Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 19, November 1941
Page 7
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 7 John M. CUNNINGHAM, Director British Science Fiction War Relief Socy, 2060 Gilbert St, Beaumont, Tex. states: "You may expect a life sub. from me sometimes this year, after I have saved that sum up.I list VOM as the best-Stfandom news fanzine ever yet or at present published--that is for neatness, readibility and contents of interest. Does VOM stsill keep in contact with French fans in France, how so? (Oui, mais c'est ne trés désinvolté pas, dites Forêt.) The liquor question: It has just come to my attention that there is to be a $4.00 tax on each gallon of alcholics. This makes it more expensive, and for stfans things that cost more--are mighty heavy on the pocket books, and so would be outa the question for purchase for many. In my opinion BEER is not an alcoholic--when indulged in lightly. By making it possible to secure beer at the Pacificon, it will most likely simplify the drunkedness question. Some men drink Alcoholics because at first they took it as a bracer (stimulant) then it became a habit--which the could not break. Others take beer to make them 'happy' as a dope (eg opium) might, to forget troubles or to be the 'life of the party'. In either case such persons should not be given much consideration--or encouragement, as they are liable to do things that would not befet their character etc. (I do not deplore people who drink to excessive, I only pity them, as they are lowering their state of character & usually mind). I suggest you might improve VOM by adding some of that PERFUME matter to the printing ink, a different smell (type) each ish! I have seen it done(that is smelled it) on the local city paper, and it really is a novelty. Why not investigate the possibility? Wouldn't the fans open their eyes (and nostril for that matter) on glancing through VOM to smell a tantalizing odor emerging from its pages. Wow! Its food for thought! Let me know what you think of the idea. (And dont say it stinks--it just SMELLS (Delightfully). (We don't trust ourselves to make any reply on this subject.) --Fand M) " JUST WHAT QUALIFICATIONS MUST ONE HAVE TO BE A GENUINE S-F FAN? I have heard so much differential on this point from various sources, that my head is in a whirlwind trying to find out the answer (In my opinion a person can be a fan-much better even, by doing his part in that field--in his (or her) own way-as they please, than one who organizes-or belongs to a so caled un-qulified S-F Club or organization--as any Stfandom club-Eg. Pittsburg Science Fiction Club)." (Well, what are the Views of the Imagi-nation on this subject?) Fonetik spelr "DIK WAT" rīts frm Barkr, Nu York: " 'Tigrina'! The nām is apēling. What ive red about her intrēgs me. Her thwartd ambishuns led to danjr. Bwair, Tigrina! U must revēl ūr tru identity to us if we r to help u. " 'Vomaidens r okā by me, but as Margo sez, 'Those boots--.' (refering to aug. kuvr.) " Now look what you went and done - got me started all over again in my version of fonetic spelling of English-American. Woe is me. " How does a guy get into the swing of things-and acquainted with the gang-etc. I don't have too much time to sling ink around, but if any of the guys and gals would like to drop me a line and hope for a reply I'll be only too glad to hear from them. Also answer any question (if I can think of a plausable answer) about anything. " I'm just a dirt farmer with a flare for reading Sfmags, and writing letters and various other pastimes not generally known except to intimate friends. "That repro by Adele in VOM 1014 is a honey-Wonder if she could think up and put on paper some of her own work for us lovers of the feminine form to gaze upon? (To our vast regret, both Adele & Paule have retired from fantasy artistration. --FandM) -- I'm looking forward to some enjoyhable reading this winter when my copies of Vom come rolling in." J Harvey Haggard - one the Californiauthors expected at the Pacificon, reports briefly: "Have looked over latest ish and find it stimulating. Be U nude I'd say something like that. Give thumbs up sign to Cartoons. Won't B long till they'll B addressing U as Vom, Esquire." 10-Q! Jack Gelson of 7 Belmont Rd, Parkstone, Dorset, England, describes his reaction to the Denvention Vom: "I particularly liked the cover pic of ODD JOHN. It's one of the best cover drawings I've seen on a fanzine. The 'forward with Vom' design was not at all good, it rather spoilt the appearance of the cover as a whole. The back cover altho' well done, bore such striking resemblence to an octopus that it did not appeal. The wording was definitely pleasing. " Now we'll get down to the meaty part of the mag, the letters themselves. I could praise them to the skies but I won't, they were good as usual but much more interesting to the U.S. fan than to one in the U.K. They discuss topics with which we over here (at any rate, speaking for myself) are unfamiliar. However there are one or two points upon which I should like to express my opinions. Firstly the colour ink used; to me the green is infinitely more pleasing than the black. Green is restful to the eyes., and when, like me, you've only one eye any use, thats a big consideration. Secondly why call the Denvention the 'WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION? When it was almost, if not absolutely, impossible for a fan from Britain or the Empire to attend, how was that justified? It's The Pacificon in 1947 & the Convention Society is calling it the WORLD Convention. No fan has ever crost a national boundary, it is true, to attend one of the Cons. Attendance has been necessarily national. But individuals in England & Australia, for instance, have supported the WORLD cons by publicity & membership & prroxy-participation. When a major disagreement arose as to whether the Coming Com should be termd National, which is technicly correct, or WORLD, so all U British boys & Ausseys & Canucks &c coud feel U had a part in it whether U coud attend or not--I was 1,000,000% for WORLD. Now, oh irony! to be chided thus! --Forry
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 7 John M. CUNNINGHAM, Director British Science Fiction War Relief Socy, 2060 Gilbert St, Beaumont, Tex. states: "You may expect a life sub. from me sometimes this year, after I have saved that sum up.I list VOM as the best-Stfandom news fanzine ever yet or at present published--that is for neatness, readibility and contents of interest. Does VOM stsill keep in contact with French fans in France, how so? (Oui, mais c'est ne trés désinvolté pas, dites Forêt.) The liquor question: It has just come to my attention that there is to be a $4.00 tax on each gallon of alcholics. This makes it more expensive, and for stfans things that cost more--are mighty heavy on the pocket books, and so would be outa the question for purchase for many. In my opinion BEER is not an alcoholic--when indulged in lightly. By making it possible to secure beer at the Pacificon, it will most likely simplify the drunkedness question. Some men drink Alcoholics because at first they took it as a bracer (stimulant) then it became a habit--which the could not break. Others take beer to make them 'happy' as a dope (eg opium) might, to forget troubles or to be the 'life of the party'. In either case such persons should not be given much consideration--or encouragement, as they are liable to do things that would not befet their character etc. (I do not deplore people who drink to excessive, I only pity them, as they are lowering their state of character & usually mind). I suggest you might improve VOM by adding some of that PERFUME matter to the printing ink, a different smell (type) each ish! I have seen it done(that is smelled it) on the local city paper, and it really is a novelty. Why not investigate the possibility? Wouldn't the fans open their eyes (and nostril for that matter) on glancing through VOM to smell a tantalizing odor emerging from its pages. Wow! Its food for thought! Let me know what you think of the idea. (And dont say it stinks--it just SMELLS (Delightfully). (We don't trust ourselves to make any reply on this subject.) --Fand M) " JUST WHAT QUALIFICATIONS MUST ONE HAVE TO BE A GENUINE S-F FAN? I have heard so much differential on this point from various sources, that my head is in a whirlwind trying to find out the answer (In my opinion a person can be a fan-much better even, by doing his part in that field--in his (or her) own way-as they please, than one who organizes-or belongs to a so caled un-qulified S-F Club or organization--as any Stfandom club-Eg. Pittsburg Science Fiction Club)." (Well, what are the Views of the Imagi-nation on this subject?) Fonetik spelr "DIK WAT" rīts frm Barkr, Nu York: " 'Tigrina'! The nām is apēling. What ive red about her intrēgs me. Her thwartd ambishuns led to danjr. Bwair, Tigrina! U must revēl ūr tru identity to us if we r to help u. " 'Vomaidens r okā by me, but as Margo sez, 'Those boots--.' (refering to aug. kuvr.) " Now look what you went and done - got me started all over again in my version of fonetic spelling of English-American. Woe is me. " How does a guy get into the swing of things-and acquainted with the gang-etc. I don't have too much time to sling ink around, but if any of the guys and gals would like to drop me a line and hope for a reply I'll be only too glad to hear from them. Also answer any question (if I can think of a plausable answer) about anything. " I'm just a dirt farmer with a flare for reading Sfmags, and writing letters and various other pastimes not generally known except to intimate friends. "That repro by Adele in VOM 1014 is a honey-Wonder if she could think up and put on paper some of her own work for us lovers of the feminine form to gaze upon? (To our vast regret, both Adele & Paule have retired from fantasy artistration. --FandM) -- I'm looking forward to some enjoyhable reading this winter when my copies of Vom come rolling in." J Harvey Haggard - one the Californiauthors expected at the Pacificon, reports briefly: "Have looked over latest ish and find it stimulating. Be U nude I'd say something like that. Give thumbs up sign to Cartoons. Won't B long till they'll B addressing U as Vom, Esquire." 10-Q! Jack Gelson of 7 Belmont Rd, Parkstone, Dorset, England, describes his reaction to the Denvention Vom: "I particularly liked the cover pic of ODD JOHN. It's one of the best cover drawings I've seen on a fanzine. The 'forward with Vom' design was not at all good, it rather spoilt the appearance of the cover as a whole. The back cover altho' well done, bore such striking resemblence to an octopus that it did not appeal. The wording was definitely pleasing. " Now we'll get down to the meaty part of the mag, the letters themselves. I could praise them to the skies but I won't, they were good as usual but much more interesting to the U.S. fan than to one in the U.K. They discuss topics with which we over here (at any rate, speaking for myself) are unfamiliar. However there are one or two points upon which I should like to express my opinions. Firstly the colour ink used; to me the green is infinitely more pleasing than the black. Green is restful to the eyes., and when, like me, you've only one eye any use, thats a big consideration. Secondly why call the Denvention the 'WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION? When it was almost, if not absolutely, impossible for a fan from Britain or the Empire to attend, how was that justified? It's The Pacificon in 1947 & the Convention Society is calling it the WORLD Convention. No fan has ever crost a national boundary, it is true, to attend one of the Cons. Attendance has been necessarily national. But individuals in England & Australia, for instance, have supported the WORLD cons by publicity & membership & prroxy-participation. When a major disagreement arose as to whether the Coming Com should be termd National, which is technicly correct, or WORLD, so all U British boys & Ausseys & Canucks &c coud feel U had a part in it whether U coud attend or not--I was 1,000,000% for WORLD. Now, oh irony! to be chided thus! --Forry
Hevelin Fanzines