Fantasy Commentator, v. 1, issue 6, Spring 1945
Page 123
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FANTASY COMMENTATOR 123 Ayesha (Haggard) 22 Can Such Things Be? (Bierce) 21 Old Ugly Face (Mundy) 21 The Prince of Peril (Kline) 20 Wandering Ghosts (Crawford) 20 The Worm Ouroborus (Eddison) 20 The Romance of Sorcery (Rohmer) 19 The Room in the Tower (Benson) 19 Brave New World (Huxley) 18 Collected Ghost Stories (James) 18 Collected Ghost Stories (Onions) 18 Widdershins (Onions) 18 The Lady of Blossholme (Haggard) 17 The Mucker (Burroughs) 17 Spook Stories (Benson) 17 Carson of Venus (Burroughs) 16 The Celestial Omnibus (Forster) 16 The Garden of Vision (Beck) 16 Melmoth the Wanderer (Maturin) 16 The Mysterious Stranger (Twain) 16 Some Ghost Stories (Burrage) 16 Uncanny Tales (Crawford) 16 Darkness and Dawn (England) 15 The Night Land (Hodgson) 15 Presenting Moonshine (Collier) 15 Someone in the Dark (Derleth) 15 House on the Borderland (Hodgson) 14 In a Glass Darkly (Le Fanu) 14 Last and First Men (Stapledon) 14 The Openers of the Gates (Beck) 14 The Outlaw of Torn (Burroughs) 14 The Star Rover (London) 14 The Treasure of Ho (Beck) 14 The Apache Devil (Burroughs) 13 A Dreamer's Tales (Dunsany) 13 Etidorhpa (Lloyd) 13 A Fighting Man of Mars (Burroughs) 13 The King in Yellow (Chambers) 13 More Spook Stories (Benson) 13 The Planet of Peril (Kline) 13 The Smoky God (Emerson) 13 Dracula's Guest (Stoker) 12 Dwellers in the Mirage (Merritt) 12 House by the Churchyard (Le Fanu) 12 The House of Sounds (Shiel) 12 The Maker of Moons (Chambers) 12 The Moon Maid (Burroughs) 12 The Ninth Vibration (Beck) 12 Out of the Silence (Cox) 12 Starmaker (Stapledon) 12 Visible and Invisible (Benson) 12 The War of the Worlds (Wells) 12 Tanar of Pellucidar (Burroughs) 11 The Way of the Spirit (Beck) 11 When Worlds Collide (Balmer & Wylie) 11 The Moon Pool (Merritt) 11 Prince Zaleski (Shiel) 11 Red Eve (Haggard) 11 The Soul of Lilith (Corelli) 11 The Sword in the Stone (White) 11 Alruane (Ewers) 10 The Banshee's Warning (Riddell) 10 The Ghost Pirates (Hodgson) 10 Land that Time Forgot (Burroughs) 10 Lest Darkness Fall (de Camp) 10 King Soloman's Mines (Haggard) 10 The Place Called Dagon (Gorman) 10 Tarzan and the Leopard Men (Burroughs) 10 Tarzan and the Lion-Man (Burroughs) 10 Weird Stories (Riddell) 10 The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" (Hod'n) 9 The Bride of Fu Manchu (Rohmer) 9 Dr. Arnoldi (Thayer) 9 Ghost Stories (Heron) 9 Girl in the Golden Atom (Cummings) 9 The Ivory Child (Haggard) 9 Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (Bellamy) 9 The Monk (Lewis) 9 The Metal Emperor (Merritt) 9 Out of the Silent Planet (Lewis) 9 Pirates of Venus (Burroughs) 9 Sinister House (Hall) 9 Synthetic Men of Mars 9 Tarzan Triumphant (Burroughs) 9 The World Below (Wright) 9 Back to the Stone Age (Burroughs) 8 Carnacki the Ghost-Finder (Hogson) 8 The Chessmen of Mars (Burroughs) 8 Children of the Pool (Machen) 8 Dr. Therne (Haggard) 8 The Edge of Running Water (Sloane) 8 The Elixer of Life (Ransome) 8 The Hill of Dreams (Machen) 8 Judas and other Stories (Metcalfe) 8 Lunkundoo and other Stories (White) 8 Montezuma's Daughter (Haggard) 8 Nada the Lily (Haggard) 8 The Pale Ape (Shiel) 8 The Time Machine (Wells) 8 The Way of Power (Beck) 8 When the World Shook (Haggard) 8 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (Huxley) 7 The Brook Kerith (Moore) 7 Child of the Storm (Haggard) 7 Creep, Shadow! (Merritt) 7 Dawn of Flame (Weinbaum) 7 The Devil-Doctor (Rohmer) 7 The Ghost-Ship (Middleton) 7
FANTASY COMMENTATOR 123 Ayesha (Haggard) 22 Can Such Things Be? (Bierce) 21 Old Ugly Face (Mundy) 21 The Prince of Peril (Kline) 20 Wandering Ghosts (Crawford) 20 The Worm Ouroborus (Eddison) 20 The Romance of Sorcery (Rohmer) 19 The Room in the Tower (Benson) 19 Brave New World (Huxley) 18 Collected Ghost Stories (James) 18 Collected Ghost Stories (Onions) 18 Widdershins (Onions) 18 The Lady of Blossholme (Haggard) 17 The Mucker (Burroughs) 17 Spook Stories (Benson) 17 Carson of Venus (Burroughs) 16 The Celestial Omnibus (Forster) 16 The Garden of Vision (Beck) 16 Melmoth the Wanderer (Maturin) 16 The Mysterious Stranger (Twain) 16 Some Ghost Stories (Burrage) 16 Uncanny Tales (Crawford) 16 Darkness and Dawn (England) 15 The Night Land (Hodgson) 15 Presenting Moonshine (Collier) 15 Someone in the Dark (Derleth) 15 House on the Borderland (Hodgson) 14 In a Glass Darkly (Le Fanu) 14 Last and First Men (Stapledon) 14 The Openers of the Gates (Beck) 14 The Outlaw of Torn (Burroughs) 14 The Star Rover (London) 14 The Treasure of Ho (Beck) 14 The Apache Devil (Burroughs) 13 A Dreamer's Tales (Dunsany) 13 Etidorhpa (Lloyd) 13 A Fighting Man of Mars (Burroughs) 13 The King in Yellow (Chambers) 13 More Spook Stories (Benson) 13 The Planet of Peril (Kline) 13 The Smoky God (Emerson) 13 Dracula's Guest (Stoker) 12 Dwellers in the Mirage (Merritt) 12 House by the Churchyard (Le Fanu) 12 The House of Sounds (Shiel) 12 The Maker of Moons (Chambers) 12 The Moon Maid (Burroughs) 12 The Ninth Vibration (Beck) 12 Out of the Silence (Cox) 12 Starmaker (Stapledon) 12 Visible and Invisible (Benson) 12 The War of the Worlds (Wells) 12 Tanar of Pellucidar (Burroughs) 11 The Way of the Spirit (Beck) 11 When Worlds Collide (Balmer & Wylie) 11 The Moon Pool (Merritt) 11 Prince Zaleski (Shiel) 11 Red Eve (Haggard) 11 The Soul of Lilith (Corelli) 11 The Sword in the Stone (White) 11 Alruane (Ewers) 10 The Banshee's Warning (Riddell) 10 The Ghost Pirates (Hodgson) 10 Land that Time Forgot (Burroughs) 10 Lest Darkness Fall (de Camp) 10 King Soloman's Mines (Haggard) 10 The Place Called Dagon (Gorman) 10 Tarzan and the Leopard Men (Burroughs) 10 Tarzan and the Lion-Man (Burroughs) 10 Weird Stories (Riddell) 10 The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" (Hod'n) 9 The Bride of Fu Manchu (Rohmer) 9 Dr. Arnoldi (Thayer) 9 Ghost Stories (Heron) 9 Girl in the Golden Atom (Cummings) 9 The Ivory Child (Haggard) 9 Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (Bellamy) 9 The Monk (Lewis) 9 The Metal Emperor (Merritt) 9 Out of the Silent Planet (Lewis) 9 Pirates of Venus (Burroughs) 9 Sinister House (Hall) 9 Synthetic Men of Mars 9 Tarzan Triumphant (Burroughs) 9 The World Below (Wright) 9 Back to the Stone Age (Burroughs) 8 Carnacki the Ghost-Finder (Hogson) 8 The Chessmen of Mars (Burroughs) 8 Children of the Pool (Machen) 8 Dr. Therne (Haggard) 8 The Edge of Running Water (Sloane) 8 The Elixer of Life (Ransome) 8 The Hill of Dreams (Machen) 8 Judas and other Stories (Metcalfe) 8 Lunkundoo and other Stories (White) 8 Montezuma's Daughter (Haggard) 8 Nada the Lily (Haggard) 8 The Pale Ape (Shiel) 8 The Time Machine (Wells) 8 The Way of Power (Beck) 8 When the World Shook (Haggard) 8 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (Huxley) 7 The Brook Kerith (Moore) 7 Child of the Storm (Haggard) 7 Creep, Shadow! (Merritt) 7 Dawn of Flame (Weinbaum) 7 The Devil-Doctor (Rohmer) 7 The Ghost-Ship (Middleton) 7
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