Voice of the Imagination, issue 50, July 1947
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invented a sixth sense, the sense of wonder, to enjoy her in her most mysterious moods. 'Next, when you are describing A shape, or sound, or tint; Don't state the matter plainly, But put it in a hint; And learn to look at all things With a sort of mental squint.' "The flash of lightning over a graveyard, the typhoon at sea, the owl hooting by the ruined seat of greatness -- all these gave extreme pleasure to the senses, and the most refined sensibility collected new types of sense experience as 18th-century earls collected antique marbles and as present-day monarchs collect stamps. "The love of cruelty and of torture, the excitement over exotic loves, the passion for the new in exploration & adventure were in part an expression of the desire for new tracts of territory in which the sense could be exercised.
invented a sixth sense, the sense of wonder, to enjoy her in her most mysterious moods. 'Next, when you are describing A shape, or sound, or tint; Don't state the matter plainly, But put it in a hint; And learn to look at all things With a sort of mental squint.' "The flash of lightning over a graveyard, the typhoon at sea, the owl hooting by the ruined seat of greatness -- all these gave extreme pleasure to the senses, and the most refined sensibility collected new types of sense experience as 18th-century earls collected antique marbles and as present-day monarchs collect stamps. "The love of cruelty and of torture, the excitement over exotic loves, the passion for the new in exploration & adventure were in part an expression of the desire for new tracts of territory in which the sense could be exercised.
Hevelin Fanzines