Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
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Conttents COVER.............MOTHER & DAWTER TIME ...............WIEDENBECK Ted Carnell: Season's Greetings Well Seasond...........................Below 13 Things Composing Coeditorial of Sorts.....................................Across Art Widner Jr: Too many Silty Simfonys, too much of the " Refrain from Rezon".......................4 Joe fortier: MS. Found in a Shottle Bop........................................4 Prehistoricartoon...Ray Harryhausen......................6 Phil: A Bronson burner..6 HWTiffany: Lessee yer Pettygree......we'll hatta inspectrum.......................6 Walt Liebscher: In Conference......................7 Allan Class: Man hole? Oh - well....................................7 DRSmith: Hi; freak went, see? She was of volt age. (Ever read Dr Keller's "The Little Husbands"?)..................7 Harry Warner Jr: No close? We want to present a finisht cover................................8 Rustebar: Medium rare, please.............................8 Jro Millard: Tigrina a "plot"? Watch she don't plant U in one:.................................8 Eric S Needham: No similarity whatsoever.....dW's character was ambidextrous....8 "Renny" Rennison: Watcha want for a dime, thionite?....9 Georges et Yvonne Gallet: Our frenchums.....................9 "It's Been Grand Knowing You" (Feature) Chapman/Arnold....9 Ron Levy: Melancholy Mood.............................................10 David R Evans: His wife's dressing added zest to hot dishes............................................10 DJDoughty: Welter Wade Champion of the World........11 Julian Parr lin colab with A. Von Bardi: "King Leer".........11 Len Moffatt: Strong Man Act..he tears thru Vom!.......11 Dennis Tucker: Wants to be worth a Bob (special British pun)...........................................11 "Meet the Reader I" - 'Ecco' (Edw C Connor)...................12 "Bat Girl" (Pic by Delder, from the bk by Viña D'Elmer)..........Spread Les Croutch: Professore............13 Tales of Tigrina (including a Forry Story)..........................13 Bacover...............Stencild by Daugherty. Fannouncement.......Bacover VOICE OF THE IMAGI - NATION PUBLISHT SIXWKLY AT BX 6475 METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES CAL, BY FORREST J ACKERMAN & MOROJO. 10C, 90C YEARLY. Ted CARNELL, now "Lance Bombardier" Carnell, from 17 Burwash Rd. Plumstead SE 18, London, England, 24 Nov 41: "Through the voice of Shangri-la I'd like to send greetings to the many friends I have in the States. This year it is impossible for me to obtain any adequate supply of greetings cards. I'd like to send a cheery 'Hello' to the Tucker tribe from Irene and mysolf. The zombie keeps arriving at intervals, Bob. Why don't you white? Then wo'd like to send our bost wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Daughorty, commonly known as Elinor and Walt.. Hiya people? A special corner in our hearts for Morojo and Pogo. Bob Lowndes... Kon Chapman montions hoaring from you recently, Bob, and that you askod if I'd heard from you recently. No, I haven't, Don, so I guess wo'd botter leave that little deal over until after the war. Regards too to Fred Pohl abd his wife; Don Wollheim.. so long now since we last swapped dirty stories I've forgotten what he looks like. Yes and Jack Williamson and Charlie Hornig too. Milt Rothman; Jack Speer the phony man; Elmer Perdue; Spaceways Warner (long time no hear, Harry); Erle Korshak.... Hi, Earl; damon the damon: Russ Eodgkins, Olen Wiggins; Will Sykora; T. Bruce Yerke.... hoy's your observatory, Brueey; Charles L. Barrett; Art Widner.... gosh, that name made me gallup:..... and all the fans and fanettes whose names mako news."
Conttents COVER.............MOTHER & DAWTER TIME ...............WIEDENBECK Ted Carnell: Season's Greetings Well Seasond...........................Below 13 Things Composing Coeditorial of Sorts.....................................Across Art Widner Jr: Too many Silty Simfonys, too much of the " Refrain from Rezon".......................4 Joe fortier: MS. Found in a Shottle Bop........................................4 Prehistoricartoon...Ray Harryhausen......................6 Phil: A Bronson burner..6 HWTiffany: Lessee yer Pettygree......we'll hatta inspectrum.......................6 Walt Liebscher: In Conference......................7 Allan Class: Man hole? Oh - well....................................7 DRSmith: Hi; freak went, see? She was of volt age. (Ever read Dr Keller's "The Little Husbands"?)..................7 Harry Warner Jr: No close? We want to present a finisht cover................................8 Rustebar: Medium rare, please.............................8 Jro Millard: Tigrina a "plot"? Watch she don't plant U in one:.................................8 Eric S Needham: No similarity whatsoever.....dW's character was ambidextrous....8 "Renny" Rennison: Watcha want for a dime, thionite?....9 Georges et Yvonne Gallet: Our frenchums.....................9 "It's Been Grand Knowing You" (Feature) Chapman/Arnold....9 Ron Levy: Melancholy Mood.............................................10 David R Evans: His wife's dressing added zest to hot dishes............................................10 DJDoughty: Welter Wade Champion of the World........11 Julian Parr lin colab with A. Von Bardi: "King Leer".........11 Len Moffatt: Strong Man Act..he tears thru Vom!.......11 Dennis Tucker: Wants to be worth a Bob (special British pun)...........................................11 "Meet the Reader I" - 'Ecco' (Edw C Connor)...................12 "Bat Girl" (Pic by Delder, from the bk by Viña D'Elmer)..........Spread Les Croutch: Professore............13 Tales of Tigrina (including a Forry Story)..........................13 Bacover...............Stencild by Daugherty. Fannouncement.......Bacover VOICE OF THE IMAGI - NATION PUBLISHT SIXWKLY AT BX 6475 METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES CAL, BY FORREST J ACKERMAN & MOROJO. 10C, 90C YEARLY. Ted CARNELL, now "Lance Bombardier" Carnell, from 17 Burwash Rd. Plumstead SE 18, London, England, 24 Nov 41: "Through the voice of Shangri-la I'd like to send greetings to the many friends I have in the States. This year it is impossible for me to obtain any adequate supply of greetings cards. I'd like to send a cheery 'Hello' to the Tucker tribe from Irene and mysolf. The zombie keeps arriving at intervals, Bob. Why don't you white? Then wo'd like to send our bost wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Daughorty, commonly known as Elinor and Walt.. Hiya people? A special corner in our hearts for Morojo and Pogo. Bob Lowndes... Kon Chapman montions hoaring from you recently, Bob, and that you askod if I'd heard from you recently. No, I haven't, Don, so I guess wo'd botter leave that little deal over until after the war. Regards too to Fred Pohl abd his wife; Don Wollheim.. so long now since we last swapped dirty stories I've forgotten what he looks like. Yes and Jack Williamson and Charlie Hornig too. Milt Rothman; Jack Speer the phony man; Elmer Perdue; Spaceways Warner (long time no hear, Harry); Erle Korshak.... Hi, Earl; damon the damon: Russ Eodgkins, Olen Wiggins; Will Sykora; T. Bruce Yerke.... hoy's your observatory, Brueey; Charles L. Barrett; Art Widner.... gosh, that name made me gallup:..... and all the fans and fanettes whose names mako news."
Hevelin Fanzines