic Variety, issue 4 and issue 5, December 1941 and March 1942
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(3) But finally Parmay is subdued and dragged back to the surface, nude and protesting. He is charged with murder. Parmay is rushed to trial. An apathetic figure, he offers no defense & is speedily sentenced to life imprisonment. His fiancee, triumphant, exits to take up where she left off with a rich tea-ball manufacturer. The police, triumphant, seal up the entrance to Parmay's underground re-treat. Parmay, still in possession of his amulet, creates a double to serve his prison term, creates another entrance to his paradise and lives there - after with his imagination and its diverting products. ______ (Editor's note: We may be wrong, but we believe we can shed some light upon this interesting book. We faintly recall reading a copy of such in our long-ago youth, and if that same memory serves us alright, the book was published by some underground publisher in Australia, retailing, we believe, for about 29 cents a copy. Undoubtedly it is now out of print.) AND THEN THERE WERE TWO The why and where of Wisconsin fandom -by Phil Schumann And so, we of the badger state have at long last received a request for some news of Wisconsin fandom. We feel highly honored; all four of us . I really shouldn't say that. There are at least ten men in the state , that I now of, who are in any way connected with stf. There are undoubtedly more fantasy readers than that, but we are primarily concerned with those who show even the tiniest spark of enthusiasm. Of authors we have a goodly supply. There's Farley of So. Milwaukee, Derleth of Sauk City, and ummmmmm. Let us continue. As to fans, active or otherwise, we are positively overcrowded. Donn Brazier of Milwaukee (now in the army), Wallace Buchholz of Ripon, Arden Perry of Oshkosh, Paul Klingbiel of West Bend (now of Chicago) & myself, from Milwaukee. Five. Overcrowded. After I met Donn it took him six months to get me interested in fandom. When I finally did, he conceived the idea of publishing a Wisconsin fan mag. Time passed and nothing was done about it. In the early summer he left for a vacation in Minnesota. When he returned I was not notified . I am still angry about not being told, but soon after his return and without my knowledge, Frontier was born. You can imagine what a shock I received to learn that I was in no way connected with its publication! And the worst of it was, even tho he lives barely seven blocks from me, I had to learn of its existence from a correspondant living seven hundred miles away. Naturally I was a bit put out, but i decided then and there to dive right in the middle of fandom. Soon I learned that writing letters, and many of them, grew to be quite a strain on the purse. To this day, in spite of the fact that I am a fan editor, I have only ten correspondants, and but four of them are "regulars". At about this time I begin to harbor dreams of joining the ranks for good and putting out a fanzine, to be titled Fandom. Ackerman broke that bubble pretty quick. As most new fans do, I wrote to 4e for material, hardly expecting a reply. I was very much surprised when an article and letter arrived from him airmail, in record time.
(3) But finally Parmay is subdued and dragged back to the surface, nude and protesting. He is charged with murder. Parmay is rushed to trial. An apathetic figure, he offers no defense & is speedily sentenced to life imprisonment. His fiancee, triumphant, exits to take up where she left off with a rich tea-ball manufacturer. The police, triumphant, seal up the entrance to Parmay's underground re-treat. Parmay, still in possession of his amulet, creates a double to serve his prison term, creates another entrance to his paradise and lives there - after with his imagination and its diverting products. ______ (Editor's note: We may be wrong, but we believe we can shed some light upon this interesting book. We faintly recall reading a copy of such in our long-ago youth, and if that same memory serves us alright, the book was published by some underground publisher in Australia, retailing, we believe, for about 29 cents a copy. Undoubtedly it is now out of print.) AND THEN THERE WERE TWO The why and where of Wisconsin fandom -by Phil Schumann And so, we of the badger state have at long last received a request for some news of Wisconsin fandom. We feel highly honored; all four of us . I really shouldn't say that. There are at least ten men in the state , that I now of, who are in any way connected with stf. There are undoubtedly more fantasy readers than that, but we are primarily concerned with those who show even the tiniest spark of enthusiasm. Of authors we have a goodly supply. There's Farley of So. Milwaukee, Derleth of Sauk City, and ummmmmm. Let us continue. As to fans, active or otherwise, we are positively overcrowded. Donn Brazier of Milwaukee (now in the army), Wallace Buchholz of Ripon, Arden Perry of Oshkosh, Paul Klingbiel of West Bend (now of Chicago) & myself, from Milwaukee. Five. Overcrowded. After I met Donn it took him six months to get me interested in fandom. When I finally did, he conceived the idea of publishing a Wisconsin fan mag. Time passed and nothing was done about it. In the early summer he left for a vacation in Minnesota. When he returned I was not notified . I am still angry about not being told, but soon after his return and without my knowledge, Frontier was born. You can imagine what a shock I received to learn that I was in no way connected with its publication! And the worst of it was, even tho he lives barely seven blocks from me, I had to learn of its existence from a correspondant living seven hundred miles away. Naturally I was a bit put out, but i decided then and there to dive right in the middle of fandom. Soon I learned that writing letters, and many of them, grew to be quite a strain on the purse. To this day, in spite of the fact that I am a fan editor, I have only ten correspondants, and but four of them are "regulars". At about this time I begin to harbor dreams of joining the ranks for good and putting out a fanzine, to be titled Fandom. Ackerman broke that bubble pretty quick. As most new fans do, I wrote to 4e for material, hardly expecting a reply. I was very much surprised when an article and letter arrived from him airmail, in record time.
Hevelin Fanzines